May 2014




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Mar. 4th, 2014


WHO: Halle Gremlin [D6] and Reaper Spelt [D9].
WHAT: Finale, Part III.
WHEN: Night #15.
WHERE: House of Wax.

[Part I] [Part II] [Part III]

Those who are about to die salute you. )


WHO: Reaper Spelt [D9], Miranda Tern [D4], and Halle Gremlin [D6]
WHAT: Finale, Part I
WHEN: Night 15
WHERE: House of Wax

[Part I] [Part II] [Part III]

Three people would walk in. One would walk out. )

Mar. 3rd, 2014


WHO: Reaper Spelt [D9].
WHAT: A nap at the teacups leads to a visit from the beloved Richard Parker.
WHEN: Day #15.
WHERE: Tiny Tippers Twirling Teacups.
STATUS: Complete narrative.

What he wasn’t expecting was another run in with the tiger mutt. )

Mar. 2nd, 2014


Silver Parachute for Reaper )

Mar. 1st, 2014


WHO: Alexander Treadle (D8) and Reaper Spelt (D9)
WHAT: Wax statues are sizzling, my friends
WHEN: Day 14, dinnertime
WHERE: House of Wax
WARNINGS: I didn't even swear this time, guys!
STATUS: Complete

Acrid air assaulted him as Alexander reached the room where the tribute figures had stood. )

Feb. 28th, 2014


WHO: Reaper Spelt [D9].
WHAT: Stuff, junk, and a little pep talk.
WHEN: Night #13 directly after the events of the Midway.
WHERE: Men's bathroom at Zapatepanada.
STATUS: Completed narrative (contains spoilers).

Stop shaking. Stop shaking. )


WHO: Reaper Spelt [D9] & Zap Volta [D5].
WHAT: And then there was one.
WHEN: Night 13.
WHERE: Midway.
WARNINGS: Stuff. Things.
STATUS: Complete.

What was it you thought you saw? )

Feb. 26th, 2014


WHO: Reaper Spelt [D9].
WHAT: Our young hero decides to seek shelter from the rain in the Snow replica mansion bounce house.
WHEN: Day #12 shortly after noon.
WHERE: The Festival Fairgrounds.
STATUS: Completed narrative (plot slot).

Bounce. )

Feb. 25th, 2014


Silver Parachute for Brock Samson )
Silver Parachute for Reaper Spelt )
Silver Parachute for Zap Volta )

Feb. 24th, 2014


WHO: Emmer Spelt, Talbina Spelt, the extended Spelt crew, and Capitolites Annona & Robigus.
WHAT: Family interview time
WHEN: Day #11.
WHERE: The Spelt homestead, District 9.
STATUS: Completed narrative.

Endless fields of wheat and soybeans. )

Feb. 23rd, 2014


WHO: Reaper Spelt [D9] .
WHAT: Thoughts and feels and junk.
WHEN: Day #10 after the anthem.
WHERE: Tunnel of Love somewhere up on the rocks.
STATUS: Completed Narrative.

Hope they don’t embarrass us. )

Feb. 22nd, 2014


WHO: Reaper Spelt [D9] & Zap Volta [D5].
WHAT: And then there were two...
WHEN: Day #9 after the events at the sideshow.
WHERE: Tunnel of Love.
STATUS: Completed Log.

Maybe if we’re lucky, they’ll all kill each other. )

Feb. 21st, 2014


WHO: Reaper Spelt [D9].
WHEN: Day #10 after the Sideshow Showdown.
WHERE: Some place with pavement on the way back to the Tunnel 'O Love.
WHAT: Since he wasn't watching where he was going, Reaper managed to fall into a trap.
STATUS: Completed narrative (death roll).

No. Not like this. )


WHO: Reaper Spelt [D9], Patsy Hops [D9], Zipporah Vast [D2], and Miranda Tern [D4]
WHAT: Alliances collide.
WHEN: Day 9.
WHERE: Biali Brothers Circus Sideshows
STATUS: Complete log.

You’ve lived long enough now, haven’t you? )

Feb. 20th, 2014


WHO: Reaper Spelt [D9].
WHEN: Night #9 right at dusk.
WHERE: Main Street.
WHAT: While walking "home" for the night, Reaper makes a disturbing discovery in one of the shop windows.
STATUS: Completed narrative (plot slot).

Now the mannequins were different.  )

Feb. 16th, 2014


WHO: Reaper Spelt [D9].
WHEN: Night 7 during the anthem.
WHERE: A boat at the Tunnel of Love.
WHAT: After seeing the tributes during the anthem, Reaper does some soul searching or something.
STATUS: Completed narrative.

The suspense was almost unbearable.  )


Who: Halle Gremlin [D6], Reaper Spelt [D9] and Sephora Kohl [D1]
When: Night 7
Where: The Mines of Marnassia
What: Free For All!
Rating/Status: Well, they all got death rolls, so...

Welcome to the party )

Feb. 15th, 2014


WHO: Reaper Spelt [D9].
WHEN: Day 7.
WHERE: Food stand somewhere on the Midway.
WHAT: When life gives you lemons, follow some rats to a block of cheese.
WARNINGS: Lots of vermin. Also, I wrote this on my iPad some I will probably be fixing any typos once I get home.
STATUS: Completed narrative.

Best. Cheese. Product. Ever! )

Feb. 14th, 2014


WHO: Patsy Hops, Reaper Spelt and Zap Volta
WHAT: Eating and plotting
WHEN: Night 6
WHERE: The Tunnel of Love
STATUS: Complete

He was sure the Capitolites were having a good time watching him struggle to not make any repulsed faces as he took small bites from his small share of the animal. )

Feb. 13th, 2014


WHO: Zipporah Vast [D2], Brock Samson [D2], Zap Volta [D5], Patsy Hops [D9], and Reaper Spelt [D9]
WHAT: Showdown
WHEN: Day 6, later in the day.
WHERE: Castle of Illusions - Mirror Maze
WARNINGS: This is the childmurder games.
STATUS: Complete. Guys we wrote this in less than 24 hours idek how.

A return gift to District Five from District Two. )

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