June 16th, 2010

[info]clowning in [info]bellumlogs

who: miles and OPEN.
what: dreaming, and then exploring.
where: the apartment complex, specifically... that damned elevator that never quite goes to where it's supposed to!
when: late evening.
warnings: probably unnecessary.

It was much in the style of a lions growl having lazily secreted itself in between blades of sallow grass through the savanna floor; although the lightning was cast the thunder was invisible, and therefore could go unnoticed. Most unfortunate. A gallop of it rumbled and trumpeted against the neck of a smooth, dark sky. A snake in a pile of hoses to those who raised their noses. Miles was dreaming of the day he was born. When the sky decided to say hello, and the stars spilled their cups.

The dream shifted, as dreams often do, to another location entirely. )

[info]esmevedma in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Esme and Anya
What: Anya needs a place to stay. Why not crazy fortune teller lady? It's the beginnings of a sitcom!
Where: 1102
When: The evening Anya arrived.
Warnings: None.

I took my ladies to the sea - we had just pressed the shells into our bones )