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Dec. 5th, 2012


'Sup, kids. Remember me?

Is an Ayu with a new character. Hamed Malik is a newly-transferred junior, originally from Pakistan but more recently from a very posh private school outside Cincinnati. He had to transfer because he was on the receiving end of ALL the racist and homophobic bullying (despite not actually being gay). He's kind of a huge dork who gets way too enthusiastically into arguments about anything and everything, and also loves fashion and musicals. He really, really can't handle dirt, though, and he's absolutely terrified of angry people.

Make him welcome! Or don't! Depending on character!

One other thing: Rose will be visiting Dalton for the school production Friday-Sunday, so if anyone wants to thread with her while she's here, let me know.

(A word of warning, though, because I see the future; I'm really behind on uni work, because my health's been all over the place so far this year, so I may be phasing in and out quite a lot while I try to catch up.)

Oct. 19th, 2012


I seriously had no intentions of bringing another character in but this guy just decided to make himself at home in my mind and I couldn't shake him. I mean, who'd want to with a face like that? :P

This is Alistair Whittaker, an incoming senior from San Fran via Monaco. He's extremely rich, can be a tad bratty sometimes, and is as stubborn as a mule. Other than that, he's an okay guy! He's a part time model (look at that face and tell me it's not believable) and has been since he was a baby, so he's used to getting attention. He enjoys the finer things in life and will be looking for people to show him a good time, since he's left the brilliance of San Fran for the middle of a cow field. He's due to move into Dalton this weekend, because he and his sister are transferring due to people bullying his sister at their old school. His sister will also be a student at the school (she's trans*), so if any freshmen don't have a roommate yet, then feel free to take Alexa in! Likewise, Alistair will be moving into room 403 tomorrow afternoon, so pop along and say hi! :)

As ever, I am terrible at intros. Alistair's app can be found here and I can be found via the usual channels. By now, I'm pretty sure you all know me. :P

Sep. 16th, 2012


Nicole again with another character. Idek.

Anyway, this is Tommy Donovan and he's a new little freshman at Dalton. He comes from a fairly wealthy family in Indiana where his dad's a dentist, his mum's a tennis coach and he's basically a spoiled brat, despite his parents best intentions. His older sister, Bridget, is a super-smart senior at Haverstone but they clash more often than not so don't have a huge amount to do with each other.

Tommy's a singer and dancer who has been planning his American Idol audition for the last few years. Dalton's just a stepping stone to his inevitable life as Future Teen Sensation. Because with talent like his, how could he not be?

His whole app is here but in short, he's shallow, arrogant and really needs to do some growing up. Feel free to hate him, he loves himself enough for everyone else!

Aug. 8th, 2012


HI, I HAVE A NEW PUPPY FOR Y'ALL TO PLAY WITH! That puppy would be one Antoine Gaspard-Skib, but you may call him Tony. He comes from a rather poor family - his father is a sailor and his mother works at her father's diner - and Tony himself has been helping out at the diner since he was seven. He hails from the territorial collectivity of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, but his English is passable, if somewhat drowning in his accent. He has himself trained to lose his accent when he sings in English, but that's the only time he manages to drop it. On that note, yes, Tony's a singer, and he also plays piano and guitar, but his focuses are on vocals and the piano. He's at Dalton on a scholarship for his music, and is hoping to get the most from the experience. Aside from music, he's also a swimmer, and he loves to read and to learn, so he may end up joining the book club, I haven't decided yet.

He's a junior and, although he's shy, he's also friendly, but a bit used to being too busy with working and music lessons to have time for friends. He's at risk of burying himself in school and his music, as he wants to take advantage of this opportunity, make his family proud, and earn himself a college scholarship, as well. And then there's the fact that he isn't used to being around so many people who come from money, so he's going to feel a bit ashamed and inferior, so it might be necessary for someone to pull him out of his shell a little, although he will be auditioning for the Warblers on his own. (He probably won't make it onto the team, seeings as I'm not dropping Benji, like, ever, but we'll need auditioners anyway~). Tony doesn't really shy away from adults, either, and is used to being on friendly terms with his teachers, but he does his best to remain respectful of their authority. He's never been away from home before, and feels extremely guilty for leaving his mother there, as his father is away for most of the year and his sister is currently in Britain, working as an au pair.

Another thing is that he's gay, but he hasn't realized - or even suspected it - yet, so I'm not sure that those sorts of plots should develop too quickly. I thiiink that's all I really need to emphasize, but you can read his app here, if you want :)

In unrelated news, I MISS YOU ALL <3 I'm still planning on doing the emails, but you can also stalk me here: :)

Jul. 21st, 2012


Okay, okay. I've been slacking for a while but here is yet another intro from me! I know, I know. I'm well aware that I have some sort of addiction. ;)

This is Jason Sparks, though he'll introduce himself as Jace. It's a nickname he's had for a while so that's what everyone will eventually know him as! He's a native of Pierce County, Washington, where he was born at Fort Lewis, the army base. Both of his parents are military, with his father being a corporal and his mother being a field nurse. His history is fairly average in terms of a military family, though they haven't moved around quite as much as our other military boys (Drew and Connor, lookin' at you!). The only super major thing that's happened in his life is the death of his uncle, which affected the family pretty strongly. More info on that can be found in his history though.

In terms of personality, Jace has a typical boy-next-door feel about him. He's friendly, nice, and a rather bubbly person who's very comfortable talking to just about anyone. He's not overly extroverted yet he's not especially introverted either, though he does have a habit of taking too much on at any one time, which can make him seem flighty and a bit spacy. He's a good guy though, promise! His main reason for living is art, and he's rather good at most forms (even if he won't say so himself), and so he'll always be seen with a pencil behind his ear (it's a habit) and some form of note/sketchbook on his person. He's big on comic books and graphic novels, and he wants to be an illustrator when he's older. Errrrm. I'm not sure what else there is to say...

For more info on Jace, his app can be found here and if you'd like to plot, just reply here or contact me via the usual ways! :)

Jul. 17th, 2012


a wild staff member appeared!


Anyhoo. This is Thomas (Tom) Sawyer, better known as Mr. Sawyer to most of you. He's the new librarian at Dalton, moving in over the summer to familiarize himself with the place and get the library organized the way he wants it. Not that he'll make anyone ditch the Dewey Decimal System. :P This is his first official librarian job and he's semi-fresh out of grad school, so he's brand new to that. Not to the whole boarding school thing though, since he went to a combined middle/high boarding school, so he knows all about boarding school boys. He was married once, and has a daughter although it was a messy divorce, so he doesn't have custody of her. He's also extremely repressed but he's not homophobic - he just doesn't think at ALL about his own sexuality.

Personality wise, he's kind of still figuring himself out. He's twenty-six and this is the first time in his life that he's really had the time to sit down and figure himself out. He loves books and talks about them to anyone who's willing to listen to him go on, so it's a good thing he's a librarian really. Tom has a very dry sense of humor and tries not to get too sarcastic with students, but it may be easier said than done. He also believes in being there for his students, even though he may not be their teacher, and so he'll do anything he can to help them out. He would like to think he's fairly good at giving advice, but he's sort of untested, so we'll see.

I'm happy to plot anything out - he may be a minor character as staff members go, but he'll generally talk to anyone who talks to him first. I'm about to go put my details in the Directory, but for now, his app is here.

- Nick

Jul. 9th, 2012


Connor, meet everybody. Everybody, meet Connor.

Due to the demands of Kaley, Jessica, and Kitty, I’m gonna post Connor’s little shipper thing early so y’all can play around with it. Okay, here we go.

So this dude right here is Connor Staubach, and he’ll be entering his junior year here at Dalton along with his younger cousin Drew. He grew up in a military household, watching his brother join the army in the steps of his father, who still spends most of his time away from home serving. Connor lives with his mom most of the time, moving around every year or two to accommodate for his father’s military career. His brother, Damian Nichols-Staubach, will either stay with whatever girlfriend he’s with at the time or his birth-mother, Allison Nichols (it’s touched on in the app, but basically Damian was an unplanned product of passion from the father’s high school days). So Connor doesn’t see Damian all that often. But Drew stays with him and his mother whenever his dad is overseas, which is a majority of the time, so Connor has come to see Drew as a brother who’s easier to be friends with.

Personality-wise, Connor is pretty outgoing. He’s an all-or-nothing guy, so odds are you’ll either find him fun to be around or an obnoxious prick. He’s used to being in the popular crowd at school, since he found it hilariously easy to emulate the way they acted, and they always had the most fun so Connor veered towards them anyway. Because of this, he’s been known to be a bit condescending or bullying on occasion, a habit nobody has really called him out on yet- he’d stop if he knew, he’s really not a fan of being mean to people that don’t deserve it. Connor tends to view people as ways to have fun, and he’s good at making shallow friendships with people that never seem to scratch the surface. Moving from town-to-town never let him use his big-boy social skills, and the only person he’s ever really had some sort of connection with was Drew. But I swear, he’s a great guy once you can get him to sit down and be serious and committed.

It hasn’t yet dawned on him that being at an all-boys private school will mean no girls, so his sexual progress will come grinding to a halt for the time being. He’s hooked up with several different girls, being able to take his pick as each year passes. He’d define himself as totally straight, since the only gay thing he’s ever done was get blown at a party by some dude with deceivingly long hair. In reality, he’s more of a 2-2.5 on Kinsey. So that’ll be fun when he finds that out. While he’s more about the sexual side of things, he’s idealized romance from the lack of it in his life. The cheezier, the better.

Oh and he plays football, so he defines himself as a jock. But he also plays instruments with Drew, and they have a little band-thing going on. He’s not too good at anything but guitar, but he has fun doing it.

I don’t know what else to say, since I’m fairly certain it was an inadequate description anyways. You can read his app here as well. But plot with him and get excited, ya? Y'all know my AIM and my Skype (if not check the directory, or ask) and my Tumblr, so feel free to message me whenever, I'd love to hear what you gotta say about things, whether it be plotting or baked goods.


[Posted at 11:59 by the Committee to Piss Kaley Off]]

May. 6th, 2012


Introducing Archie!

So I've taken over the guidance counselor role with my first official teacher character, Archer Kennedy.

Archie's a cheerful young counselor from England, who has dreamed of coming to Dalton ever since he heard about it. As a child, he couldn't afford it, but now that he's an adult, Dalton will actually pay him! He must admit, he likes this arrangement.

He's not in it for the money, though. Archie didn't have an easy life growing up. He was a foundling, raised in an orphanage with seventeen "siblings," including some older ones who were decidedly unpleasant. He was a bright boy, though, and ended up getting into a boarding school for boys. His boyfriend there died in a boating accident their final year, and Archie still wears a promise ring they had exchanged in memory. Despite those major incidents and a wide variety of minor ones, Archie's managed to keep a sunny disposition, always looking at the bright side of life. He fully admits he couldn't have done it without the help of some fantastic adults in his life, and that is why chose to become a guidance counselor. He wants to repay everything they did for him by helping the next generations as much as he can.

Archie's a talented archer (he took up the sport to try to diffuse teasing about his name) and while not excessively gifted in song or dance, he has no shame in enjoying himself. He loves to talk, whether it be about himself or others, and he is always up for building relationships, especially among the boys he's going to be helping. It's far more likely, after all, that you will go to a friend, to someone you know and trust, when you see a crisis looming than you'll go to a rather distant adult who is "supposed to" be able to help.

Anyway, I'm hoping that Archie will be more involved in the students' lives than most teachers. He won't butt into their journals (too much), but rest assured, he is reading them. Hopefully, he's going to get some discussions going on his own journals... we'll see how things turn out.

If anyone needs a counselor, though, Archie is settling in to his new office and trying to get accustomed to things. Let me know if you want your boys to drop in!

Feb. 6th, 2012


Heeeeeey everyone! Leah here, adding to the influx of Haverstone girls!

This is Alex Van der Rozen. She's a junior and is captain of the Haverstone Hummingbirds. She's fairly new to the title of captain, but has been a member of the club since her freshman year. As well as captaining the glee club, she's also a member of the student council, and is vice president of the yearbook committee. On top of that, she also teaches how to sing opera - her grandmother being a professional singer and all. Hmmm, any foreign students might know her by her surname if they're into journalism, as her father, Hubrecht Van der Rozen, is the Editor-in-Chief of de Volkskrant - a daily national newspaper in the Netherlands. She's a happy, bubbly, albeit very driven and busy individual! She is more than happy to have friends though, so line them up if you think they'd get along with her! :)

Feb. 3rd, 2012


It´s a bird... it´s a plane... it´s a girl!

I know, right? What´s this? Yeah, Tina got done with the exams and so she decided to hit her character limit and apped a Haverstone girl :D

This is Mary August. She is a Junior at Haverstone and the boys may know her from various school events, which she also loves to organize. She is also in the Drama club, so some might know her from there as well.

She is romantic, slightly naive, sociable and kind of a neat freak. I am not sure what else to say about her, so here is her app and if you want to know anything, just ask.

Jan. 10th, 2012


guess who's back... back again..


it's me, kaley!! hello to any new people who have appeared in my brief time away. i'm super excited to be back and can't wait to start rping again. i've really missed you guys.

this here is liam carter. he's a sophomore who's been here since he was a freshman, so he's not new to these hallowed halls. he's a bit of a jock. basketball is his favorite sport. he's involved in student government and he goes to the christian fellowship meetings whenever he remembers/isn't lazy. he's not musically talented at all (unless you count being able to play 'smoke on the water' on the guitar) so he will not be auditioning for the warblers. he's had a religious upbringing, including eight years of private christian schooling, so even now dalton can be a total culture shock. he has the tendency to occasionally be a little closeminded, but he doesn't mean to be and appreciates being called out on it. he doesn't drink or smoke or have sex and he's closeted all the way. he's a nice guy. insult his faith or call him gay, though, and you'll see his angry side~.

but for the most part he'll want to be your friend.

umm, i think that's all? you guys better plot with me! you can still hit me up at ohsnapkaley pretty much all day every day. liam's sn is whatupliam.

make it work.

Jan. 9th, 2012


Hello, hey, hi, I'm Nick and I'm new, oooooh.

I have here Bishop, a transfer sophomore coming in from New York and he's basically brand new to the world of boarding school and everything that comes with it. He's a quiet guy unless he gets engaged in a conversation and then...lots of words! Other things to note: he's a stealth trans* guy, he has 3 parents, he almost likes chess more than breathing (well...close), and his favourite animals are cats, though zebras hold a special place in his heart. He's at Dalton due to his trans* status getting revealed at school last semester, hence bullying, though if anyone asks, he won't be telling the truth. Sorry folks. His app explains him pretty throughly, I'd say, but if you have any questions, tip your waiter and I'll be here all night.

Haha, but seriously, I'm totally open for any kind of plotting with him, and I'm glad to have the opportunity to play here! Kitty gave me the heads up about the game going public and I was very excited. Oh, as far as contact goes, feel free to email me - that's in my app, and I generally answer that pretty quickly. Unless I'm sleeping, which is pretty rare. :P

Oh, I forgot to add! All teachers and administration (...not that I've seen any of those running around :P) would know about Bishop's status, but the students wouldn't. nodnod.

Nov. 28th, 2011


Introducing the Bastion!

Leah convinced me to give another canon Warbler a try now that Blaine has moved on to someplace better (and Gabe continues to lineface at you all). Sebastian Smythe is a new junior at Dalton, and he's already realizing that there's nothing to do except the other students.

Sebastian's parents are divorced, and they've been fighting a nearly seventeen-year custody battle over Sebastian. His mother's a singer (so-so, you may have heard of her), and his father is a European football player (better than so-so, but it's not exactly the most popular sport in the States, so again, you may have heard of him). Sebastian has been rich and spoiled his entire life, moving around the world with his parents. After a stint in Amsterdam during which time he maxed out his father's credit cards in the red-light district, Sebastian has gone to live with his mother now. She's trying to kick-start an American career, though, so rather than have her smarmy teenage son live with her, she gave him the boarding school of his choice and some credit cards of his own.

Sebastian loves music and singing, and he's got his eye on that Warbler captain position. He doesn't like the word no, and he can be ruthless in his pursuit of the 'yes.' You can read more about him in his app.

If you'd like Sebastian in your life (or like him to ruin it), feel free to give me a poke here or over AIM or email or something!

Nov. 27th, 2011


Hey guys! Apparently I couldn't just stick with one main character so I had to bring in another. :P

This is Caleb Kennedy. He's a sophomore and literally just arrived at Dalton today - so feel sorry for the poor boy! He's a transfer student, fresh from public school (eww!) and is completely alone and friendless. He doesn't know anybody, so please take pity on him. His dad pulled him out of his old school after he got into a fight and then was subsequently bullied for being gay (a fact that isn't exactly widely known or especially obvious). He doesn't have a great home life in that his mom packed up and left when Caleb was two and nobody has heard from her since, and his dad is an airline pilot and so isn't around a lot.

In terms of personality, Caleb is a pretty awesome guy. He's nice and friendly, even though he's a bit of a jock. Basketball and football are his main passions but he loves playing just about anything. He also happens to have a good set of lungs on him, though he's never actually considered singing before due to the whole bullying thing. Who knows, maybe that'll all change now that he's at Dalton?

As usual, I've probably failed to adequately sum up my character, so if you want to know a bit more about Caleb, please check out his app here. If you'd like to talk plot, feel free to comment here or poke me on AIM. I'm sure you all know the drill by now! :D

Nov. 11th, 2011


I'm back!

Hello everyone! Katie here. It feels like it's been forever since I was here. I'm back and bring Sasha back with me. If anyone wants to plot or chat just hit me up, I don't bite! I'm so excited! :D

Aug. 29th, 2011


Nicole here with the first of my two new characters. I don't know how this happens, I really don't...

This kid here is Jefferson Reid, brand spanking new Freshman to Dalton and one of those rare heterosexuals (or at least that's the plan...). He's an arty, musical type so he'll fit in well at Dalton. He'll also fit in because he's of the Reid-Hall Reid's and his great-great-(insert some number of greats)-grandfather helped found the school. Or 'fund' it at least.

He's happy just doing his own thing, whatever that is this week, and ignoring the fanaticism of his family. Basically, they want to get a President out of their family, preferably in the next few generations. They're rich, snobby, very involved in local politics and the like, and have far too many lawyers in the one family, but don't bother asking Jeff what's going on because he really has no idea about that sort of thing.

He's joined up to the Art club and Yearbook so far but we'll see how he goes with that. Oh, and I've just plonked him down on Chopp level 2 but if anyone has a freshman/will be getting a freshman who wants a roomie, he's available.

My second character is good old Sam Evans [info]totallyawesam, having an attempted revival.

He's not even close to canon anymore but oh well. Basically, there was some Drama where his parents found out he's gay and he left home, to go and live with his cousin/BFF, Ethan *coughLeahMoveYourArsecough* and his parents. Sam's relationship with his family is still a bit strained, to say the least, and he's a bit fragile. Jess, he'll also have broken things off with Kurt, at least temporarily, while he gets his head in order since he's no good to anyone the way he is right now! :/

So, for now, he's just joining half a dozen sport teams and trying to fit back in. Have at him!

Apr. 22nd, 2011


Hey guys :D

So it's Amelia again and this time I bring you Zachary Rosenblum :D
He's not the nicest fellow, in fact, he's kind of a jerk. He'll flirt a lot in a very uncomfortable way, with everyone, and he doesn't care much about who he offends. He may make a homophobic comment every once in a while D:, even though he's not totally straight. He'll make fun of anyone who he deems a loser or a loner, but does have a conscience, and he has his limits. He doesn't expect to be taken seriously.
You also might want to know that he strongly observes his Jewish culture, he runs track&field and is always running, and he gravitates around the more popular kids, like the Warblers. He acts like he thinks he's the coolest kid in the school, even though he's really just hiding his loneliness. He's a sophomore, but he's been here since the beginning of Freshman year.

So for anything else, look at his app or ask me! I'm still happymeels1221 :) Plot with me?? :D <33333

His ic AIM is heyshiksag0ddess. Talk to him.

Apr. 7th, 2011


Time to run the friending button and welcome another new character:

Castiel Grants [info]ilikepie, a freshman played by Tasha.

Apr. 5th, 2011


Hi (again) everyone! I’m still Patti and this is Leonard D’Amico. Leonard is a brand new freshman who just transferred to Dalton from Carmel. His extended family has money (a majority of the D’Amico family is in politics or hold law degrees) but his father is a moderately successful science fiction author. When he was younger the family moved around a lot but mostly stuck to the southwest. Um… he’s the younger half of a set of twins still trying to come to terms with the fact that his brother (Logan) joined a glee group as a way to become popular and then turned on him. He was being picked on at school and wound up punching a kid and getting tossed out of Carmel. His grandfather pulled a few strings, his parents pleaded his case and Bennett took pity on him and allowed him to enroll in Dalton. Personality wise he leans more towards the snarky and sarcastic side. Um... for anything else please check out his bio in his journal. I'll get an aim sn for him tomorrow, in the mean time I'm open to any and all plotting.

Apr. 4th, 2011


New Player!

Hey everyone, it's time to welcome in dubs, playing the swim coach/gym teacher Delilah Ridley ([info]makeadash), as well as Patti's second character Leonard D'Amico ([info]ldamico). Don't forget to run the friending button to keep your flists up to date!

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