September 2011




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Jun. 14th, 2011


texts and owl post

[sent late afternoon]

text to: kazu draazejs [tori], danny, bri, casper ♥
text from: myself & i
if you aren't busy you should come say hi to my new bffs
text to: slam
text from: myself & i
is the other elephant with you or did he fade already
owl post to: fitz
owl post from: madara
owl post via: ghost bird
hello darling! i went to the zoo and i'm afraid some of their dearly departed followed me home, including the fine fellow delivering this. if you're not otherwise occupied, you should come join us outside for some frolicking. the messenger knows the way, or alternatively (if he fades away after delivery don't be alarmed, he's just tired) just exit vic hall and look for the translucent elephant. ♥! madara

Jun. 6th, 2011


who: madara, lilith & a variety of npcs
what: in which a variety of compromises are reached
when: backdated! to the night of the social
where: victory hall, boston, red carpet, boston
status: ...this got long. first bit is done.

i. underground )

May. 21st, 2011



WHO: Czech Team [John Collins, Viktorus Petraitis, Danny Best, Zdenka Novakova, Cain Iskowitch, Madara Ievins, Sakura Kita, and Mason Halloran]; The Balrog; and a Demon Army.
WHEN: Day 6 of the Junior Missions!
WHERE: The Chapel.
RATING/STATUS: Rating TBD. In progress.

You know what they awoke in the deep. )

Apr. 29th, 2011


Mass text

To: The Czech Team [Mason Halloran, Cain Iskowitch, Sakura Kita, Zdenka Novakova,Danny Best,Madara Ievins,John Collins]

From: Viktorus

Come to vic hall for a much better + v much classier mixer or we will make you wish you had

Apr. 27th, 2011


who: madara & her parents. and an oblique mention of beelzebub, hi lyss.
what: the joy of family :|
when: backdated FOR FOREVER to sunday, april 17th just outside the omega cookout
where: see when
status: complete!

They are the sort of people practically created for the camera to pan over quickly in its search for high drama. )

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