March 2014




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Mar. 24th, 2011


Who: Emma and Katie
When: Wednesday, 23 March (backdated)
Where: a pub. with karaoke
What: singing and drinking and gods know what
Rating: PG-13 I'm sure at least for the language
Status: Threading

Read more... )

Mar. 21st, 2011


WHO: Luag Chambers, Nate Summerby, and friends and family
WHEN: March 21, 2005, afternoon-evening-night
WHERE: Luag's blackhouse on the Isle of Harris
WHAT: Ostara celebration! Feel free to do threads or to just do an ooc of what your character did.

The Set-up )

Mar. 18th, 2014


WHO: Emma Dobbs and George Weasley
WHEN: Saturday, March 19
WHERE: Falmouth Falcons Stadium
WHAT: Falcons vs. Puddlemere; Good times and genuine cuteness
RATING: PG (I think George or Emma likely swore once or twice)
STATUS: Complete; threaded in gdocs

The game was dragging on... )

Mar. 9th, 2011


Who: Gabrielle Delacour & Emma Dobbs
What: Dinner and meeting the potential new roommate.
When: Wednesday evening
Where: Emma's apartment
Rating: G
Status: Incomplete

Gabrielle was a little anxious. )

Feb. 16th, 2011


Owl to Emma Dobbs )

Feb. 14th, 2011


owl posts

[Delivered to the office of Neville Longbottom] )

[Left on Seamus Finnigan's desk] )

[Owl delivery to Michael Corner] )

Feb. 3rd, 2011


Who: Neville Longbottom & Emma Dobbs
What: Running into each other. Literally.
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: The Ministry
Rating: G
Status: Incomplete

Of course the ugly robe wasn't durable. )

Feb. 2nd, 2011


WHO: Luag Chambers, Nate Summerby, and friends in attendance (possible attendants who expressed interest IC or OOC - Mandy, Sofiya, Terry, Hermione, Seamus, Michael, Katie, Rose, Lavender, Ginny, Emma)
WHEN: 2 February 2005 | Evening/Night
WHERE: Luag's black house on the Isle of Harris
WHAT: Oimelc/Imbolc party
RATING: Likely low, maybe language.

OOC NOTE: Feel free to either post and leave an OOC summary of what your character did or tag the thread or just start up a thread with someone inside this post.

Cute little lambs bouncing about. )

Jan. 31st, 2011


WHO: Penelope Clearwater, Emma Dobbs, Augustus Pye
WHEN: Monday 31 January, lunchtime
WHERE: Ministry for Magic, Magical Creatures
WHAT: Penny & Gus go to see a woman about a cat. Or a pair of kneazles. Same thing, really.

how much is that kneazle in the window? the one with the waggily tail )

Jan. 21st, 2011


Who: Emma and Luag
When: Friday, 21 January
Where: the Ministry (Hit Wizard bullpen, then holding for Creatures)
What: Emma needs to introduce Luag to the kneazles
Rating: PG-13 because Em has a potty mouth
Status: complete

Ready to save me from desperate boredom and go meet some kneazles? )

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