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Aug. 16th, 2012



It´s has already been stated that the Club/Team Schedule and Class Schedule have changed. Please, go pick your classes.

We´ve also grown tired of all the "Teacher"´s and blank spots where Faculty Advisors should be and so we´ve created a complete staff for you.

Isn´t the staff beautiful? I wonder how the boys get anything done, ever.

Feb. 5th, 2012



Now you don´t have to deal with the long app for your minor characters. Just use this one here. Have fun and also have a look at the wanted characters section!

Have fun!

Your lovely mod team
Josh and Tina

Feb. 1st, 2012


Dear Daltonites!

As Jeanette´s pointed out, the Valentine´s Day is in two weeks! The emails each of your characters received hints at what will happen. What you should expect is this:

On February 11th(because the V-day happens during the week and we realize the weekend is usually when people have more time), a post will come up. It´s going to be a mass thread, in a sense, where you can post your character´s love notes.

Feel free to send notes to anyone, teachers included. Feel free to spice it up using the NPC Dalton students. Most notes will get through, especially in the morning hours, but the most inappropriate ones will be censored. However, if anyone volunteers their character to read those notes, this character can of course save them/remember them and deliver them later in person if they want. Up to you. Each note will be a header to a subthread and if your character wants to react to a certain note - show us the reaction! Threading welcome and encouraged.

We are announcing this in advance so that if you want to plot something for the event, you have the time to do so :)

On Friday, 17th, we will post a mass thread for the Valentine´s Day Dance. The attendance is not mandatory but encouraged and some teachers (especially those that will have to suffer through the event as chaperons) will badger the boys to attend throughout the whole previous week. If not longer.

The dance will be in cooperation with Haverstone Academy, which brings us to the most important OOC update. We´ve noticed around Tumblr and elsewhere that there is desire for more het and stuff. This is difficult to do since the Dalton Academy has a single female student and the game that hosted the girls is, to my knowledge, dead. Therefore from now on, if you want to apply a Haverstone girl for your minor/fourth character, go ahead and do it. We´ll be really happy if you do. If you have a pre-existing female character you´ve played here that you´d like to keep, just point us to her and we´ll add her - no need to reapply. If you want to apply a new one, just go ahead and do it the same way as if you were applying a Dalton boy. Those characters will be considered minor characters and therefore you do not need to worry about their activity.

Of course, you´re encouraged to have your characters organize something themselves in addition (*coughhorrormarathoncough*).

As always, any questions, concerns, feedback, whatever - we want your input! Let us know!

Your mod team,
Josh and Tina

PS: We´ve both been craving OOC group chats. Anyone else misses daltonrocks? Because we do. So much. But since no one seem to be able to get into that chatroom anymore... Give us suggestions for a new chatroom name! Should we establish a date and time for our first official chat in the new room or should we simply start treating it the same way as we used to treat daltonrocks? You know - if you feel like chatting, just enter the room and wait for someone to show up?

Jan. 11th, 2012


The promised mod update is here! We´re still not done with all the work that has to be done (and still waiting on responses from people), but to update you on what we have been up to in the past few days...

I. Rules
» There have been minor updates to the rules. Please read them!

Another 5 points under the cut in order to not clog your F-page )

VII. What Else to Expect:
» We have a some school-wide events in mind and will be announcing the first set on the 14th!
» On the 15th we should know whom to count with in the future and the Taken Character, Taken PBs and Player Directory will be up-to-date soon after.
» On the 16th, two days after the set respond date unclaimed characters will be moved to the ‘Previous Character’ section or removed from the game entirely. If a character is removed from the game their PB will be free game.

Edit: Spider reminded me! Are there any characters or pairings or anything else that needs a new tag? Tags for the three newest characters have been made as well as pairing tags for Ethan/Harris and Harris/Sebastian. If anyone else is lacking a tag, please leave me a comment :)

Meanwhile, if you have any suggestions or if you notice any mistakes anywhere, please let us know. We welcome all input. This game is not Tina and Josh´s (and Nicole and Spider´s), it belongs to all the players and we believe that its awesomeness comes from the combined effort of everyone involved.

Your mod team
Josh and Tina

Jan. 9th, 2012



Dear Daltonites,

There will be a more throughout mod update post coming very soon as the mod headquarters have been pretty busy, but for now...

The Friending Button has been updated!

Welcome Nick with a new Sophomore Bishop ([info]checkandbishop)!

Aug. 24th, 2011



The schedule has been updated! Please make sure that your characters are in the classes you wanted them in (I am easily distracted by shiny) and if you have not chosen classes for your character yet... well, you know the drill. <3

EDIT: If you chose classes for your character, but only included them in the profile/app... Please, please, please, post them as a comment here. Thank you <3

Aug. 20th, 2011



Firstly, if you haven't yet replied to this post please do so ASAP!


1 - We now have ONE available RA position for a senior. If you want it, grab it now. First in gets it, although ideally it would be student who could feasibly get the positon!

2 - The position of Freshman Faculty Advisor is also open for any teachers. The position of Sophomore Faculty Advisor is also available. Until then, Ms Lowens will remain in the position but it'd be great to have a playable teacher in this role.

3 - Wes and David have been removed from the Warbler list. Should anyone desperately want to play them still in school they can be slotted back in, but for now we can pretend they've graduated. This now means that there are six free Warbler spots, so if you don't have a Warbler, this'll be your chance. Auditions will be up after school starts, and a reminder that - at the moment - each player can only have one Warbler in play.

4 - If you want to start deciding on what classes your kid will take, feel free to use last year's schedule to work off.

5 - RAs will be back at school this coming Monday. This means Elwood, Leonard, Raf, Walker, Jack and Toby - and the other 2 senior RAs.
Freshmen will be at school on Wednesday and everyone else will be back for classes starting the following Monday the 29th.
So if you want another student, head on over to hold them if you want and then head to the application. I got bored and spiffed it up but if you've already started writing one with the old layout, feel free to still use that.

The mod journal should now be up to date but, as always, if you spot anything that needs fixing, please say so!

On that note...


Jul. 1st, 2011


Dalton Meet-up and Modly things

As I've said before, Leah will be visiting Chicago with me on July 27-29. Our only decided plans are to visit Medieval Times for dinner and a show Tuesday night. If anyone wants to join us, please let me know by July 11! If you can repay me, I can purchase the tickets in advance and also book hotel rooms. Every single member of Dalton is more than welcome to join us, regardless of how active you are/have been.

Also... I've been talking/thinking about it for a while, but I think I need to step down as a mod of Dalton. My RP energy has been waning, and it's not fair to push all of the work and responsibility onto Nicole while I vanish off into la-la land. If someone else is willing to step up to help her, then I will step down and give you all the secret modly passwords and accounts. I'll still be here as Gabe, and graduated Blaine, but my own activity just isn't enough to run this place anymore.

Jun. 11th, 2011


Requesting Modly Assistance

Hello all you Daltonites. Spider here, with a matter of probably a lot of importance for the game as a whole.

A lot of you have noticed that activity is falling off, cliques have formed, and new people are nonexistent. Dalton Academy is now entering its seventh month of life, and it's not doing a very good job of aging gracefully. Part of the problem has definitely been on modly shoulders. To put it bluntly, Nicole and I are feeling rather burnt out from doing everything here all the time.

But we all love Dalton, and we don't want it to die. A suggestion was made to open the mod positions up more. Rather than two people doing everything, we could have a bunch of people doing lots of little things. We think that's a great idea.

So, if you're interested in helping out at Dalton, how about letting us know? You can fill out this form and either reply here or email us at, and we'll decide where to go from there!

Stuff you'd be interested in modding/why you'd be good at it: (you can put whatever you want here. Mod of advertising? Making new players feel welcome? Coming up with/keeping plots straight? Changing up the layout? ANYTHING. We'll consider it all!)

And... that's it, really. We just hope it's not too late for Dalton.

Jun. 3rd, 2011


Mod Blurple--Graduation

Whoops, guys, we completely forgot to put graduation on the calendar! We're really very sorry for the last-minuteness of this all, but as the last day of school for most of the boys is Monday, we're setting the senior graduation for Sunday, June 5, at 2 PM (Haverstone girls get to graduate on Saturday).

Again, we're really sorry for any conflicts this causes for people's plans, but there's no other logical time for graduation

May. 11th, 2011


Warbler National Information

For the Warblers' Nationals trip, here's how it's going to go.

The school has a coach bus that can seat 51 people. All 16 (17) Warblers plus Mr. Holden are going free of charge, and an additional TWO faculty for extra chaperones. These have been paid for by the school. Any students who wish to accompany the Warblers will be charged $10 for the drive there and back, plus 25% the cost of the rooms at the hotel. Meals will be provided, but snacks are fend for yourself. Faculty can travel free to keep the ratio at one teacher per six students, any additional faculty will be charged the same price as an extra student.

The bus leaves Dalton at 7 AM sharp. If you're not on, you don't go. The drive takes ten hours, but there will be an hour break for lunch at noon, so they will arrive in NYC approximately around 6 PM, where they'll be checked into their rooms and taken out to dinner.

Warblers are staying two to a room, roommates pre-assigned. Non-Warblers are staying four to a room (unless they pay full price for fewer roommates), but they can choose their roommates. Mocchi can stay with whomever he wants. Faculty are encouraged two to a room, but are not required.

Warbler Room Pairings:
Aaron and Toby
Ben and Benji
Blaine and Colby
Jack and Raf
Kurt and Xander
Leonard and Ron
Noah and Vince

Except Blaine and Ben and everyone immediately said NO and Blaine traded with Jack, so Blaine and Raf are now rooming together and Colby and Jack are rooming together.

Competition is Saturday and Sunday, from 10 AM until 8 PM, with short intermissions every 90 minutes and hour-long breaks at noon and 6 PM for meals.

The Warblers have drawn slot 33, near the end of Saturday.

The award ceremony takes place Sunday evening, 6-8. There are a LOT of awards. The overall winner will be announced at 7:55.

The coach leaves to return to Westerville at 7 AM sharp on Monday. Those not on the bus will be hunted down, lectured, and made to feel two inches tall for the whole trip back.

Aaaand... I think that's it?

May. 8th, 2011



This is the official signup for anyone interested in playing Survivor (the tv game show) over the summer at the Dalton AU board. Right now, sign-up is limited to ONE character per player, though we may let you have a second depending on how many we get.

Sign-up is simple. Just comment with your character's name, and we'll add you to the list. Remember, only one character allowed to play right now.

In interest of fairness (and the fact that he's always killed first in mafia games), Blaine will be hosting Dalton's game of survivor.

You do not have to sign up if this doesn't interest you, but this will probably be a fairly attention-intensive game. (Something will happen every three days, minimum, with plotting and scheming taking place between those days). We don't have exact dates yet, but we're looking at at least 30 days, probably closer to 39, starting shortly after classes end for the boys in June.

Any questions, feel free to contact Spider.

Contestants: )

May. 1st, 2011


One more thing...

I forgot to mention this in the last post...

As Dalton is a school for the arts first and foremost, all students are encouraged (but not required) to do some sort of final project that speaks to their artistic endeavors. The faculty will help however necessary, and in many cases, these final projects can replace a final exam in an appropriate class. The dancers, for example, may put on a dance show, the singers and people with instruments a concert, the filmmakers could make short films, art studios a final masterpiece to be put in a display...

Gym teachers will count a dance as a final exam, all art/music/drama/film classes will count those things as final exams, and English teachers may count written works as a final on the individual basis.


What's going down...

Okay guys, let's see...


Finally, as always, drama in the community can be fun, and Noah's secrets post was certainly eventful. However, we do know that players can get their feelings hurt too, and it's not always easy to say so in the OOC chat or something like that. If anyone's at all upset or has concerns, as always, please feel free to contact Spider (aim: bjpippydo, email: or Nicole (aim: rafraffles, email: (though she is on vacation and may not be able to reply)) to talk with us privately.

Apr. 25th, 2011



Squeaky was amazing and released my IP address, allowing me to access IJ once again, so your freewheeling, modless days are OVER! Huzzah!

That being said, prom is this weekend, April 30. If you haven't voted for prom royalty yet, please do so. Comments are being screened, but right now we have a three-way tie for queen, so go vote!

ALSO, I did forget to mention this, but the Warbler upperclassmen are teaming up with the Haverstone Hummingbirds' upperclassmen for some of the entertainment at prom. They will jointly sing the first and second-to-last song, and individual members may sing solos, duets, what have you as they wish throughout the night (cleared with the prom committee first, of course, blah blah blah). So, Warblers, juniors and seniors (and invited younger warbles), you're welcome to pick songs to sing/serenade each other with/etc.

Apr. 22nd, 2011


Another mod down...

I'm currently waiting for IJ to get back to me on a problem involving my IP address, so right now the only time I can view/post to IJ is when I'm at work... and I'm supposed to be working at work! For the immediate future, I'm out for the count for anything involving the journals. I'll still be available online, though, for any questions/modly things that do not require seeing the site itself.

For questions involving the site, we dub LEAH (Ben/Evan AIM: leahtragic) the emergency backup mod while Nicole is traveling and Spider is in lala land.

I apologize for anyone waiting on tags with Blaine or Gabe! And I apologize doubly hard for anyone with new apps pending. We'll look them over as soon as we can!

Apr. 13th, 2011


Calendar Stuff and other things

There will be a test on this... )

Apr. 11th, 2011


RA Reminder and Summer Break

Anyone playing a freshman or junior this year who wants to be an RA next year needs to post a reply to this thread before April 15.

Also, as much as we hate to think about it, summer break will be coming in just a couple more months for our boys, and without school to keep them together, this game will be on shaky ground. Any suggestions for things we could do to keep something going over the break would be greatly appreciated. So far, we have past threads, the AU community and... what else? What about games, like Miggy's Glee Survivor? That could be fun? Let us know your suggestions!

ETA: Also, PLEASE put tags on ANYTHING in the Dalton RPG community. If you need a tag that isn't there, poke a mod and we can make it for you.

Mar. 24th, 2011


New Character!

Walker Yates ([info]walker_yates), played by Sam, is joining us as the second sophomore RA! The friending button has been updated!

Also, as a reminder to everyone, PLEASE tag your entries in the RPG community appropriately! The easiest way is to post to the RPG comm, then in the confirmation screen, click 'edit this entry's tags.' You'll be given a list of tags to choose from. Include your character and any other major character in the scene, what sort of scene it is, and any other appropriate tags.

Feb. 20th, 2011


Hokay, a few things that you all need to read.

1 - Dalton Rulebook
As those of you who were in chat today know, we know have a Dalton Academy rulebook, listing what is or isn't allowed at the school, how discipline is dealt out and some necessary school policies, such as switching rooms and RA duties. These might be added to as needed.

We also have a schedule for when RA's are on duty here.
1 - Chopp 103 and Johnson 103 RAs
2 - Chopp 201 and Johnson 201 RAs
3 - Chopp 301 and Johnson 301 RAs
4 - Chopp 401 and Johnson 401 RAs

So, for example, Raf is in Chopp 201 so wherever there's a 2, he's on duty that night and expected to be available for Chopp students.

2 - Activity Requirements
The activity requirements have been overhauled and everyone needs to have a read of this since there's a lot of changes.

Generally, most teachers have less of a requirement than before, with the Warblers and RA needing to be more active than other students.
The Warblers are the rock stars of the school and are highly coveted positions so if you're playing a Warbler, you need to be active.
We'd really like to get the RAs and the four Faculty Advisors getting more involved in doling out actual discipline too and, along with the support staff, being around and paying attention when students need them.

3 - Inactive Characters
Following on from this, there's a few characters who aren't as active as they should be. We really don't want to get really strict about activity so if we can keep the game going smoothly without resorting to this, that'd be awesome :)

If you've got a characters that you're unsure of what to do with, who isn't meeting activity requirements or who just isn't working, consider this either a chance to drop them without any hassles or a little nudge to pick up the pace a bit.

Similarly, if one of your kids is an RA or Faculty Advisor and you don't think you'll be able to keep up with the new requirements, let us know and we'll make the position available again.

4 - The Character Freeze
We know there's some issues with the character freeze on at the moment. Right now, we really just want to get the activity levels smoothed out and at least get some interest in Wes and David since they're pretty important characters. Plus Wes has a gavel and David does backflips! If we can get things running more smoothly and, ideally, with these characters filled, we'd definitely consider removing this and throwing the gates open again.

Lastly, please comment to this post to show that you've read it. Thanks for wading through the mammoth post of doom!

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