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Nov. 17th, 2012


I'm back!!!! All the stuff I had to do went well (even if I was indirectly responsible for breaking someone's leg :x) and I am home for ten days and it's great!

Give me some time to catch up over everything and/or throw plot ideas at me. It's all good.

- Nick
(Tom, Ryan, and Eli.)

Nov. 4th, 2012


Obligatory "I'm back and off slowatus but please give me time to play catch up" notice. :)

WARNING: This post is extremely GIF heavy. Slow connections beware!

Nov. 1st, 2012


I know there are a few hiatus notes up right now and I didn't want to be one of them, but I figured that it's better safe than sorry. :)

I'm going back to my university town in a couple of hours for my graduation ceremony. I'll be away for three days and I'm not going to be taking my laptop with me. This means that my activity will decline for a while, so I apologise. I will have my phone on hand, so I should be good to catch up with things as and when they happen. Obviously replies to threads will be a lot slower, though I should be able to keep up with journals regularly.

I should also mention that it's November, and I'm participating in NaNo again! So, like last year, activity might waver a little as I write my little heart out in the hopes of reaching the 50,000 word limit! I literally just got hit with an idea an hour or so ago, so it'll be a hectic race to the finish!

So yes, please consider this a slowatus of sorts. I'm still around but I'll be distracted. I still love you though!

Oct. 29th, 2012


Hey y'all - tis the season, really.

I have roughly three weeks until my Thanksgiving break and my professors are determined to make sure those three weeks count, so I have assignments EVERYWHERE. Added to that, I'm going to a convention this weekend and next weekend is Ring Night (a school tradition that lasts the whole weekend) and finally I'll have hit Thanksgiving. But obviously this doesn't leave me much time for anything else, so I'm going to take a hiatus until November 16th.

I may try and sneak comments in here and there but it's generally safe to assume that I'm writing a paper at any given time.

- Nick


I mega super hate to do this, but I'm in so far over my head right now that I need to take a slowatus. A really, really slowatus. I have an essay that's over a week late, I have to make up the two midterms that I missed last week, one of which is on Thursday, when I also have a a source analysis due (and have to leave a class early to go write it)...

And my landlords just gave me and my roommates our three-months, so I really need to up the job hunt and, now, the apartment hunt.

I put down at my other game that I would be absent until November 3rd and then scarce until November 15th, but those are still somewhat tentative. I'll try to be around as much as I can be, but I'm just going through a rough spot right now.

Sep. 1st, 2012


I think it's safe to say I'm back!

Like Leah, I'm all done travelling (and I've spent today either napping or petting my new bundle of purrs!). I'm rehydrated from my week of trekking around New York City in 80+ degree weather, and I have to say that Spiderman: Turn off the Dark is RIDICULOUS, with crap writing, lyrics, sound system, and plot, but the technical aspects of the performance so made the price of the ticket worth it.

I'm going to try to catch up on everything tonight before heading to bed myself. Good to be back!

Also: KITTY!

Jun. 7th, 2012



I'll try to reply to everything first but I leave in two days and there are other things I should do before, so I can't promise. And I'm not sure when I can start playing again. I'll be away for a week (Île de Ré, home of Monsieur Raphaël Leclerc, again :]) but my sister won't work for another week after that and when we're at our parents' together I can never tell if I'll be online or not.

Mar. 30th, 2012



So I've been sucking in terms of activity lately. I'm not even going to try and give excuses, other than I've been feeling a bit burned out in terms of my characters. I've decided to give them a sort of break, meaning my activity has been rather spotty of late. That's about to get a little worse over the coming week, as I'm going on a trip to London next week (from April 1st - 8th). I'll still be around on AIM at times and contactable via email ( or twitter if you need me (because you know I'll be spamming my twitter while on the move!), but things will be a little slow for me until April 9th.

Thanks a ton, you guys. Love you! ♥

- Leah

Nov. 12th, 2011


Hiatus or something close to it

I hope it won't be a complete hiatus, but I can't promise anything. I'm unable to write threads when my sister's there and she won't work for two weeks, starting tonight, so...

I'll still be online, though, except between the 15th and the 19th because we're going to London.

Maybe I can manage to write short and simple things like LJ comments, text messages and not-too-long emails but, again, I'd rather not promise.

Jun. 24th, 2011


I’m not going on a hiatus, but I am going on a slowatus, starting tomorrow evening. I’m headed home for two weeks, and then my sister and her fiancé are coming up to stay with me for a week and a half. I won’t be properly active until July 21st-ish, but I will be in an out :) I’m going to have my computer with me and all that, I just don’t know how much I’ll be online or what times I might be online at. I’m sorry for any inconveniences that may cause for people



Hiatus of sorts.

Hey guys, Leah here. :)

Just a quick note to say that I'm off to London in two hours until Sunday night and I'm not taking my laptop. I'll have my phone though so I'll still be able to be reached via email and probably AIM in the evenings too. If you have me on facebook, I'll probably be uploading pics from my phone and stuff, so yeah! Don't miss me too much! :P

Jun. 10th, 2011


A week without Internet

No one will miss me since I haven't been here long enough to start any thread yet, but I thought I should probably say it anyway. I'm going to spend a week of vacation on the island where Raphaël is supposed to have a house (I pretend the house my sister rent for us is his ;]) and unfortunately there's no wireless access point near enough from where I will be, so I won't be able to check my mail at all until Sunday, June 19th.

Jun. 3rd, 2011


Hey guys,

So it looks like due to my two shows that go up next week, I won't be around much for the next week or so (except a little this Sunday, so thread with me this weekend!). As always, I can be reached by e-mail if I'm not online. I'll be able to at least check in for a while each night, so feel free to mention my characters, or do whatever you'd like. Send 'em e-mails or something.

Also, due to my lack of time, it'll be hard for me to keep up with all three of my boys and I'm going to have to drop Christophe. I suppose he can still exist if you want to mention him, but once he goes to Portugal this summer he won't be coming back to Dalton :/ Sorryy.


Apr. 21st, 2011


Ok, for reals... I am incommunicado until at least next Wednesday, because my capstone project is due, and I have the teacher exam the weekend after and haeven't studied, like, at all. >gulp<,

So, I love you all, and miss you already, but I have to go into serious student mode. Anyone I'm leaving hanging... I am terribly sorry, darlings. I will be back, promise, and get caught up ASAP. Have fun!


Apr. 10th, 2011


Activity Notoce of the Australian Variety

Hey guys! So today around 6, I have an Australian exchange student coming to stay in my house for a few days. He sounds awesome. But he's going to be stalking shadowing me for the next for days, and it woul be really awkward if he just watched me sitting on the computertalking to you guys. So I'm not sure how often I'll be online this week. He leaves Thursday, but then Froday I'm going on an airplane to travel to the foreign land of North Carolina, where I'll be staying for 4-5 days. So I'm not sure how many opportunities I'll have to stay online there, but please don't hesitate to involve Walker or Xander in any axjenanigans (according to my phone's spellcheck, this is a word) shenanigans, as I can always tag from my phone. I'll be on Mobile AIM, so you can IM me even if I'm not online, and you can just text me. I love you all!

Mar. 30th, 2011


I apologize, guys, this week is rapidly getting away from me.  I have one and a half weeks of student teaching left to do, and comps to study for (they are on the 9th) and then I can catch a bit of a break.  I will catch up as much as I can over the weekend (Wedding thread, mostly) and will make time for what I'm doing with Mocchi and Lincoln when I can.  I know Noah wanted to talk to Connie, but we were gonna have to backdate that anyway (and I still want to do it, Kaley!!!!!  see all the exclamation points? )  I'm hoping Connie will get to talk to Harry one last time, too.  (don't make me break out the puppy dog eyes, the dog gets upset.)

So I guess this is me saying I'm on hiatus for a weekish, but will be back!  So keep up all the good work --- you guys are awesome! If you see me online, poke me with a stick and tell me to do my homework.  ::hugs::

Mar. 5th, 2011


Finals D:

So apparently finals week is like a week away. I didn't even know until yesterday o_o

But I figure I should start studying or doing my final projects or something, so I'm gonna be on hiatus for...let's say a week and a half because I'll probably get bored of studying for finals in the middle of finals week.

Feb. 20th, 2011


House guests

Hi guys! This is just a note (that for some reason I thought I'd dropped already, lol) that my Nana is visiting for the next week so I haven't been on AIM as much as I normally am. I still am up for threading though, just drop me an email ( and we can set something up. Next week at work should be slower too, so I can get on during the day :)


Hokay, a few things that you all need to read.

1 - Dalton Rulebook
As those of you who were in chat today know, we know have a Dalton Academy rulebook, listing what is or isn't allowed at the school, how discipline is dealt out and some necessary school policies, such as switching rooms and RA duties. These might be added to as needed.

We also have a schedule for when RA's are on duty here.
1 - Chopp 103 and Johnson 103 RAs
2 - Chopp 201 and Johnson 201 RAs
3 - Chopp 301 and Johnson 301 RAs
4 - Chopp 401 and Johnson 401 RAs

So, for example, Raf is in Chopp 201 so wherever there's a 2, he's on duty that night and expected to be available for Chopp students.

2 - Activity Requirements
The activity requirements have been overhauled and everyone needs to have a read of this since there's a lot of changes.

Generally, most teachers have less of a requirement than before, with the Warblers and RA needing to be more active than other students.
The Warblers are the rock stars of the school and are highly coveted positions so if you're playing a Warbler, you need to be active.
We'd really like to get the RAs and the four Faculty Advisors getting more involved in doling out actual discipline too and, along with the support staff, being around and paying attention when students need them.

3 - Inactive Characters
Following on from this, there's a few characters who aren't as active as they should be. We really don't want to get really strict about activity so if we can keep the game going smoothly without resorting to this, that'd be awesome :)

If you've got a characters that you're unsure of what to do with, who isn't meeting activity requirements or who just isn't working, consider this either a chance to drop them without any hassles or a little nudge to pick up the pace a bit.

Similarly, if one of your kids is an RA or Faculty Advisor and you don't think you'll be able to keep up with the new requirements, let us know and we'll make the position available again.

4 - The Character Freeze
We know there's some issues with the character freeze on at the moment. Right now, we really just want to get the activity levels smoothed out and at least get some interest in Wes and David since they're pretty important characters. Plus Wes has a gavel and David does backflips! If we can get things running more smoothly and, ideally, with these characters filled, we'd definitely consider removing this and throwing the gates open again.

Lastly, please comment to this post to show that you've read it. Thanks for wading through the mammoth post of doom!

Feb. 19th, 2011


Hello all!

So at some point tomorrow (Sunday), I'm going off to NYC(IMSOEXCITED) and I probably won't have internet access until Wednesday. If I can find my phone, I'll be able to use e-mail, so e-mail me if ya want to plot. Or contact me at all... I might be able to have a little bit of internet on my iPod but I'll still be mostly gone. :/

So if you wanna plot, or if I had anything planned with you, let's do it today :D



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