Jan. 31st, 2012


Meme Time!

Also, I have too much time on my hands today and we all know what that means, right? Yes, it´s time for a meme! Since it´s the middle of the week and stuff, I´m not aiming for anything too exhausting. Let´s just go with an old-fashioned IC Marry Fuck Kill.

- Post a header with your character´s name in the subject line.
- Respond to other characters with sets of three names of Dalton characters.
- Receive such sets yourself.
- Let your character choose which character they´d marry, which they´d kill and which´d fuck. Feel free to offer the reasons why.
- React to other character´s choices IC.
- Profit.
- Note: As always, all knowledge gained is OOC.

Jan. 18th, 2012


Meme Time!

You guys know I (Tina speaking) have an unhealthy love for memes, right? Well, I´m bored, have nothing better to do (because my next exam is 10 days away and it´s 1am anyway) and I can´t sleep. So.

This is the classic Question and Answer meme. I know we´ve done those at least twice, but they seem to be popular and we´ve gained a bunch of characters since the last time we´ve done one. And I personally feel those memes help me understand mine own characters much better as well as figure out CR.

The rules are simple:

Post a thread header with the character´s name and other characters can ask whatever they want.

These questions must be answered thruthfully and IC, however the knowledge gained this way is OOC. It doesn´t transfer into the game but can be used as plot bunnies or whatever.

Please, don´t let me distract you from your regularly scheduled game.

Aug. 11th, 2011


MEME TIME: 2 truths and a lie

So it´s totally not Sunday and it´s definitely not the next Sunday after the last meme, but we all know I suck at sticking up to a schedule, right?*

Anyway, MEME TIME (because I´m bored and stuff)!

This time the meme is 2 truths and a lie. The point is for your character to write two truths and a lie about themselves (try to not make it too obvious) and for the other characters to try to guess which is the lie. Once the answer has been guessed, feel free to post three more statements.

EDIT: I forgot to mention! *facepalm* You don't have to just straightforward guess, you can also ask questions about the statements that will help you figure out the correct answer.

*Just so we´re clear, the modly ones´re flawless. This´s Tina speaking.

Jul. 2nd, 2011


MEME TIME: Photographs


We´re back to memes! We skipped last week for important summer school announcements (go and app those temp characters!), but we are back now!

The theme is photographs!

Post photos that your characters has(of themselves, their parents, siblings, friends, pets, places... anything you fancy) and where those pictures are kept (in a photoalbum? In their phone? Slipped between the pages of a book?). Other characters are encouraged to comment on them.

If you want, you can run your pictures through Polaroid first, or make some adjustments in photoshop... Manips are encouraged!

There is no pressure on the number of photos you post. Make it 5 or 50, as long as fun´s had.

The knowledge gained in the meme does not carry over in game!

ALL CHARACTERS (regular, temp, graduated, teachers...) are welcome to join!

credit: We´re shamelessly stealing [info]incanescomods´s ideas.

Jun. 18th, 2011


Since the last IC meme seemed to go well (1253 comments!), have another one!

This time it's Word Association.

Post a thread header with your character's name and other characters comment with a word. Any word. Your character then replies with their first thoughts in relation to this.

Again, any knowledge gained in this won't transfer to the game but feel free to use it for plot bunnies.

Jun. 12th, 2011




Some of us have been craving IC Memes for quite some time and since the boys are all around the world now and the school is empty and we all miss our daily Dalton fix... when is there a better time for a meme than right now? We´ll start with the good old familiar Q&A and if you guys like it, we can bring you memes regularly to have fun with for the rest of the summer break.

This one´s easy and I believe it doesn´t require much explanation. Post a thread header with the character´s name and other characters can ask whatever they want.

These questions must be answered thruthfully and IC, however the knowledge gained this way is OOC. It doesn´t transfer into the game but can be used as plot bunnies or whatever.

An Alphabetical List of Handy Links to the Question Threads )

Jan. 22nd, 2011


By popular demand - it's a Q and A meme!

Comment on this post with your character's name. Other players then reply to your comment with a question - any question - about your character.

You can comment/reply In Character if you want, or keep it OOC, either's good! Just keep it honest, like it's a big game of Truth or Dare. Minus the Dare.