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Apr. 10th, 2011


WHO: Alicia Spinnet & Robbie Stebbins
WHEN: 4/10
WHERE: Diagon Alley
WHAT: Robbie has decided to slowly torture Alicia to death. With shopping.

For f--Does that have flowers on it? )

Apr. 5th, 2011


Who: Angelina, Alicia, Katie
What: Angelina needs her friends
When: After her journal (backdated to Monday night)
Where: Angelina's flat
Rating: Medium-ish

It's hard for me to say, but the story's still the same )

Apr. 1st, 2011


WHO: Alicia Spinnet (Open if you'd be there)
WHEN: April 1 (Midnight)
WHERE: Fred's Grave
WHAT: Death was no reason to stop celebrating

She was glad he wasn't a ghost, it meant he lived his life completely. )

Mar. 29th, 2011


Who: Alicia & Michael
Where: Pub
What: Blind date
When: 3/29
Rating: Low (with high chance of language?)

Did it still count as a blind date if you've seen the other person naked? )

Mar. 8th, 2011


WHO: George Weasley & Alicia Spinnet
WHEN: Monday, March 8, morning
WHERE: George's flat
WHAT: George is sick. Alicia plays nurse.
RATING: PG-13. Likely cause George is still a potty mouth, and neither of them can stop speaking in innuendo.

George always thought head colds made gingers into really groteque, distorted version of Christmas elves. )

Feb. 27th, 2011


Who: Penny, Gus, and anyone else who wants to join
Where: Gus & Penny's flat in Chelsea
When: Sunday 27 February 2011, 3pm
What: Premiership League Cup Final - Chelsea v Liverpool - House party
Status: Open thread, incomplete
Rating: low, probably

Whoever invented soccer should be worshipped as a God. )

Feb. 14th, 2011


Owl Post to Alicia Spinnet )

Jan. 18th, 2011


Howler to Alicia Spinnet )

Jan. 1st, 2011


Who: Alicia and Anthony
Where: George's party/random rooftop
What: Ringing in the New Year
When: backdated to the end of the 31st
Rating: PG-13? (language)

If Alicia drank so much she couldn't remember the end of the year she wouldn't be heartbroken. )

Dec. 24th, 2010


Who: Angelina, Alicia, open to Katie
Where: Alicia's flat
When: Christmas eve
What: The family getting together
Rating: Medium-ish!

Everybody was some kinda star when we went out last night )

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