March 16th, 2014

[info]distant_chord in [info]_fracture_

True Art Is Angsty

who: Kyle and Monica
where: the party
when: night

Kyle had never been at a party where he wasn’t exactly one of the main guests. Sure, he had been ‘invited’ along with everybody else, but he knew his position was, apparently, Adam’s squire, and he figured that definitely meant that he was there as an add on to Adam. At least, that was how he interpreted it and he had decided that he would rather be wrong in that, than act any other way on find he was wrong then. If he really was meant to be here as some kind of servant to Adam, then acting out of that role would reflect badly on the other man. The other man who was expected to go around with a sword, and who had a shield that clearly stated that someone had tried to beat the crap out of him. Kyle wasn’t taking any chances. As such, he was playing the part of the perfect servant. Bringing Adam food and drinks as necessary. Standing near the other man, but far enough away so as not to be intrusive. And, because this was Adam and Kyle didn’t trust the other man’s ability to get what was going on and actually play along - far enough away that Adam didn’t do something stupid. Like talk to him. Or try and touch him.

Monica had been lying low. This whole thing was really doing a number on her head, and now they were in Ren Faire land, and she had to go with it. What she did know was roll with it she could definitely do. She'd woken up with a new shiny violin that she was loving. It was beautiful, and the sound? Was just amazing. She was even dressed in a manner she could get behind, though she'd taken the time to dress it up herself as well, putting her own flair on it along with her traditional red and white color scheme.

When she spotted Bathtub Guy through the delightful crowd, she smiled and decided to go check on him. She waltzed on up behind him, then rattled a stick with streamers and bells on it in front of his face, reaching around him to do so. “Be merry!”
also, crying! )

[info]doomydoomydoom in [info]_fracture_

slap fight with words

who: kennedy and kyle
where: the party
when: night

Kennedy had been wandering around the party, sort of doing her own thing. She'd been talking to people here and there, messing with a few heads, all that noise. She'd spotted Adam, and had been going to talk to him, but while she'd seen him, she noticed someone else paying pretty close attention to him. So, she scoped that out for a while, and yeppers, that guy was totally watching Adam like a crazy stalker. Or like, a lovesick puppy, or something. Whatever. Either way, she sidled up beside him, watching Adam too. “Might wanna watch that gaze, guy. In this day and age, they were pretty fucked up when it came to shit like that.”

Kyle looked at the woman, who was now standing next to him, sideways. He figured from the way she talked that she was someone from the hotel, but she wasn’t someone he had seen before. That alone made him a little cautious. “I work for him,” he said, short and sweet and to the point. “Making sure he has everything he needs is kinda my job for the night.”

“Uh huh,” Kennedy said flatly. “You go with that,” she said with a nod. “And your name is...?” she asked, since Adam had been talking about some dude, so she wanted to see if this dude was the same dude or if there was someone else out there who wanted to eye bang Adam a bunch. Or something. Really, maybe this guy hadn't been eye banging him but wasn't it a fine line? It was.
Jealousy! Possessiveness! Deliberate Baiting! )