September 2011



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March 8th, 2011

[info]cocinar in [info]camulus

TO: alfred
FROM: maya

i think he just dumped me.

TO: john :)
FROM: maya

please come back

[info]incroyable in [info]camulus

Who: Jacques and Ofelia...again. ALSO BIRDIE.
When: Backdated to this weekend! Early Saturday morning;3am
Rating:PG-13 (ish) for language. No funny business here.

She was not a ghost. ).

[info]bion in [info]camulus


TO: Yeon Son []
CC: Sun Hee Baek [], Issy Gam [], Teo Reyes [], Tovia Kaminskiyna [], Rafe Vuille [], Kumar Ayer [], Meche Torres [], Ariel Dahan [], Jacques Dufaux [], Maya Vega [], Bruno Almeida []
FROM: Hyewon Yoo []
SUBJECT: A Birthday Celebration -- SHHH, it's a surprise!

Hello everyone!

If you're receiving this e-mail, then you are officially invited to attend Aiden Park's 21st Birthday! BUT BEFORE YOU GO SHOUTING YOUR JOY FROM THE MOUNTAIN TOPS, make sure that Aiden himself does not hear it, because it is--you guessed it--A SURPRISE PARTY!! If anyone breathes a word, there will be major consequences. >:[ I can be scary, too, you know!

Anyway, the details for the party are as follows: I've rented out a private section of Amuse-Bouche, a restaurant on Hayward Pl and Avery St. Please arrive no later than 7:40 PM. I'm having Aiden picked up and brought to the restaurant by 8 PM. After the big SURPRISE, dinner, presents, cake, and champagne, we will take the party to Gypsy! Don't worry, there will be transportation (just so that no one has to drive--let's be safe everyone!). Let's show Aiden a really great time on his birthday!

A note before I end this e-mail: you are allowed to bring guests, but PLEASE CHECK WITH ME FIRST, just in case.

Hope everyone can make it! :)



TO: Aiden.
FROM: Hyewon.

I'm taking you out to dinner on your birthday. Deal with it.

[info]battlers in [info]camulus

Who: Everyone!
Where: Omega House.
What: Mardi Gras party, of course!
Rating: IDEK.

Beads, beer, and boobs. Maybe not boobs but you know. )

[info]romans1219 in [info]camulus

Who: Mason Halloran and Malachi.
When: BACKDATED to Monday March 7th. Early- to mid-evening.
Where: Victory Hall, east wing. Malachi's dorm room.
What: Shhh! Be vewwy vewwy quiet. Mason's hunting pwiests!
Rating: Shagged if I know. There's gays, and implied bumming of said gays. Rate it yourself, I'm not the BBFC.

Well, you don’t have to get me all liquored up, I’m pretty easy... )

[info]birdbrain in [info]camulus


TO: Mala Bestia (John Collins)
FROM: Tovia

Breaking our not talking for a moment. Your girlfriend spent approx. five minutes in my bosom tonight. I know they are glorious etc etc but I would like to know exactly why she tried to drown herself in my cleavage.