December 2013



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WHO: Daphne Greengrass and Tracey Davis.
WHEN: Friday evening [backdated].
WHERE: Around the lake somewhere.
SUMMARY: Moaaaaaar Patronus frustrations. Also discussions of first kisses and happy memories.
STATUS: Complete!

The tiniest of silvery wisps - barely a puff, even. Not enough to scare a Dementor away. )


WHO: Geoffrey Hooper and Rachel Goldstein.
WHEN: Sunday evening.
WHERE: Gryffindor common room.
SUMMARY: Geoffrey (with Rachel's help) discovers it's not easy being green.
STATUS: Complete!

I think if I’m going to come down with it, the fireball in my face might have been the critical moment... )


WHO: Michael Corner and Lisa Turpin
WHEN: 15 November, 1997, early afternoonish
WHERE: The Ravenclaw Common Room
SUMMARY: Talking about blood quills and firsties and eating bon bons.
STATUS: Complete log.

Also, I’ll tell you when your butt looks big in your jeans. )


WHO: Seamus Finnigan and Morag MacDougal
WHEN: Last Saturday afternoon
WHERE: Disused classroom near the Library
SUMMARY: Seamus is a top-notch teacher, see.
RATING: PG-13 for one Fbomb.
STATUS: Complete

I think I’d better kiss my soul goodbye, literally. )


WHO: Wayne Hopkins & Morag MacDougal
WHEN: BACKDATED to Thursday evening, during Astronomy.
WHERE: Astronomy Tower
SUMMARY: Fixin' things and chatting.
STATUS: Complete.

He was not as well-read as the Ravenclaws, nor as gutsy as the Gryffindors, nor as ambitious as the Slytherins, but two things he did have were good old Hufflepuff patience and hard work... )


WHO: Michael Corner and Susan Bones
WHAT: Working on the DA journal
WHEN: 1 November, 1997 - before Potterwatch
WHERE: Room of Requirement
STATUS: Complete!

They were going to make progress on the DA journal today. )


Muggle Studies Surprise Special Guest Speaker

WHO: NPC!Percy Weasley & you! (NPC!Percy and the following is written by the lovely [info]acejillian).
WHEN: Muggle Studies class time.
WHERE: Muggle Studies classroom.
SUMMARY: Percy gives a lecture on the Ministry's policies.
STATUS: Narrative.
NOTE: NO Q&A SESSION FOLLOWING THIS, but feel free to post any reactions.

Your Ministry thanks you for your attention, and your service. )


WHO: Lance Wolverhampton and Susan Bones.
WHAT: Smut and murder. Susan threatens to assassinate Lance and they discuss the weather in Slytherin.
WHEN: Backdated to Tuesday, 29 October
WHERE: Wherever Chess Club happens.
WARNINGS: Language.
STATUS: Complete.

Lance was was using Spello-tape to patch up the board a Hufflepuff had wrenched in half upon their third checkmate of the afternoon )


Who: Max Urquhart & Daphne Greengrass. Guest starring the Giant Squid.
What: A post-run run-in.
Where: The lake.
When: Evening of Monday, 28 October 1997, First Annual Asshole Day. In the hours following Hangman-gate, after Slytherin Quidditch practice. [BACKDATED]
Status: Complete.

What's a wee rock gonna do to a great big squid? )


WHO: Eden Pucey and Andrew Kirke
WHAT: The great CATSEARCH of 1997
WHERE: Hogwarts
WHEN: 27 October 1997
STATUS/WARNING: Completed log/ G

'Heeeeeere kitty! Heeeeeeere angry cat!' )


WHO: Oswald Selwyn and Flora Wilkes
WHEN: Last Saturday afternoon
WHERE: Three Broomsticks, Hogsmeade
SUMMARY: This is not a date.
RATING: PG-13 for swears
STATUS: Complete

I'd hate for your brother to murder me for just sitting across the table from you. )


WHO: Seamus Finnigan & Morag MacDougal
WHEN: Thursday evening, following Astronomy.
WHERE: Corridors of Hogwarts
SUMMARY: Seamus and Morag talk about the weather. NOT.
RATING: S for Snogging.
STATUS: Complete.

Are you plannin' on bein' bad, Morag? )


WHO: Seamus Finnigan and Morag MacDougal
WHEN: Saturday afternoon
WHERE: Scrivenshafts, Hogsmeade
SUMMARY: Making up (not making out)
RATING: PG-13 for swears and innuendo, G for gross levels of blatant flirtation, sorry we're not sorry. :P
STATUS: Complete

Cheer up, Seamus. I’m sure they’ve arranged to have Parvati jump out of a cake for you. )


WHO: Dexter and Dai Cadwallader
WHEN: 19 October, mid-afternoon.
WHERE: Hogsmeade
SUMMARY: Dex's father surprises him for a chat
STATUS: PG13? Language

Why did you even show up here today? )


WHO: Morag MacDougal & Oswald Selwyn.
WHEN: The morning of Saturday, October 18.
WHERE: Outside of Dervish & Banges, Hogsmeade.
SUMMARY: Bitter Ravenclaws, being bitter.
STATUS: Completed Log

'What’s your plan for today, Ozzy? Did you write it down? Color coordinate it? Charm the corners of the page to wave like little flags when you’re late?' )


WHO: Brian and Oswald
WHERE: Hallways
SUMMARY: Oswald is a martyr in the name of friendship.
STATUS: Finished

I think I've caused you enough trauma for the day... )


WHO: Michael Corner and Lisa Turpin
WHEN: 17 October, 1997
WHERE: The Ravenclaw Common Room
SUMMARY: Discussing Michael's detention habit.
RATING: PG-13ish? Talk of blood quills, etc.
STATUS: Complete log.

Lisa sighed and stuck her feet into ridiculously fluffy bunny slippers. )


WHO: Hannah Abbott and Neville Longbottom
WHEN: October 15th, before lunch
WHERE: Greenhouses
SUMMARY: Burping mandrakes.
STATUS: Complete

Sometimes when I go off alone I forget to be more positive. )


WHO: Shoshanna Fischer and Wayne Hopkins
WHEN: Monday morning at breakfast
WHERE: The Great Hall.
SUMMARY: Dessert exchange awkwardness.
STATUS: Completed Log

She was beginning to wonder if they were stuck in an infinite loop of ‘you’re welcomes’ and ‘thank yous’.  )


WHO: Jack Sloper, Ananda Hooper and Patrick MacDougal
WHEN: Sunday evening
WHERE: Library
SUMMARY: Hogwarts' Spiderman (Jack Sloper) apprehends a budding criminal mastermind, as per the plot calender.
RATING: PG-13 for things that appear more suggestive than what they really are. You'll see.
STATUS: Complete!

Oi, Hooper )

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