February 9th, 2014

[info]rangerboy in [info]_fracture_

Not Where He Planned to Be

Who: Christer and Open
Where: Someone's Room
When: afternoon

At Lindsey's suggestion, Christer tried the door out of the hotel, hoping he'd wind up outside of it. She'd said he could be the one the one to get out and to get them help. It was all the motivation he needed. Only when he went through the door, Christer felt weird at first and then he was blinking, staring at somewhere that definitely wasn't outside of the hotel. No he was standing in another room, one he was sure wasn't his.

[info]darkminded in [info]_fracture_

I Think I Have A Lot To OFfer A Man Like You

Who: Ash and Bianca
Where: The elevator
When: Early afternoon

Ash was thinking about Mai and sort of absently wandering down the hall outside his room toward the elevators. He was trying to decide what he felt like doing. He had a planning notebook and his laptop under his arm. He really needed to get out of his room; he wanted to see what Mai was doing. He needed to get work done. He pushed the button and stepped into the elevator. He settled against the back wall after pushing the button for the lobby. He’d work first and then go see Mai. There was only a brief sensation of going down when the car stopped and the doors opened again. They almost began to close again when Ash heard a shriek of frustration outside them.

“Oh my fucking… hold the fucking door, please!” Bianca demanded loudly. She’d been fast walking down the hall away from Kyle’s room with her suitcase rocking on its wheels behind her. She’d been about to pull the case into the elevator when it had toppled, pulling her wrist at a slightly painful angle and holding her back. Which just added to her aggressive frustration. She almost kicked the elevator doors but Ash had managed to push the button to send the doors open again.

May I call you Ben? )