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Dec. 23rd, 2013


WHO: Jet Pearce, Marlin Felucca, and Dory Skipjack.
WHAT: Former allies meet again.
WHEN: Day 20 [12/23], early afternoon.
WHERE: Meadow.
STATUS: Complete log.

With my handicap, you may even have a chance. )


WHO: Marlin Felucca and ???? (mentions Dory)
WHAT: Pee break gone wrong
WHEN: Sometime Day 19
WHERE: By the seaside~
WARNINGS: Violence
STATUS: Completed narrative

He didn't have to go in the water, but there was something satisfying about it, something that reminded him of home. )

Dec. 22nd, 2013


WHO: Family of Marlin Felucca, plus Capitol interviewer Catalina Dormouse
WHAT: Interviews
WHEN: During the Top 8
WHERE: District 4
WARNINGS: penis jokes
STATUS: Complete!

We'll have to come back to get some shots of it at night, of course! )

Dec. 19th, 2013


WHO: Dory Skipjack and Marlin Felucca.
WHAT: Taking a vacation from child murder, the Fours visit the seaside.
WHEN: Day 16.
WHERE: The shores of the ocean formerly known as the frozen side of the arena.
STATUS: In progress.

Miles and miles of ocean, stretching out as far as the eye could see. )

Dec. 17th, 2013


Simultaneous parachute drops

Parachute for Dory )

Parachute for Marlin )

Dec. 16th, 2013


WHO: Basil Lumineer, Marlin Felucca, Dory Skipjack.
WHAT: The breaking of the fellowship.
WHEN: Day 13, early morning.
WHERE: The rocky mountains, southish of the meadow.
STATUS: Completed log.

We aren't finding anyone to kill sitting around *here*, that's for sure. )

Dec. 15th, 2013


WHO: Marlin Felucca
WHAT: "When they go fishing, it is not really fish they are after."
WHEN: Morning, day 11
WHERE: Frozen side somewhere, ok
STATUS: Complete narrative

A tiny wave lapped above the surface, as if taunting him. )

Dec. 13th, 2013


WHO: Laurel (D7), Buck (D10), Dory (D4), and Marlin (D4)
WHAT: Well, it's not a picnic.
WHEN: Afternoon of Day 11
WHERE: Mountain pass (G4)
WARNINGS: Violence. Surprise!
STATUS: Complete log

How's the jewels? )

Dec. 12th, 2013


WHO: Dory Skipjack, mentions of Basil and Marlin.
WHAT: Christmas morning! Dory's luck turns for the better, and she flirts with Maalik long-distance.
WHEN: Day 9, early morning.
WHERE: Dory/Marlin/Basil camp. Somewhere on the southern end of the meadow I think idek.
STATUS: Narrative / complete.

The silver package opened to reveal a tiny little jar, unmarked. )

Dec. 11th, 2013


WHO: Dory Skipjack, open to Marlin and Basil.
WHAT: Reacting to the face in the sky, and to the desertion of the Twos...
WHEN: 'Evening' of Day 7, during the anthem.
WHERE: Camp of the shrinking Career pack, ~F6?

There was no taking chances in the Hunger Games. )

Dec. 9th, 2013


WHO: Lilac Soot & Basil Lumineer & Marlin Felucca
WHAT: Two Death Rolls + Avalanche = ??
WHEN: Late Day Six
WHERE: [Fly like a] G6: Near the mountains by the meadow
STATUS: Complete

“The next time one of you almost dies, I’m just going to let the gamemakers finish you off.” )

Dec. 10th, 2013


silver parachute for D4 )

Dec. 8th, 2013


WHO: Dory "Fishbait" Skipjack, mentions of other Careers and open to them as usual.
WHAT: Dory is in dire straits, with a gash in her leg and cold shock and hypothermia from her jaunt in the icy waters, but at least she's alive. Let's hope the other Careers are willing to keep her that way.
WHEN: Day 5, mid-afternoon.
WHERE: Career camp, eastern pass (G5).

Marlin wouldn't let anyone kill her. Not yet, anyway. )

Dec. 7th, 2013


WHO: Marlin Felucca, mentions Dory and District 2, OPEN to other Careers
WHAT: I felt like writing a bit about Marlin performing first aid on himself, enjoy
WHEN: Backdated?? To sometime in the first few days when the Careers have a bonfire, look I don't know timelines
WHERE: Career camp, Cornucopia
WARNINGS: A bit bloody, written on an airplane
STATUS: Complete narrative

The kick was the injury everyone remembered, but it was the cut, apparently, that lingered. )

Dec. 5th, 2013


Who: Basil (1) and Marlin (4)
What: Careers standing guard and you know, being douchebros.
Where: Wherever the Careers camp tonight, near the Cornucopia most likely.
When: NIGHT 1
Status: Completed log
Warnings: Swearing/talk of child murder/douchebros.

Besides, now he knew to protect the jewels and wouldn't be repeating that mistake again. )



Let the 55th Annual Hunger Games begin!

Dec. 4th, 2013


The Cornucopia

The tributes rise through their tubes and into a mildly warm arena. The sky is clear blue and, for all appearances, it seems to be a pleasant spring day. The Cornucopia is clearly visible to all tributes. In it’s mouth are several crates, lots of scattered jars, and weapons. Several backpacks and small items are strewn around the outskirts.

In all directions,tributes can see nothing but emerald green grass and flowers. They have arisen in a meadow. The meadow is flat and there are no trees, shrubs, or other kinds of cover. It goes on like this until meeting a wall of mountain which encircles the meadow. There are two exits from the meadow, one to the eastern right of the Cornucopia, and the second which is due south. Tributes will not be able to readily see these points, nor can they see anything which lies beyond them.

All the tributes are arranged in a circle around the Cornucopia. District partners seem to be roughly opposite one another. Tributes must wait sixty seconds for the gong to sound before leaving their platforms.

Arrangement of platforms. )

Dec. 3rd, 2013


[District 4 Victors]
Dory and I already figured it out between us. The plan is, we're going to stick together as long as we can, and give everyone a good 4 vs. 4 show in the end. Best outcome for everyone.

But it's gonna be me who comes out top, so if you're going to bet on someone or put all your eggs in one basket, it should be my basket. I'd be a real credit to 4, prove that we're every bit the same volunteer force as 1 and 2 and we're not flukes. You heard all the applause at my interview. People love me, and I'm betting my goddamn life they want me back.

And when I win, I mentor her sisters. Deal?


[District Four]
So our 11 can't feel pain. That doesn't mean he can't die. Right?

Also, what should our strategy be at the start? I know we want to take out the Five girl with the good score, and probably the Nines too, since they look like they'll be together and I didn't expect those scores from them. Do you think it's better to try to find the ones we really want to target right away even if it takes a while and save the littler ones for later, or are we going to take any kills we can get on the first day so the sponsors notice us right away?

[D4 Victors]
And how do I know when it's time to leave the rest of the pack? And when I do, should I take Marlin with me? He'd be helpful hunting down the rest if we were on our own, but I know I don't trust him once the other threats are dead. I'm not worth as much to him as he is to me, unless he gets hurt or weakened or the arena is all water again, and I'm not counting on any of that.

I know you're probably thinking of choosing him over me, especially with his score, but I want this more than he does. If you favor him, fine, but I am going to kill him if it comes down to it, with or without your help. I just want you to know that.


WHO: Tributes
WHEN: Final Interview
WHERE: On stage; TV for everyone else
WHAT: Interviews
Each tribute has a short 3-5 minute interview with Caesar the night before the Games begin.

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