May 2014




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Mar. 4th, 2014


WHO: Miranda Tern [D4]
WHAT: Finale, Part II
WHEN: Night 15
WHERE: House of Wax

[Part I] [Part II] [Part III]

Things that haven't been done before are not impossible, only uncharted )


WHO: Reaper Spelt [D9], Miranda Tern [D4], and Halle Gremlin [D6]
WHAT: Finale, Part I
WHEN: Night 15
WHERE: House of Wax

[Part I] [Part II] [Part III]

Three people would walk in. One would walk out. )


WHO: Miranda Tern [D4]
WHAT: A hint from the Gamemakers
WHEN: Early evening 15
WHERE: Under the Stars Cinema

I'm gonna need a little more than that if I'm supposed to find them )

Mar. 2nd, 2014


WHO: Miranda Tern [D4]
WHAT: Watching the anthem.
WHEN: Late evening 14
WHERE: Behind the Castle of Illusions
WARNINGS: Spoilers

We're all shipwrecked sailors, alone at the end of the day, with no help, and no course except the one we chart for ourselves )

Mar. 1st, 2014


Silver Parachute for Miranda Tern )

Feb. 28th, 2014


WHO: Halle Gremlin [D6] and Miranda Tern [D4]
WHAT: An encounter on a stormy night.
WHEN: Night 13
WHERE: Ghoulish Guesthouse
STATUS/WARNINGS: Complete, and it's the Hunger Games.

Halle wasn't going to be doing much running anymore. )


WHO: Miranda Tern [D4]
WHAT: As Woodie Guthrie would say, "Keep hoping machine running"
WHEN: Backdated to the morning of Day 13
WHERE: Biali Brothers Circus Sideshows
STATUS: Complete

There were so few of them left, and optimism made her buoyant. )

Feb. 27th, 2014


Parachute for Miranda! )

Feb. 26th, 2014


WHO: Sephora Kohl [D1] and Miranda Tern [D4]
WHAT: Mortal combat
WHEN: Dusk, Night 12
WHERE: Biali Brothers Beastiary
STATUS: Complete log!
WARNING: If you have to ask, you’ll never know

Can I have this? )

Feb. 25th, 2014


Silver Parachute to Miranda Tern )

Silver Parachute to Rye Hoben )

Feb. 24th, 2014


WHO: The Tern family (Miranda's father, Sebastian, mother, Francesca, brothers, Alonso and Ferdinand) and Capitolite interviewer, Catalina Dormouse
WHAT: A cut of the interview
WHEN: Filmed in advance, broadcast whenever Top 8 broadcasts are
WHERE: Fishermen's docks, District 4

Ma'am, we don't just sit on the docks anywhere, usually )


Silver Parachute for Miranda Tern )

Feb. 23rd, 2014


WHO: Miranda Tern [D4]
WHAT: Girl on the run encounters some mutts (or, a partial flashback to the life and times of Dory "Fishbait" Skipjack)
WHEN: Night 10 / Day 11
WHERE: Tunnel of Love

Something slithered past her ankle. )

Feb. 22nd, 2014


WHO: Sephora Kohl [D1], Miranda Tern [D4] and Ariel O’Connell [D4]
WHAT: Red, red, red...
WHEN: Dusk, Night 10
WHERE: Locker Bays
STATUS: log complete
WARNING: child murder, explicitly creepy

After all, alliances were always temporary.  )


WHO: Aramis Rosegold and Sephora Kohl [D1], Brock Samson [D2], Miranda Tern and Ariel O’Connell [D4]
WHAT: Breaking up is hard to do… j/k IT’S EASY PEASY
WHEN: Dusk, Night 10
WHERE: Locker Bays
STATUS: Complete log!

You heard the cannons )


WHO: Ariel and Miranda, with guest appearances from Kennewick and Peregrine
WHAT: [Plot slot] Going to the movies
WHEN: Backdated to Day 8
WHERE: Under the Stars Cinema
STATUS: Completed Log

I don't think we should stay here )

Feb. 21st, 2014


WHO: Reaper Spelt [D9], Patsy Hops [D9], Zipporah Vast [D2], and Miranda Tern [D4]
WHAT: Alliances collide.
WHEN: Day 9.
WHERE: Biali Brothers Circus Sideshows
STATUS: Complete log.

You’ve lived long enough now, haven’t you? )

Feb. 17th, 2014


WHO: Miranda Tern and Aramis Rosegold
WHAT: Gay or Capitolite, Part 2
WHEN: Day 8
WHERE: Career Camp

I've heard everyone really likes it when you act natural-like )

Feb. 15th, 2014


WHO: Miranda Tern [D4]
WHAT: On her way to hear the carousel again, Miranda manages to get inside the locked arcade.
WHEN: Early morning Day 7
WHERE: Main Street

It would be a five minute indulgence, she told herself )


WHO: Zipporah Vast [D2] and Miranda Tern [D4]
WHAT: Chicken soup for the tribute soul
WHEN: Night 6 (backdated to after this log!)
WHERE: Career camp

It’s a shame, that we’re in here at the same time )

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