Aug. 30th, 2012


Fun Fact about Westerville

I'm still out, guys, and Archie probably will miss another Friday post. Pretend he didn't miss either?

I had to share this fact that I learned and can't believe none of us have made mention of yet--Westerville, Ohio, is the place where Prohibition began. It's the dry capital of the world, and it's something they're very proud of. Has a museum for it and everything. The guy I'm staying with actually went to college there, so he was telling me about it. Apparently, his college was incredibly anti-drink, but incredibly open about sexuality. Go figure!

May. 16th, 2012



I got access to my laptop back, and what better way to celebrate than by making a Dalton Texts From Last Night blog?

Feel free to follow/submit your own! :D

Apr. 4th, 2012


Anyone feel up to playing Sebastian's mother?

I'd like her to come by for a visit to Dalton, an attempted publicity stunt dressed up as a "I'm checking in on my poor, injured baby boy!" visit, but as always when crazy parents come for a visit, it's far more fun if someone else plays the parent. Would anyone be interested in playing Sapphire the Starlet?

Also: we are still using the AIM chatroom daltontalks, right? It's been pretty deserted for the past few weeks, even when I try to invite people I see online. Or did OOC chat move somewhere else?

Feb. 11th, 2012


Because I wanted to

To keep things consistent, I've assigned everyone a color for group IC chats that I transcribe. Each player has a 'color group,' and teachers/alum get more awkward colors than major characters.

If your character's name does not appear in the following list, I don't have his/her IM name. Otherwise, this is how they will appear when they show up in a chat:

Pretty colors! )

Nov. 9th, 2011


Once a Warbler, always a Warbler

Sep. 20th, 2011


This Is Dalton!

I was reading Tina Fey's autobiography Bossypants today and stumbled across this quote that basically described what Dalton is.

"Richard had been the first of the Showtime boys to quietly come out after his stint at the Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Arts, an exlusive state-run arts intensive that might as well have been called the Pennsylvania Governor's Blow Job Academy. Imagine a bunch of seventeen-year-old theater boys away from home for the first time for six weeks. They were living in empty college dorms, for the love of Mike! Literally! Think of the joy and freedom they must have felt, like being on an all-gay space station. (I'm sure there were one or two straight boys there, too, and I imagine they did incredibly well with the one or two straight girls.)"

We ARE playing an all-boys school accurately!

Jul. 1st, 2011


Dalton Meet-up and Modly things

As I've said before, Leah will be visiting Chicago with me on July 27-29. Our only decided plans are to visit Medieval Times for dinner and a show Tuesday night. If anyone wants to join us, please let me know by July 11! If you can repay me, I can purchase the tickets in advance and also book hotel rooms. Every single member of Dalton is more than welcome to join us, regardless of how active you are/have been.

Also... I've been talking/thinking about it for a while, but I think I need to step down as a mod of Dalton. My RP energy has been waning, and it's not fair to push all of the work and responsibility onto Nicole while I vanish off into la-la land. If someone else is willing to step up to help her, then I will step down and give you all the secret modly passwords and accounts. I'll still be here as Gabe, and graduated Blaine, but my own activity just isn't enough to run this place anymore.

Jun. 20th, 2011


Dalton Planner

I linked to pictures! )

Jun. 11th, 2011


Requesting Modly Assistance

Hello all you Daltonites. Spider here, with a matter of probably a lot of importance for the game as a whole.

A lot of you have noticed that activity is falling off, cliques have formed, and new people are nonexistent. Dalton Academy is now entering its seventh month of life, and it's not doing a very good job of aging gracefully. Part of the problem has definitely been on modly shoulders. To put it bluntly, Nicole and I are feeling rather burnt out from doing everything here all the time.

But we all love Dalton, and we don't want it to die. A suggestion was made to open the mod positions up more. Rather than two people doing everything, we could have a bunch of people doing lots of little things. We think that's a great idea.

So, if you're interested in helping out at Dalton, how about letting us know? You can fill out this form and either reply here or email us at, and we'll decide where to go from there!

Stuff you'd be interested in modding/why you'd be good at it: (you can put whatever you want here. Mod of advertising? Making new players feel welcome? Coming up with/keeping plots straight? Changing up the layout? ANYTHING. We'll consider it all!)

And... that's it, really. We just hope it's not too late for Dalton.

May. 10th, 2011


I got my grades today, looks like I am graduating!

And, I am no longer stressing, and have time to do fun stuff again!

<3 to all of you, you have no idea how much you have helped me get through this really stressful and difficult semester. Ilu, guys.

Feb. 11th, 2011



It's here, it's here, it's finally here! [info]dalton_au, the community for all our AU logs and fan creations! Please check out the community's profile to view the new rules for our newest community, and don't forget to join in order to post!

Just as a reminder to everyone, when posting logs played out over IM, unless you are posting it as an IM conversation, PLEASE remove all of the usernames/timestamps and double-check your formatting once it's up.

That being said, go check out dalton_au. It's already been christened with a sample log from way back when, some never-been-aired Blaine/Raf smut!

Dec. 25th, 2010


Just dropping a really quick note to say a) MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you who are celebrating and happy holidays to the rest <3 and b) I’ve been pretty much swamped with work and now family time since I started winter break, but I’ll try my best to catch up on things tonight when I get home from my grandparents. And I’ll try to get my Secret Santa fic finished and posted in the next day or so, too. So sorry for the delay :(


Dec. 8th, 2010


AIM Chats!

It is official now. The AIM chatgroup "daltonrocks" is the OOC chat for the community. We will find some place in the information pages to add this. Whenever you sign into AIM, feel free to invite yourself to this group to see who else is on (if new Glee episodes are in the process of/just finished airing, expect spoilers).

The easiest way to get to Dalton Rocks on AIM is to send a group chat invite to yourself, and change the name of the chat group to daltonrocks (unless someone knows an even easier way)