Apr. 20th, 2012



Hey everyone,

So I've realized I owe many threads, and I really should be doing something about Gavin as well, and even now that I'm off hiatus I'm a crazy slow tagger, and basically I'm not holding up my end here. I'm crazy busy right now, and I don't think I can continue with Dalton any longer. You guys have been so amazing and I've loved my year or so here so much! I'll miss you all like crazy! And if I ever find myself with more time, maybe I'll make a boy here and be back. But the boys need their guidance counselor and I just don't think I can bring Lincoln for them anymore. So once I finish up my current threads, I'm off. Thanks so much for introducing me to the world of rpg's, and for being awesome friends. I'm so sorry go be going. Y'all know where to find me if you ever need me <3

Amelia (&Lincoln)

May. 24th, 2011


Hey, everyone. So... pressure is mounting from my parents; I have to get ready for my first year of college and things are going to be a lot more hectic than I envisioned. This, amongst other reasons, is why I've decided to take my leave. It's been a fun run at Dalton, but I have to say good-bye now.

Mods, if you could give me maybe three days May 27th to officially resign, that'd be great. I just want to finish up a few threads and give the boys a chance to talk to Phil and Cas before they take off or fade into obscurity :P

I'll miss you guys,

Apr. 13th, 2011


Calendar Stuff and other things

There will be a test on this... )

Mar. 15th, 2011


Turning a corner

During this time of our new character freeze, Nicole and Spider have been reviewing player activity and ironing out rules. Now that we have new and improved activity guidelines (and a handbook banning sex...), we were able to clear out some unused characters.

Unfortunately, that means we are saying good-bye to:
Lem, who played Isaac Green, the Physics professor
Matty, who played Aubrey Hawthorne, the second sophomore RA
Fee, who played Kevin Sharp, a reclusive senior
Nic, who played Nicholas, our last surviving freshman
and MC, who played TJ McBride, the southern giant

We are also losing Chris Davies, played by Jormy, Primo Andersson, played by Morph, and Ezra Lee, played by Alex, who all want to focus more on their other characters.

The friending button has been updated to reflect the changes, and all the information on the site has been updated as well. If you find anything incorrect or that could use some polishing, please let us know.

Since the new character freeze has been lifted, we are once again accepting applications! Please take our ad far and wide to recruit new Dalton boys to our humble school!

Jan. 21st, 2011


Yes, another one!

Firstly, we have a new player! Please welcome Lem and Isaac Green [info]igreen, Dalton's physics teacher.

Sadly, Anna, [info]jonahparrish, has had to resign from the game due to lack of time.

Make sure you run the friending button to keep your friends list up to date!

Jan. 20th, 2011


More Shuffling

Unfortunately, Emmy has had to drop out of our game as well, do to connectivity issues, taking David with her. Please run the friending button to update your friends lists accordingly. The ad has changed again to show our need for the epic bro-duo of Wes and David, as well as our three missing RAs.

In addition, the Site Map has been checked over and updated so all the links are shiny and new and hopefully somewhat helpful. Please pay special attention to the Misc. Dalton Information, as there is now a block of text describing how the Warblers are run.

Jan. 19th, 2011


Character Shuffles

Today, we are welcoming ONE new player (Josh 2.0, bringing us the second junior RA, Blake Montgomery ([info]lastweekalcohol)), TWO additional new characters (Tasha is playing Delano Hayter ([info]angstwhatangst) and Michelle is playing Skylar Donovan ([info]skylardonovan)), and nothing THREE. I just wanted to type that...

We are also sadly saying good-bye to Raeann, who played Wes and Rachel.

The ad has changed to reflect our need for a new Wes, so ADVERTISE!

Josh 2.0, Tasha, and Michelle, if you could make sure all your characters' information is correct for us, we'd appreciate that.

And everyone, run the friending button


The new class schedule is up! Go check it out!

Dec. 15th, 2010


Good morning, everyone. Or afternoon. Or whatever time. This is unfortunately a sad day at Dalton, for one of our number, Heather (player of [info]ianmack, [info]jawkrawk, and [info]dragomiradams) has had to resign her characters due to personal issues that have come up in her life. She and her boys will be greatly missed.

As far as storylines go, here's what she has suggested:
Ian's father has found a better position at his work, but was required to move across the country. Although Dalton is a boarding school, he did not like the idea of Ian being so far from the family and withdrew him immediately to a school closer to the West Coast. Ian had no warning. At least they waited until after Sectionals.

Ozzie will continue on quietly at Dalton until winter break, during which time his poor, directionless mother will get lost somewhere in Europe. Rather than return to Dalton, Ozzie will join his family on a cross-continent adventure to try to find the wayward woman.

Dragomir was not amused by his mistletoe welcome, and young Tomohisa has been proving to be far too tempting for his own good. Rather than stay and risk impropriety, Drago has resigned his position and found a job at an all-girls school in which his weaknesses are not so easily exploited.

You can run the friending button to remove these characters from your friends list.

This does mean there will be an opening for a new Warbler. Anyone not already playing a Warbler is welcome to have their characters audition; auditions will take place in January. Unlike the most recent auditions, we actually will be playing out these auditions, so make sure you have a song ready.

In addition, the school is taking apps for a new Drama teacher and new Sophomore Advisor.