March 31st, 2010

[info]nobleblood in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Vlad and Deirdre
What: A friendly visit.
Where: P1
When: Today, early afternoon.
Warnings: Probably none.

he was just being friendly - nothing more )

[info]vasilissa in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Ileana Grigore and Jack Hollis
What: A first meeting.
Where: Front lobby
When: Early this afternoon
Warnings: Probably none.

I miss me, I miss everything I'll never be )

[info]floreat_etona in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Jack and Boyd
What: Dinner out
Where: A restaurant
When: 9pm, after this
Warnings: Come-on lines?

Baby, you're like a student and I'm like a math book -- you solve all my problems... )

[info]unimpressive in [info]bellumlogs

WHO: Stefan and Rosalie
WHAT: First dates are exciting! And also most likely to go awry.
WHERE: 701 and beyond~
WHEN: Wednesday evening

These past few days had not been going very well for Stefan. )