Nov. 1st, 2012


I know there are a few hiatus notes up right now and I didn't want to be one of them, but I figured that it's better safe than sorry. :)

I'm going back to my university town in a couple of hours for my graduation ceremony. I'll be away for three days and I'm not going to be taking my laptop with me. This means that my activity will decline for a while, so I apologise. I will have my phone on hand, so I should be good to catch up with things as and when they happen. Obviously replies to threads will be a lot slower, though I should be able to keep up with journals regularly.

I should also mention that it's November, and I'm participating in NaNo again! So, like last year, activity might waver a little as I write my little heart out in the hopes of reaching the 50,000 word limit! I literally just got hit with an idea an hour or so ago, so it'll be a hectic race to the finish!

So yes, please consider this a slowatus of sorts. I'm still around but I'll be distracted. I still love you though!

Oct. 29th, 2012


Hey y'all - tis the season, really.

I have roughly three weeks until my Thanksgiving break and my professors are determined to make sure those three weeks count, so I have assignments EVERYWHERE. Added to that, I'm going to a convention this weekend and next weekend is Ring Night (a school tradition that lasts the whole weekend) and finally I'll have hit Thanksgiving. But obviously this doesn't leave me much time for anything else, so I'm going to take a hiatus until November 16th.

I may try and sneak comments in here and there but it's generally safe to assume that I'm writing a paper at any given time.

- Nick


I mega super hate to do this, but I'm in so far over my head right now that I need to take a slowatus. A really, really slowatus. I have an essay that's over a week late, I have to make up the two midterms that I missed last week, one of which is on Thursday, when I also have a a source analysis due (and have to leave a class early to go write it)...

And my landlords just gave me and my roommates our three-months, so I really need to up the job hunt and, now, the apartment hunt.

I put down at my other game that I would be absent until November 3rd and then scarce until November 15th, but those are still somewhat tentative. I'll try to be around as much as I can be, but I'm just going through a rough spot right now.

Oct. 2nd, 2012


Slowatus Notice

You might have noticed my replies slowing down recently and if not it´s only because the worst is just to come.

I now have to go to school from early morning till night on Thursdays and Fridays and I won´t be taking my computer with me on those days so my Internet presence will be scarce to none.

And on Mondays - Wednesdays I now have a job to be at for most of the day and I can´t use Internet there. Which sucks because I spend the work time staring at the screen and I can´t use it for anything fun. But I have a job, so yay. So yeah, I won´t be around that much on those days either. I´ll get in some comments and stuff before and after work, I hope, but it´ll be a lot slower than usual.

I will be around on weekends but I still have school work to do... But I´ll try to be around as much as possible when I do have a free moment. If you want to interact with any of my characters (preferably Thomas since I haven´t been using him all that much) or there´s a mod work for me to do, please let me know <33

I love you all!!! <333

Tina (Ron/Thomas/Mary/Jeanette)

PS: Just a note: In the light of the recent Evanald break up, you can assume Ron´s a bit more quiet and formal than usual but he´ll try to not be obviously upset or distressed. You can expect him to work a little harder and with more enthusiasm in clubs and classes, though...

Sep. 16th, 2012


So I'm back home and off hiatus but since I'm still jet-lagged and feeling very blah it might take me a while to catch up properly. Feel free to point me to anything I should know or if I owe anyone a tag (most likely) just give me a nudge. Also if anyone wants Raf, Will or Mr G to plot with, just let me know :)

Warbler auditions are coming up next weekend but just assume this information has been available for a while :P I've been meaning to have Raf post about this for a while now...

Aug. 23rd, 2012


Still Slow

Hey guys!

I'm pretty much settled into my apartment now, but I'm heading out of town for a week starting tomorrow--NYC, here I come! I'll have my laptop and phone with me, but I do intend to be busier, so things will be slow. I'll try to get a post for Archie up tonight or tomorrow morning, but I can't promise I'll be able to reply to people on it.

Also, September 1st, day after I get back, I get my kitty! Expect at least one picture and much squealing from me.

Aug. 17th, 2012


Hiatus Notice

Just a heads up that I'll technically be on hiatus from this Sunday until mid-September. I'll still be around because I can't stay away and my laptop goes everywhere I go but since I'll be traipsing around the UK and US, chances are I won't have a huge amount of time. Which is so different to how I am now, I know :P

So both my boys will be at Dalton from the 20th. Raf will be strutting around being all big man on campus, being Super RA to the new guys and accidentally walking into the Chopp dorms ten times a day. Will's just going to move in to Johnson early and be tentatively meeting people so if you're on the third floor, you'll bump into him at some point. And Mr Grayman will be praying the seniors don't cause too much trouble...

Love Nicole/Raf/Will/Nate

Aug. 3rd, 2012


It's that time where my slowatus must become a hiatus :( (perhaps just a super-slowatus, if we're lucky).

I leave for England tomorrow, and have a LOT to do today, including my first assignment (procrastination at it's finest?), and most of tomorrow will be spent on buses to the airport and such, so I don't know if I'll be able to check in again until I get to the residence.

My classes are Mondays through Thursdays, from 8:45am - 12:00pm, but there are also a few field trips (one, all day, on the 9th, and one, probably also all day, on the 16th) that are outside of that time (plus a personal trip [after class on the 23rd until late on the 26th]), as well as a fair few assignments and tests to study for, plus, hello, this might well be the only time I get to England for, like, twenty years, so I don't want to spend the trip inside/on my computer, lol. Not to mention, I really need a good mark in this because I'm trying to get as many 3.7s & 4.0s as possible this year because, fuck, I need to bring my GPA up before grad.

I'm not going to be using my phone in England, so while email will still be the best way to reach me, I won't be particularly quick with replying. And on the note of emails, I'm going to be trying to send out semi-regular emails because my family wants to keep up, so if you want me to add you to that send-list, lemmie know? :) I'm also going to try to keep on top of uploading photos to Facebook, so feel free to stalk me on there (and add me if you haven't already [])!

I love you all, and I'll miss you, and I'm really sorry for all the threads and plots I'm leaving hanging right now. Please to not be hating me :(


Jun. 28th, 2012


So I think I need a break from the game or, more accurately, from Raf (or as much as I can from someone who's taken up permanent residence in my head) so consider this a hiatus notice. I don't know how long. A week maybe. We'll see.

Mar. 30th, 2012



So I've been sucking in terms of activity lately. I'm not even going to try and give excuses, other than I've been feeling a bit burned out in terms of my characters. I've decided to give them a sort of break, meaning my activity has been rather spotty of late. That's about to get a little worse over the coming week, as I'm going on a trip to London next week (from April 1st - 8th). I'll still be around on AIM at times and contactable via email ( or twitter if you need me (because you know I'll be spamming my twitter while on the move!), but things will be a little slow for me until April 9th.

Thanks a ton, you guys. Love you! ♥

- Leah

Feb. 27th, 2012


Really should have posted this when I got back but oh well. Thursday to Sunday I was on hiatus due to traveling to a mystical land where the Internet doesn't exist and service does not roam (ie. Vermont). I got back late Saturday, but I spent then and yesterday doing the rest of my schoolwork. But now I'm back, so hurray~

Also Jessica and Kitty, I'm doing to start those threads for ya so LOOK OUT.

Feb. 20th, 2012




So, you may or may not have noticed I haven´t been around much the past two days or so. Life is being a bitch and I really need to focus on RL things right now :( This means I won´t be around much the next few days. I will still be around to do mod stuff, but everything else, unfortunately, has to wait for when the real life stops being crazy. Also, no group chat for me, but if you need me, poke me on Tumblr, AIM, Twitter or email.

If I owe you tags or promised to plot with you... I am really, really sorry and I haven´t forgotten you. I will get to it as soon as possible.

I love you all and I will miss you so much :(


Dec. 29th, 2011


Hey guys!

I just wanted to let everyone know that I'll be going on a trip to Prague to visit the supermegafoxyawesomehot Tina from today (Dec 29th) until next week (Jan 5th). I'm taking my laptop with me so my activity shouldn't die down too much, but I just thought I'd give everybody a heads up as to why my replies might be slower than usual! I will be around to stick up Ethan's NYE party thread, so never fear! :)

Looooooooove you all!

- Leah ♥

Aug. 31st, 2011



So the hurricane knocked my power out for 2 days and now I'm on vacation (going to see HARRY POTTER WORLD YES!!!) so I'm gonna be on slowatus until at least Saturday :(((

I'll try to remember to check my e-mail but I still haven't managed to set up IM forwarding from AIM to my new phone :X Anyways, I'm going to bed now because I have to get up at 6 :D

May. 26th, 2011


Hey all~

First, Sorry for not being around much today and yesterday! I've been sort of sick and looking at a computer screen was giving me terrible headaches. :/

Also, this weekend I'm going off to NYC [ASDFGHJKL EXCUSE ME WHILE I THEATREGEEK] and I won't have any internet besides e-mail on my phone D: (and by the way you should definitely e-mail me I'll be so bored) I should be back Monday evening. Feel free to use my characters as you wish.


May. 12th, 2011


Slowatus notice

I´m not sure if my activity will be visibly affected, but since it´s Nationals weekend and all, I thought I´d send a notice.

I´ll be traveling home tomorrow, which means I´ll be spending half the day on bus. Then I´m going to see a concert on weekend and my Grandma is in hospital so I´ll be there a lot too. And it´s possible my cousin will be staying with us. So yeah, my weekend will be busy, but I can always we contacted by mail, if anything. But I´ll be online at night so you probably won´t even notice anything >.>

Patti, I think that since our boys are rooming together for Nationals, we should thread =P <3

Apr. 22nd, 2011


Another mod down...

I'm currently waiting for IJ to get back to me on a problem involving my IP address, so right now the only time I can view/post to IJ is when I'm at work... and I'm supposed to be working at work! For the immediate future, I'm out for the count for anything involving the journals. I'll still be available online, though, for any questions/modly things that do not require seeing the site itself.

For questions involving the site, we dub LEAH (Ben/Evan AIM: leahtragic) the emergency backup mod while Nicole is traveling and Spider is in lala land.

I apologize for anyone waiting on tags with Blaine or Gabe! And I apologize doubly hard for anyone with new apps pending. We'll look them over as soon as we can!


Hi guys, Nicole here.

Good news - I'm now on holiday for five weeks! I fly into LA on Saturday before spending the next month traipsing all over your fair country.
Bad news - As such, I won't be around as much.
Good news - I'm taking my laptop with me, since it's pretty much surgically attached so I'll still be around. Raf has Things happening in May anyway, and I can't let he or Sam miss prom :D
Bad news - I'll be slower than usual in replying. :\
Good news - When I am online, it'll actually be in the same time zone as most of you for a change instead of getting home when most of you are in bed. Imagine that!

If you need me for anything it's probably best to email me since I'll check that the most but, honestly, you probably won't even notice much of a difference :P

PS OMGHARRYPOTTERWORLD! Pretty sure my excitement will make the sophomores look restrained XD