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May 4th, 2011

[info]dragons_shadow in [info]afic

Who: Pansy Thorndike and Luag Chambers
What: Luag comes to deliver a package to the poor, lonely housewife Pansy
When: Wednesday, May 4, 2011, morning
Where: Pansy's house in Sudbury
Rating: PG?
Status: threading

Luag couldn't help taking in everything around him as he walked up to the house. No one would call him well traveled, especially since most of the times he did go someplace new it was for deliveries or Quidditch games. While he had seen the picture of the new house on the journals, he hadn't brought the delivery directly with him since he wasn't sure what additions she had made to the property, let alone where she would want the dung to be stored. It would be easier to get a tour of the grounds and then transfer the barrels back and forth. Plus, the 'high society' tended to not appreciate showing up on their doorstep with dung, even if they knew the order was coming.

He took a long look around again, putting a mental picture into his mind of what Sudbury was like before ringing the doorbell to the house.

[info]_stebbins in [info]afic

WHO: Robbie Stebbins and Alicia Spinnet
WHEN: Wednesday, 4th May, late afternoon
WHERE: Field on the outskirts of London
WHAT: Alicia's going to school Robbie at flying

Robbie tugged his collar up to his chin and hunched his shoulders as he waited for Alicia to arrive )

[info]all_ears in [info]afic

Who: (a druuuunk) George Weasley and Alicia Spinnet
What: George needs HELP!
When: May 5, 2005, sometime after 11
Where: Alicia's place
Rating: PG-13 for George's F-Bombs
Status: Complete

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )

[info]ohloony in [info]afic

WHO: Luna Lovegood and Marcus Flint
WHEN: Wednesday, 4th May, afternoon
WHERE: Ministry of Magic
WHAT: Could two more unlikely people get stuck together in a lift?
RATING: PG-13, maybe, Marcus?

Luna's meeting with the Portkey Office seemed to have gone quite well, really )