May 8th, 2010

[info]blackcatsrbad in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Cole and Madison
What: Probably the worst reason for a visit ever
Where: 101
When: About 4pm, after this
Warnings: Sad stuff

for all the ghosts that are never gonna catch me )

[info]noglass_slipper in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Diego and Hannah
What: Lunch!
Where: The lobby to start, then elsewhere
When: Backdated to Thursday at 12:30
Warnings: None :D

insert witty text here )

[info]wickedwicker in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Aiden and Joanie
What: Drinking and shenanigans
Where: The stairwell and then Juke Joint
When: Today at about 8:30
Warnings: Swearing, asshattery from both parties, copious alcohol use, and general disorderly conduct.