April 23rd, 2010

[info]ex_sanguine300 in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Boyd and Rick
What: Hospital visit (Completed log)
Where: CCU
When: During this
Warnings: None, amazingly!

In which things are set into motion )

[info]arcere in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Peter and Aiden
What: Discussion. Also beer.
Where: 1104
When: The day after this.
Warnings: Probably none?

but the thing that makes you really jump is that the weirdest shit is yet to come. )

[info]blackcatsrbad in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Cole and Micah
What: Body identification
Where: County morgue
When: A few days after this (yay vague timelines)
Warnings: Depressingness is likely.

we're hanging out with corpses, and driving in this hearse )