September 2011




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Feb. 11th, 2011


TO: "Amaya Vega", "Yeon Son", "Fredrik Sørensen", "Alfred Mwangi"
FROM: "Felix Meyrick"
CC: "Hasan Baseth"

Let's party.

But no, it greatly troubles me to hear that once again Amazon makes demands at the expense of others. Their belief that they are "in control" and/or the most important society on campus is unforgivably rude to the other organisations at Camulus. I know we all have friends in Amazon and while I respect the girls individually; I do not, however, respect the manner in which they have handled the debaucle. If Amazon wants to behave like they are spoiled children, they are welcome to. I refuse to reward it and I refuse to attend their party on grounds of how they have forced it to occur.

As such, I propose we host a party, before their party, making a new tradition of Psi and Sigma cooperation. We are both houses that continually move forward and live for innovation. Instead of adhering to tradition, we buck it, and we make our own. I cannot think of a better partnership. I will not be handling this, our social chair will, as well as our wonderful president, Alfred, but I will be involved; especially as my unique powers can be detrimental to the plans of Psi. I want to be sure if we do this, my presence will not affect the party as a whole.

Sigma, I am confident, can provide a laser show after sunset, as well as opening the planetarium (I will speak to Bruno about providing a soundtrack to it? Like a complete experience) and with our members, we can certainly design a combat field with electric discs instead of the usual beer pong (however, that will also be available). I firmly believe this would be an excellent idea. Maya and I are both in agreement and would like to speak more about this with all of you. Is it possible to set up a meeting for coffee either tomorrow or the next day?

Felix Meyrick
4th Year Qatar Representation
VP External - Executive Student Council
Sigma Crew Pledgemaster

[Sent a few minute later...]
TO: "Chryso" []
FROM: "Felix" []
SUBJECT: sorry man

hey sorry we got cut off last night. shit to hear about the amazons being amazons and ade being a complete tit. it's not really fair to you. look, though, sigma offered to host a party with psi; either on the night (i'd prefer that) or before the annual alpha/amazon one. i just want you to know what's up, but don't tell anyone. i'm fuming at how the amazons treated psi, alpha, and you, especially. the immortal words of mick jagger ring true, you can't always get what you want.

love you sex bomb

Feb. 10th, 2011


TO: freddie <3
FROM: moi

dskjfkjslkjsd i am having a hard time breathing and at first i was mad at you because why didn't you tell me psi was stealing the amazon-alpha party??? like how great of a time are you and abe going to have bonding anyway??? and it sucks, freddie, because you KNOW how important being social chair is to me and even if this all works out everyone's going to remember I'M the amazon social chair who was so hated by, idk, alphas and psis that she ruined tradition!

message #2 and now viveka says i have to MAKE you tell psi to agree to the second party of the year b/c that's what ade said or something and i really don't want to be hated by psi or to have our relationship used against us OR to be homeless so now i'm crying and i would really like it if you could just tell me what to do because i'm really angry at myself for being walked on right now. i'm supposed to be the nice girl who is strong enough to not get walked on! THIS IS YOUR FAUL

Feb. 9th, 2011


text message.

TO: freddie
FROM: moi

hi :* do you have plans friday? my dad is coming to take me out for dinner and he wants 2 speak w/us!

Feb. 7th, 2011


TO: elin
FROM: freddie

hi love. i miss you already.

Feb. 6th, 2011


WHO: Everyone!
WHAT: The Pledge Social.
WHEN: Sunday, February 6 from 6PM to 2AM.
WHERE: The Grande Ballroom.

But remember, tomorrow's a school day! )

Feb. 4th, 2011


WHO: Psis and Psi pledges!
WHAT: SHENANIGANS with a capital S, and then party all night long.
WHEN: Friday, Feb 4, late afternoon/evening til DAWN.
WHERE: Out and about around campus, and then Psi House.
STATUS/RATING: IC/OOC Let's go with PG-13.

We prefer virgins. )


text message

TO: freddie
FROM: moi

i want you to go to the dance with me on sunday. i realized today that i don't want to dance with anyone else. i want to go with you and i want to dance with you and i want you to leave with me after. so...okay, now you know! good luck, pledgemaster :')

Jan. 31st, 2011


test message.

TO: freddie
FROM: moi

hello turtle dove, i need to speak w/you it is v important! txt back pls :')

Jan. 25th, 2011



TO: Freddie Sorensen
FROM: Yeon

Happy birthday to the best pledge master a society could have! Are you doing anything special for your big day?

Jan. 24th, 2011


Who: Frederik Sorenson & Elin Tyrsdottir.
What: A winter picnic for Freddie's birthday ends in skating accident.
When: January 24, evening.
Where: Frog Pond, Beacon Street.
Rating: PG.

Logically, if Cinderella was a killing machine she would have snapped her stepmother's neck. )

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