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Jun. 21st, 2011


Who: Luag Chambers and Nate Summerby plus Pansy and her brood, Emma, Lavender (hopefully!), and Michael and NPCs Cody, Kat, Alex, Davina, and Trina and anyone else who shows up.
When: Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Where: Luag's house on the Hebrides
What: Solstice Party!
Rating: Low. There are kids about.
Status: Group thread, have at it with either summaries or random threads!

The set-up )

Jun. 11th, 2011


Who: Stephen Cornfoot and Pansy Thorndike
When: Saturday, 11 June 2005
Where: Stephen's house / grounds
What: Pansy & Steve go for a fox hunt! And discuss plans for the children and Pansy's school.
Rating: Probably not more than PG, they're proper types
Status: In progress

Pansy hadn't been hunting since before Tommy's death so she was looking forward to the opportunity to go for a fox hunt with Steve. Her mother was watching the girls, so Pansy had the day off, as it were. She was dressed in a black split riding skirt (instead of the typical beige since she still considered herself in mourning) over her britches and boots, and in full hunt gear with her ivory shirt and dark hunt coat and top hat. While she knew how to ride side saddle and occasionally did for pleasure rides, for this she rode astride, wanting the better balance for riding and jumping. The benefit of not being pregnant was the ability to not hold back.

It was a rare pleasure for Pansy to be out riding with someone who could match her riding skill and she found herself enjoying the afternoon. After a relatively intense segment of jumping and cantering, Pansy and Stephen brought their horses back to a walk.

"I must thank you again - this has been a simply wonderful afternoon. I rarely have the opportunity such as this."

Jun. 7th, 2011


Who: Draco & Pansy
When: 7 June, lunch
Where: a small cafe
What: a birthday lunch, and some news
Rating: PG?
Status: threading

of birthdays and such )

May. 5th, 2011


Who: Draco and Pansy
When: 5 May, lunchtime
Where: the townhouse
What: lunch between friends, and a birthday
Rating: IDK? PG?
Status: threading

despite the look, it ought to taste fine )

May. 4th, 2011


Who: Pansy Thorndike and Luag Chambers
What: Luag comes to deliver a package to the poor, lonely housewife Pansy
When: Wednesday, May 4, 2011, morning
Where: Pansy's house in Sudbury
Rating: PG?
Status: threading

Luag couldn't help taking in everything around him as he walked up to the house. No one would call him well traveled, especially since most of the times he did go someplace new it was for deliveries or Quidditch games. While he had seen the picture of the new house on the journals, he hadn't brought the delivery directly with him since he wasn't sure what additions she had made to the property, let alone where she would want the dung to be stored. It would be easier to get a tour of the grounds and then transfer the barrels back and forth. Plus, the 'high society' tended to not appreciate showing up on their doorstep with dung, even if they knew the order was coming.

He took a long look around again, putting a mental picture into his mind of what Sudbury was like before ringing the doorbell to the house.

May. 3rd, 2011


Who: Pansy & Marcus
When: evening, 3 May
Where: Flint Manor
What: after dinner conversation between cousins
Rating: PG-13 because Marcus can't help his vocabulary?
Status: threading

As dinner ended, and the house elves cleared the table, Cordelia Flint excused herself to retreat to her own wing and evening relaxation. Marcus stood while his mother left, and remained politely standing when Isolde rose as well.

"I could take the girls back out to the barn to see the kittens again," she offered, "if you two would like some time to catch up."

Marcus suspected his wife was trying to ensure that he was social with people other than the ones he liked to beat up. He was pretty sure that it wasn't going to change him, or make him any better disposed towards polite society, but he did like his cousin and it had been too long since they'd talked. And in some ways, it was a relief to talk to someone who wasn't likely to be pressuring him about something or other. He hoped.

Apr. 4th, 2011


WHO daphne greengrass & pansy parkinson
WHEN 4 april 2005 | monday
WHERE pansy's home

before he had ever learned how to talk and I don't know what his name was, but my mother does. I heard her say it once, )

Mar. 27th, 2011


Who: Pansy, Slytherins, their dates, and their children
When: Sunday, 27 March, afternoon
Where: Pansy's parents home in the countryside
What: Pansy's youngest turns 1!

Group thread placeholder for ooc ramblings, threads, and such.

Pansy would have been the gracious hostess and not quite the bitch people remember. There would have been a small petting zoo there for the children as well as colouring and games. The girls would have probably been showing off their outfits and Pansy would have done her best to make sure everyone enjoyed themselves. Jonquil's first encounter with cake would have been very tentative, but she did seem to enjoy it. Pansy would have made the effort to make the non-Slytherins feel welcome.

Mar. 26th, 2011


WHO: Luna Lovegood and OPEN [OOC: Feel free to do a fly-by visit :D]
WHEN: Saturday, 26th March, all day
WHERE: Diagon Alley
WHAT: The Quibbler has a popcorn cart set up for the day to promote their return, free popcorn for whoever buys an issue

The Quibbler popcorn stand definitely stood out despite the dismal weather )

Mar. 24th, 2011


Who: Pansy, her four daughters, and Nate
Where:Nate's Shop
When: Thursday, 24 March
What: Pansy brings her girls in for a final fitting of their new spring dresses.
Status: In-progress thread
Rating: PG/G? There are children present

It had been at Draco's recommendation that Pansy first came to Nate's shop and after looking through his samples and handiwork, agreed to order dresses for the girls from him. That had been a few weeks ago and now she was bringing the girls by for their final fitting. After all, the party was Sunday and she hoped he'd done a good job. She was sure that she made quite the picture, Jonquil on her hip, Virginia Rose holding her hand, and then Morgan and Kennedy holding hands at her command and walking next to her and holding Virginia Rose's free hand. It was probably like a strange mother duck and her ducklings.

Once inside the shop, Pansy allowed them to let go of their hands as long as they stayed close. Spotting Nate, she went over to him with a smile.

"So, how would you like to do this - oldest to youngest or youngest to oldest?" she asked with a smile. For her own part, Pansy was dressed in a simple black dress with a black coat over it. She planned to continue wearing black and shades of grey for at least six months if not a full year but she wasn't imposing the same rules on her daughters. Besides, there was not enough variety in children's clothing for that.

Mar. 20th, 2011


Owl Post

Sent to Friends*
an invite )

*Friends includes all played Slytherins

Mar. 15th, 2011


Who: Pansy & Draco (and small children passing through)
When: Tuesday, 15 March, tea time
What: tea!
Where: Draco’s townhouse
Rating: PG/PG13 - there are children about..
Status: Started in Gdocs, continued in thread
Emotions.. are unpredictable )

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