January 25th, 2014

[info]alwaysonmytoes in [info]_fracture_

Waiting for Godot

Who: Alyssa and Sullivan
When: Afternoon
Where: Lobby

Alyssa was sitting cross-legged on a couch or something. She wasn't sure what it was because it was so retro that she couldn't be sure it wasn't an ottoman or something. Whatever it was she was looking stoic. Her focus was on the front door. She was hoping someone came in through it because she'd tried going out and had ended up in the strangest places. Three times. She'd even tried climbing out through the internal courtyard and found herself in a stairwell. She probably should have freaked out or something. And she had. Internally. But she wasn't used to letting anyone see that side of her. So she sat calmly, hoping someone, anyone would appear. And that they would have some idea of how to get out of this place.

So you're like that star in the sky that people make wishes on? )