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Nov. 22nd, 2012


A Holden Family Thanksgiving

Just as a heads up for everyone who had a character show up to the Holden residence for Thanksgiving...

Faculty and students... )

Oct. 19th, 2012


All Warblers read this!

We sort of forgot to mention this earlier in the year, but before the first Warbler meeting, the Captain and Council sat down and had a discussion. Or, rather, Sebastian lectured the other three, and they couldn't find much to argue even though they didn't like him taking charge. Here's the cliffnotes version (because we never actually played this out for you). )

Also, for the next month, month and a half, Sebastian and Tak's room is full of half-hidden Halloween candy. Sebastian went overboard. Feel free to let your characters drop in for an "Easter egg" hunt whenever they need a fix.

Sep. 20th, 2012


Archie's latest Friday Discussion

As I'm sure you all noticed, Archie's last Friday post sparked a lot of issues coming out. He and Macy have been trying to address as many as they can, but Kitty and I are both rather busy and not professionals. If we haven't gotten to a comment of yours that you really really want to play out, please let us know and one of us will try to address it ASAP. For all the remaining ones, though, if you don't care if it gets played out, can we just assume that Archie and/or Macy doled out some advice, whether generic or specific, helpful or vague? We don't want to miss anyone with anything important, but we're both blanking on the remaining posts.

Aug. 8th, 2012


HI, I HAVE A NEW PUPPY FOR Y'ALL TO PLAY WITH! That puppy would be one Antoine Gaspard-Skib, but you may call him Tony. He comes from a rather poor family - his father is a sailor and his mother works at her father's diner - and Tony himself has been helping out at the diner since he was seven. He hails from the territorial collectivity of Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, but his English is passable, if somewhat drowning in his accent. He has himself trained to lose his accent when he sings in English, but that's the only time he manages to drop it. On that note, yes, Tony's a singer, and he also plays piano and guitar, but his focuses are on vocals and the piano. He's at Dalton on a scholarship for his music, and is hoping to get the most from the experience. Aside from music, he's also a swimmer, and he loves to read and to learn, so he may end up joining the book club, I haven't decided yet.

He's a junior and, although he's shy, he's also friendly, but a bit used to being too busy with working and music lessons to have time for friends. He's at risk of burying himself in school and his music, as he wants to take advantage of this opportunity, make his family proud, and earn himself a college scholarship, as well. And then there's the fact that he isn't used to being around so many people who come from money, so he's going to feel a bit ashamed and inferior, so it might be necessary for someone to pull him out of his shell a little, although he will be auditioning for the Warblers on his own. (He probably won't make it onto the team, seeings as I'm not dropping Benji, like, ever, but we'll need auditioners anyway~). Tony doesn't really shy away from adults, either, and is used to being on friendly terms with his teachers, but he does his best to remain respectful of their authority. He's never been away from home before, and feels extremely guilty for leaving his mother there, as his father is away for most of the year and his sister is currently in Britain, working as an au pair.

Another thing is that he's gay, but he hasn't realized - or even suspected it - yet, so I'm not sure that those sorts of plots should develop too quickly. I thiiink that's all I really need to emphasize, but you can read his app here, if you want :)

In unrelated news, I MISS YOU ALL <3 I'm still planning on doing the emails, but you can also stalk me here: :)

Jul. 23rd, 2012



Drew and Connor are visiting Dalton this week, starting Monday, July 23rd and leaving Monday, July 30th. They're visiting the school because they're deciding between two different schools at the moment and Connor's mother wanted them to spend some time on campus to see if it's the right fit for them.

Since they're there, that means it's time for plotting! Any kids that are at summer school, or are just at Dalton right now, we're calling you out. Post a comment below if you want to do something with our boys before they're officially Dalton students. Butif you'd rather, you can reach me, Sam, via AIM (discharge126) or email ( for plotting with Connor. Contact Jessica via AIM at jessicafftheii.

Do it.

Jul. 21st, 2012


Okay, okay. I've been slacking for a while but here is yet another intro from me! I know, I know. I'm well aware that I have some sort of addiction. ;)

This is Jason Sparks, though he'll introduce himself as Jace. It's a nickname he's had for a while so that's what everyone will eventually know him as! He's a native of Pierce County, Washington, where he was born at Fort Lewis, the army base. Both of his parents are military, with his father being a corporal and his mother being a field nurse. His history is fairly average in terms of a military family, though they haven't moved around quite as much as our other military boys (Drew and Connor, lookin' at you!). The only super major thing that's happened in his life is the death of his uncle, which affected the family pretty strongly. More info on that can be found in his history though.

In terms of personality, Jace has a typical boy-next-door feel about him. He's friendly, nice, and a rather bubbly person who's very comfortable talking to just about anyone. He's not overly extroverted yet he's not especially introverted either, though he does have a habit of taking too much on at any one time, which can make him seem flighty and a bit spacy. He's a good guy though, promise! His main reason for living is art, and he's rather good at most forms (even if he won't say so himself), and so he'll always be seen with a pencil behind his ear (it's a habit) and some form of note/sketchbook on his person. He's big on comic books and graphic novels, and he wants to be an illustrator when he's older. Errrrm. I'm not sure what else there is to say...

For more info on Jace, his app can be found here and if you'd like to plot, just reply here or contact me via the usual ways! :)

Jul. 17th, 2012


a wild staff member appeared!


Anyhoo. This is Thomas (Tom) Sawyer, better known as Mr. Sawyer to most of you. He's the new librarian at Dalton, moving in over the summer to familiarize himself with the place and get the library organized the way he wants it. Not that he'll make anyone ditch the Dewey Decimal System. :P This is his first official librarian job and he's semi-fresh out of grad school, so he's brand new to that. Not to the whole boarding school thing though, since he went to a combined middle/high boarding school, so he knows all about boarding school boys. He was married once, and has a daughter although it was a messy divorce, so he doesn't have custody of her. He's also extremely repressed but he's not homophobic - he just doesn't think at ALL about his own sexuality.

Personality wise, he's kind of still figuring himself out. He's twenty-six and this is the first time in his life that he's really had the time to sit down and figure himself out. He loves books and talks about them to anyone who's willing to listen to him go on, so it's a good thing he's a librarian really. Tom has a very dry sense of humor and tries not to get too sarcastic with students, but it may be easier said than done. He also believes in being there for his students, even though he may not be their teacher, and so he'll do anything he can to help them out. He would like to think he's fairly good at giving advice, but he's sort of untested, so we'll see.

I'm happy to plot anything out - he may be a minor character as staff members go, but he'll generally talk to anyone who talks to him first. I'm about to go put my details in the Directory, but for now, his app is here.

- Nick

Jul. 9th, 2012


Connor, meet everybody. Everybody, meet Connor.

Due to the demands of Kaley, Jessica, and Kitty, I’m gonna post Connor’s little shipper thing early so y’all can play around with it. Okay, here we go.

So this dude right here is Connor Staubach, and he’ll be entering his junior year here at Dalton along with his younger cousin Drew. He grew up in a military household, watching his brother join the army in the steps of his father, who still spends most of his time away from home serving. Connor lives with his mom most of the time, moving around every year or two to accommodate for his father’s military career. His brother, Damian Nichols-Staubach, will either stay with whatever girlfriend he’s with at the time or his birth-mother, Allison Nichols (it’s touched on in the app, but basically Damian was an unplanned product of passion from the father’s high school days). So Connor doesn’t see Damian all that often. But Drew stays with him and his mother whenever his dad is overseas, which is a majority of the time, so Connor has come to see Drew as a brother who’s easier to be friends with.

Personality-wise, Connor is pretty outgoing. He’s an all-or-nothing guy, so odds are you’ll either find him fun to be around or an obnoxious prick. He’s used to being in the popular crowd at school, since he found it hilariously easy to emulate the way they acted, and they always had the most fun so Connor veered towards them anyway. Because of this, he’s been known to be a bit condescending or bullying on occasion, a habit nobody has really called him out on yet- he’d stop if he knew, he’s really not a fan of being mean to people that don’t deserve it. Connor tends to view people as ways to have fun, and he’s good at making shallow friendships with people that never seem to scratch the surface. Moving from town-to-town never let him use his big-boy social skills, and the only person he’s ever really had some sort of connection with was Drew. But I swear, he’s a great guy once you can get him to sit down and be serious and committed.

It hasn’t yet dawned on him that being at an all-boys private school will mean no girls, so his sexual progress will come grinding to a halt for the time being. He’s hooked up with several different girls, being able to take his pick as each year passes. He’d define himself as totally straight, since the only gay thing he’s ever done was get blown at a party by some dude with deceivingly long hair. In reality, he’s more of a 2-2.5 on Kinsey. So that’ll be fun when he finds that out. While he’s more about the sexual side of things, he’s idealized romance from the lack of it in his life. The cheezier, the better.

Oh and he plays football, so he defines himself as a jock. But he also plays instruments with Drew, and they have a little band-thing going on. He’s not too good at anything but guitar, but he has fun doing it.

I don’t know what else to say, since I’m fairly certain it was an inadequate description anyways. You can read his app here as well. But plot with him and get excited, ya? Y'all know my AIM and my Skype (if not check the directory, or ask) and my Tumblr, so feel free to message me whenever, I'd love to hear what you gotta say about things, whether it be plotting or baked goods.


[Posted at 11:59 by the Committee to Piss Kaley Off]]

May. 13th, 2012


Anyone feel up to playing Sebastian's parents?

I would really like it if both of Sebastian's parents came out to watch the Nationals performance, without telling Sebastian they'd be there (or each other). Sebastian's mother wants to tell him that she's giving him an all-expenses paid trip to Europe for the entire summer (he's not allowed to stay with her in L.A., good heavens no, not while she's still trying to improve her fame!, and he can't stay with his father either because his father doesn't have custody and no way will she allow that!). She also wants to coo over his broken arm and be all properly motherly. Uh-huh.

His father, on the other hand, wants to tell him that he's going to start up yet another round of custody battles to bring Sebastian back to Europe.

Both parents loathe each other (the sort of passionate hatred that will probably land them in bed together) and both want Sebastian to only care about them.

Anyone want to pick them up for a scene today?

Apr. 4th, 2012


Anyone feel up to playing Sebastian's mother?

I'd like her to come by for a visit to Dalton, an attempted publicity stunt dressed up as a "I'm checking in on my poor, injured baby boy!" visit, but as always when crazy parents come for a visit, it's far more fun if someone else plays the parent. Would anyone be interested in playing Sapphire the Starlet?

Also: we are still using the AIM chatroom daltontalks, right? It's been pretty deserted for the past few weeks, even when I try to invite people I see online. Or did OOC chat move somewhere else?

Feb. 25th, 2012



I am kinda sorta back. Still a little slower than normal, I am afraid, but I´ll be tagging back now :)

Aaaand, can we discuss Regionals?

Cut in case the last Glee ep is still spoilerish for someone, though I am not spoiling much. )

Feb. 18th, 2012


Dinner Party at Breadstix!

So, in a group chat, Blaine invited everyone present to Breadstix on Friday night for a dinner party, nominally on him (don't eat too much!) and to pass the word around Dalton (he clearly didn't think this through), especially to the Warblers who aren't brand new, but even people he didn't know were welcome to come too. In light of all the other group stuff going on these days, I figured we don't need to thread it, but if anything happened/your guys attended, feel free to mention it here.

Feb. 13th, 2012


Threads, anyone?


I just wanted to let you all know that even though I'm hard to catch on AIM, I'm always up for plots!

Especially with the Rose situation, if anyone wants to talk to Mr. H about that, I'm up for it. Of course, he knows about it, and might do a group session? Just leave a comment here or e-mail me ( and we can get a thread started.

Feb. 10th, 2012


The Italian girl is back

She was there for summer school, remember? Annalucia Giustiniani, mostly known as Lu. And she was supposed to go to Haverstone but a boarding school didn't suit her at all (she hated having to share a room with another girl) so she's now at Carmel, and hosted by a member of Vocal Adrenaline who somehow managed to convince her to join the team in spite of her terrible shyness.

She met Harris at summer school and has had a crush on him since then. Of course, she has no idea of how much of a "bad boy" he is. She doesn't even know he doesn't like only girls (but she's not exactly sure she likes only boys so it doesn't really risks to shock her).

(You can read more about Lu in my new application here.)

Now, because icons are too small to do justice to the PB's beautiful eyes...

Picture )

Oh, and allow me to take this opportunity to say I'm sorry for not commenting on all the introduction posts. There were so many I didn't find the time (and I'm behind to read the characters' posts, too). But if anyone has an idea of plot for their character(s) and one of mine (Lu, Dorian, Monsieur Leclerc), feel free to contact me.

Feb. 9th, 2012


Sebastian's Plot (Attn: Everyone, but especially Tina, Jesse, and Kitty)

I seem to have plotted myself into a corner with Sebastian, and so I'm coming to you guys for help. Since this may be long, I'm going to put it under a cut, but I'd appreciate as much feedback and assistance as possible.

CUT! )

Feb. 1st, 2012


Dear Daltonites!

As Jeanette´s pointed out, the Valentine´s Day is in two weeks! The emails each of your characters received hints at what will happen. What you should expect is this:

On February 11th(because the V-day happens during the week and we realize the weekend is usually when people have more time), a post will come up. It´s going to be a mass thread, in a sense, where you can post your character´s love notes.

Feel free to send notes to anyone, teachers included. Feel free to spice it up using the NPC Dalton students. Most notes will get through, especially in the morning hours, but the most inappropriate ones will be censored. However, if anyone volunteers their character to read those notes, this character can of course save them/remember them and deliver them later in person if they want. Up to you. Each note will be a header to a subthread and if your character wants to react to a certain note - show us the reaction! Threading welcome and encouraged.

We are announcing this in advance so that if you want to plot something for the event, you have the time to do so :)

On Friday, 17th, we will post a mass thread for the Valentine´s Day Dance. The attendance is not mandatory but encouraged and some teachers (especially those that will have to suffer through the event as chaperons) will badger the boys to attend throughout the whole previous week. If not longer.

The dance will be in cooperation with Haverstone Academy, which brings us to the most important OOC update. We´ve noticed around Tumblr and elsewhere that there is desire for more het and stuff. This is difficult to do since the Dalton Academy has a single female student and the game that hosted the girls is, to my knowledge, dead. Therefore from now on, if you want to apply a Haverstone girl for your minor/fourth character, go ahead and do it. We´ll be really happy if you do. If you have a pre-existing female character you´ve played here that you´d like to keep, just point us to her and we´ll add her - no need to reapply. If you want to apply a new one, just go ahead and do it the same way as if you were applying a Dalton boy. Those characters will be considered minor characters and therefore you do not need to worry about their activity.

Of course, you´re encouraged to have your characters organize something themselves in addition (*coughhorrormarathoncough*).

As always, any questions, concerns, feedback, whatever - we want your input! Let us know!

Your mod team,
Josh and Tina

PS: We´ve both been craving OOC group chats. Anyone else misses daltonrocks? Because we do. So much. But since no one seem to be able to get into that chatroom anymore... Give us suggestions for a new chatroom name! Should we establish a date and time for our first official chat in the new room or should we simply start treating it the same way as we used to treat daltonrocks? You know - if you feel like chatting, just enter the room and wait for someone to show up?

Jan. 16th, 2012


It's hard to RP "I'm closed off from everyone"

In light of... well, a lot of build up, the time of year, and recent events, Gabriel's gone into almost complete shut-down mode. He showed up to class last Thursday with a black eye (the left one) and a split lip, and he has been even more emotionless than usual. He never lingers anywhere, even the small signs of feelings he used to give have been shut off, and he does anything he can to avoid physical contact with people, which can lead to some interesting maneuvers in the halls between classes. All of his freetime is spent shut off in his room.

He doesn't have very many people he interacts with at Dalton, but I figured if anyone's character is perceptive enough to notice and wants to give interacting with this ice queen a try, I'd offer him up.

Sep. 9th, 2011



The auditions for the SEVEN open spots on the Dalton Warblers will take place on the 17th and 18th September, though the audition post will be published in advance and foredated so that everyone has enough time to post.

Assume this sign-up sheet hangs on the door of the auditorium. If your character wants to audition, they are required to sign up in advance. That is what this post is for.

General Rules:
General Rules )

Note: The current Warblers will prepare a performance between now and the time the auditions are held, therefore assume your character has seen them perform at least once even if this is their first year at Dalton. It is also a well-known fact that Warblers are last year Nationals winners.

Audition Times )

Aug. 31st, 2011


ATTENTION: Nicole, Kitty, Ash

Do we want to thread the first Warbler Council + Captain meeting of the year? It´s happening today, right?

Aug. 26th, 2011


Who plays a student who takes French and/or a faculty member?

Hi everyone!

Since I play the French teacher (I started in June, but there weren't many opportunities of interaction during the summer so I still consider myself a new player that most of you probably don't know), could you please tell me what he's supposed to know about those of your characters who are either students who take French or other faculty members? Because it's quite hard to comment on other characters' posts when I don't even know if the player knows who my character is.

Speaking of that, here's what other characters are supposed to know about mine:

* His name is Raphaël Leclerc. Students should call him "monsieur" in class but he wouldn't object to the use of his first name elsewhere.
* He's French, and also speaks Italian very fluently because his mother's parents are Italian.
* He arrived at Dalton a year ago, as an assistant teacher for French and Italian (so if you have a character who took Italian last year, he knows him too), then was offered to stay as the full French teacher.
* He has a girlfriend who still lives in France...and some people may know there's also another person, but he wouldn't have told everyone, particularly not his students (except Benji who, for obvious reasons, wouldn't risk to think less of him for being in a relationship of that kind).

By the way, I'm Cybèle, and French is really my first language (but I'm Belgian, not French).

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