Posts Tagged: '-complete'

May. 14th, 2020




Who: Wanda, Loki
What: telepathic convo
When: After Wanda's offer to contact him: [thread]

Not everything is black and white. )

May. 7th, 2020




Who: Hope, Bruce, & Tony
What: studying what was found during Spidey's trip inside Hammer Industries.
Where: The Tower labs.
When: after the storm, sometime during the work week.

Alright, what am I looking at here? )




Who: Rhodey, Tony, Pepper
What: Rhodey returns from talking to Ross.
Where: Penthouse.
When: after the storm.

Are you wearing a wire? )




Who: Peter Parker, Tony
What:talking about low profiles and what Hammer Industries is doing.
Where: Penthouse.
When: after the storm.

Nod if you understand that. )

May. 6th, 2020




Who: Sif and Valkyrie
What: Now what?
When: Last night (5 May)
Where: New Asgard
Warnings: Language

... all I want to do is punch things. )




Who: Thor and Valkyrie
What: Talking - aka Valkyrie giving him an earfull?
Where: Valkyrie & Loki's place in New Asgard
When: Post storm
Warnings: Language? Valk is her own warning
Status: In Progress

Do you think one crisis is enough to make me not want to be around you, my friend? )

May. 5th, 2020




Who: Valkyrie
what: a narrative
when: coming home after the trip with sif and Thor to the City.
where: New Asgard, her and Loki's home
warnings: language, Valk beating things up
status: complete

I feel you, near me // the feeling comes so painfully // And it chills to the bone )




Who: Thor and Jane Foster
What: Recovering from the storm
Where: Their home in New Asgard
When: Immediately after their return and into the next morning

Perhaps I should return to bed. I can accomplish nothing but harm. )

May. 2nd, 2020




Who: Rhodey & MJ
What: Elevator talk
When: Before Rhodey's trip to DC.
Where: Avengers Tower
Warnings: None

High school can be tough on smart kids even without crossing universes )

May. 1st, 2020




Who: Thor, Sif, Valkyrie, Jane, Doctor Strange
What: Thor asks for Strange's help getting Loki back. After Strange refuses, Thor brews a superstorm over NYC.
When: daytime, after Peter's texts and the news report.
Notes: The storm will last into the night (gametime-wise). Realtime-wise, we're stretching it until Monday or Tuesday, to give everyone time to react if you want to.

Sorcerer! I would have words with you!  )




Who: Spider-man, Loki
What: infiltrating Hammer Industries goes wrong.
When: May 1st sometime after 2 AM, day after the D.C. visit
Notes: events remain unknown until Peter texts a couple of people, and a news report is posted.

No stabby stuff, remember? )




Who: Rhodey, Natasha, Phil
What: Two spies use a fellow Avenger to get some information. Meeting Ross to get Kaiju intel.
When: April 30th, afternoon
Where: Department of Defense, Washington DC
Notes: contains a major easter egg for future plot.

Our country needs to be prepared to defend our people. )




Who: Sif and Hope
What: Girl bonding time
When: April 30, before shenanigans with Loki and Peter
Where: Hope's flat in NYC
Warnings: Awkward revelations

You should just - do whatever makes you happy. )

Apr. 28th, 2020




Who: Darcy Lewis & Bucky Barnes
What: Chatting
Where: Fury's office
When: mid April
Warnings: probably not
Status: complete

~+~+~+~ )




Who: T'Challa & Pepper
What: Bringing by some food and Wakandan wine (ake, checking in)
When: Before the huge storm
Where: Stark-Potts Penthouse
Status: Complete

Things were relatively calm (for the moment). )

Apr. 27th, 2020




Who: Pepper Potts-Stark and Nebula.
What: Meeting to establish a Human identity.
Where: Pepper's stylish office at the Tower.
When: Backdated. Early April, after Nebula's beer with Rhodey, after Loki & Nebula sort out the illusion and before her coffee with Tony.

I can only imagine what living in such small quarters with a child would be like… Although, if we’re being honest, Drax and Peter don’t quite seem like fully functioning adults either. )

Apr. 26th, 2020




Who: Bruce and Valkyrie
What: catching up!
Where: his place
When: backdated! early April.
Notes: completed

tShe really did miss her friends )

Apr. 23rd, 2020




Who: Nebula, Tony
What: catching up in the lab
Where: Avengers Tower
When: backdated! early April

I am enlightened. )

Apr. 22nd, 2020



Log: Rhodey & Nebula go for a drink

Who: Rhodey & Nebula
What: Catching up
When: Early April, before she got her illusion (so she's blue)
Where: The Ginger Man, a bar in Manhattan
Warnings: None

Several of the words were apparently ‘beer-speak’ and she’d left her guidebook for that at the Tower. )

Apr. 21st, 2020




Who: Valkyrie, Loki
What/When: backdated! Summary.
Notes: We worked on brief vignettes + convo to catch up where Valkyrie and Loki are with their relationship since February, before further plot development happens. 💖

We never truly lose what we are, for better or worse. )

Apr. 20th, 2020




Who: Peter Parker, Tony
What: a visit while Tony was resting at home, and making sure Spidey isn't doing things Spidey shouldn't do (but he's going to anyway).
When: backdated!

How's the neighborhood? Stop any bike thieves lately? )

Apr. 19th, 2020




Who: Wanda (with Billy) & Star-Lord (carrying Tommy on his chest)
What: Adult company, going shopping, fresh air, etc
When: Now?
Where: Costco
Status: Complete

A-kai? What the hell is that? )

Apr. 15th, 2020




Who: Loki & Nebula.
What: Loki pops over from New Asgard to cast a spell on Nebula..
When: After Captain Marvel & Nebula visit the Museum here.
Where: Kitchen/Dining Room on the 39th Floor.
Warnings: Lack of colour in the decor? Witty repartee? Stubbornness x 2?

A magnificent and deadly creature. )




Who: Nebula and Carol
What: Hanging out, showing Nebula some cool things about Earth.
When: The other day
Where: Out and about.
Warnings: None.

We're going to try pizza. )

Apr. 11th, 2020




Who: Lady Sif and Lady Doctor Jane Foster
What: Jane and Sif discuss security
When: Early-ish April, a couple days before Passover

They understand that you are not Queen but they still wish to show you respect in the Asgardian manner. )

Apr. 2nd, 2020




Who: Tony & Natasha, Tony & Phil.
What: Visits with Spies in two parts. Discussing Rhodey's D.C. trip, etc.
When: backdated! during Tony's recovery.

Daddy said your first name's Agent. )




Who: Pepper, Peter, Tony
What: Peter gets his old job back, as the worst personal assistant ever.
When: Backdated! The night the Guardians arrived back on Earth.

Do all your stories end up with you pantless? )




Who: Guardians, Dr. Strange
What: The Guardians arrive and Dr. Strange welcomes Nebula.
When: Backdated! Set before Nebula's network post.

OtherHer, OtherWhen. )

Mar. 27th, 2020




Who: Jane and Thor
What: Thor and Jane have been avoiding each other since the fight. Time to deal.
When: A few days after the party
Where: The Norway house
Warnings: Red for mention of medical issues

Are we finished arguing? I hate when this happens. I much prefer when we get along. )



Log: Rhodey & Wanda, early March

Who: Rhodey and Wanda
What: Uncle visit to the twins
When: Early March
Where: Wanda's home in the Tower
Warnings: none expected

... that's going to leave you in charge of anything people find out about the magic tablets ... )

Mar. 18th, 2020




Who: Guardians of the friggin' Galaxy
What: while out on a space mission, Nebula finds herself in a new universe.
When: now.
Notes: intro for Nebula. Tree & Rabbit are npc'd.

I should space you all. )

Mar. 11th, 2020




Who: Thor & Loki
What: Discussing why the weather went foul.
When: days after the housewarming party.

What did you fight about? )




Who: Valkyrie, Loki
What: settling in at home after a day's work.
When: around March 1

Tug of War. )

Mar. 7th, 2020




Who: Tony & Rhodey
What: A convo in Tower clinic about suspicions, the upcoming D.C. trip, and recent events.
When: backdated, earlier this week (3/2 to 3/5).
Notes: Tony would be back at the Penthouse after Friday, 3/6. Any further visits will be set there. :)

I'll get you a souvenir.  )

Mar. 4th, 2020




Who: Tony, Pepper, and guest appearance by Dr. Palmer
What: clinic visit
When: sometime during Tony's stay in the clinic

I'm so grateful we are at that point in our marriage that we communicate with each other so honestly. )

Mar. 1st, 2020




Who: Jane and Thor
Where: Norway
What: Some resentments and anger = no one's sleeping in the same bed tonight
When: A day before the housewarming party

The move back to Tonsburg was faster than Thor had anticipated. For weeks, he’d wondered in his mind how to broach it, and then with one visit from his brother (was he a brother again?), the pieces fell into place and here they were, in the sleepy little town of New Asgard.

Read more... )




Who: Steve and Tony
What: visiting and talking about current events.
When: Backdated! After Tony was set up in the Tower clinic

I'm good. Ish. )




Who: Steve & Bucky
What: Old geezers on vacation
When: Now?
Where: Tønsberg
Status: Complete

Let’s go get some photos of your thumb in front of me and a painting. )

Feb. 28th, 2020




Who: Christine Palmer, Tony Stark
What: Dr. Palmer isn't putting up with Tony's b.s.
When: Now.
Notes: mini scene of the worst patient ever, part 2.

Sorry not sorry. )

Feb. 26th, 2020




Who: Carol Danvers, Dr. Strange
What: brief chat after a gateway to Thor & Jane's house is installed.
Where: the Tower.
When: sometime after Tony's courtroom drama.

Is that whole portal to Thor’s place hard to do? )

Feb. 25th, 2020




Who: Thor and Loki
What: mini scene for gossip. Because Thor + phones = hopeless.
When: backdated, after talking to Peter

What brings you here, brother? )

Feb. 23rd, 2020




Who: Bruce and Tony
What: poor Bruce has brought Tony back to the Tower medical clinic, where he is now taking care of the worst patient ever.
When: after a short stay in a D.C. hospital.
Notes: mini scene, part 1

Whatever it is. No. )

Feb. 22nd, 2020




Who: Rhodey & T'Challa
What: Discussing the Wakandan initiative
When: Mid February (well before the Senate hearing)
Where: 30 Warren
Warnings: None

T’Challa wished to weave him into the tapestry of the Outreach centers )




Who: Peter Parker and Loki
What: hanging out in places they shouldn't be.
Where: Queens, NY
When: sometime after the senate hearing.
Notes: will lead into a future plotline.

I want this dimension to be better than the other one, you know? )

Feb. 20th, 2020




Who: Tony Stark
What: a televised Senate hearing with a heart-pounding ending.
When: the afternoon of Thursday, February 20th (1 PM).
Notes: narrative!

Yay! I love recess. )