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Wished RPG

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[Jul. 28th, 2010|11:12 pm]
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Who: Lucius Malfoy & Alecto Carrow
What: Scene lottery! In a public place, someone loses something important to them and the other helps, or hinders, in finding it.
Where: Knockturn Alley
When: This evening
Warnings/Rating: TBA

He turned on his heel and began to retrace his steps. )
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[Jun. 29th, 2010|07:49 pm]
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Who: Draco and Lucius Malfoy
What: Discussing things
When: Today, Lunch
Where: Some very fancy wizarding restaraunt.
Rating/Warning: TBA

It wasn't looking to be a very promising afternoon, all things considered. )
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[Jun. 26th, 2010|04:46 pm]
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Who: Lucius & Narcissa Malfoy
What: Impromptu trip to the country
When: Saturday evening
Where: Property at Ranmore Forest
Rating/Warnings: TBA

Something about the thought of moving out here permanently made his fingers itch. )
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[Jun. 6th, 2010|09:21 pm]
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Who: Lucius & Narcissa Malfoy
Where: Malfoy Manor
When: Late Friday night, June 5th
What: Finally getting a few things straight.
Rating/Warnings: TBA

It was rare that he couldn't talk his way out of something. )
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[Jun. 5th, 2010|12:21 am]
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Who: Lucius Malfoy & Argus Pyrites
Where: Shalott
When: Friday night
What: Anticipatory drinking.
Rating/warnings: TBA/alcohol?

He couldn't bring himself to feign enthusiasm. )
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[Apr. 5th, 2010|02:36 pm]
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Who: The Malfoy's
What: Dinner Out
Where: Hogsmeade
When: After yesterday's Quidditch game
Rating/Warning: TBA

For the first time in weeks, ironically, he could let himself relax a bit.. )
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[Feb. 28th, 2010|10:42 pm]
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Who: Lucius & Narcissa Malfoy
What: Coping with Grimmauld aftermath
When: Tonight
Where: The Manor, in the library
Rating/Warnings: Low, TBA

He couldn't have slept, and so he hadn't gone to bed. )
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[Feb. 15th, 2010|11:33 pm]
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Who: Lucius Malfoy and Marcus Flint
When: Monday afternoon
Where: Knockturn Alley
What: random meeting
Rating: PG (might involve some language, you never know with Marcus around)
Open/Closed: open

How about a shopping spree? )
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[Jan. 27th, 2010|01:52 pm]

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WHO: Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy
WHAT: Lucius hasn't been telling his wife what he's been doing lately, and she's getting fed up with everything
WHERE: Malfoy Manor, specifically their bedroom
WHEN: Very, very late at night
RATING: TBD, but mostly they'll just be arguing about secrets

For the sake of her sanity she had to know what he was doing )
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[Jan. 20th, 2010|11:37 pm]
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Who: Lucius Malfoy, NPC [closed narrative]
What: Spontaneously lending a hand to the Muggleborn Registration Commission
Where: Ministry of Magic and Roughtalley's Wood, Epping
When: This evening
Rating/Warnings: R - Torture, NPC death, general dark!ness

This, of course, was business. )
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[Dec. 27th, 2009|10:34 pm]
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Who: Lucius Malfoy and Minerva McGonagall
What: An official visit
Where: Hogwarts
When: Today
Warnings: TBA

Read more... )
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[Dec. 27th, 2009|07:59 pm]
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Who: Lucius Malfoy & Minister for Magic Thicknesse
What: Meeting
Where: The Ministry
When: Today
Warnings: None

Read more... )
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[Dec. 20th, 2009|09:08 pm]
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Who: Lucius and Draco
What: Christmas shopping
Where: London
When: This afternoon
Warnings: TBA

Any developments that didn't have to do with the Dark Lord were welcome news.  )
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[Dec. 6th, 2009|09:10 pm]
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Who: Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy
When: This evening
Where: Malfoy Manor
What: Talking
Rating: TBA
Open/Closed: Closed

There was something comforting in knowing he wouldn't encounter anything unexpected. )
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[Oct. 14th, 2009|10:00 pm]
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Who: Weiland Mulciber, Lucius Malfoy
When: Wednesday night
Where: Malfoy Manor, in the library
What: Scene Lottery - high-stakes card game.
Rating: TBA
Open/Closed: Closed

What fun was a game of hazard, if you didn't stand to lose something? )
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[Sep. 8th, 2009|10:05 pm]
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Who: Lucius Malfoy and Percy Weasley
What: Lucius comes back to the Ministry to retrieve something improperly impounded during a raid
Where: Ministry of Magic
When: Today
Warnings: None

Someone would certainly have held the lift for him, then, too. )
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[Aug. 20th, 2009|07:38 am]

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WHO:Bill, Fleur, Weasleys, Delacours, Order Members, Viktor Krum, Auntie Muriel (SOMEONE NPC HER PLEASE), ect, ect.
WHAT: Wedding reception and attack
WHEN: Saturday August 22.
WHERE: The burrow
NOTES: Mostly here. As for who all was invited. I've kept this to the canon book list, but if you really want a kid there it could probably be tweaked somehow probably through the twins? I don't know.

Wedding Reception )
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[Aug. 18th, 2009|09:49 pm]
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Who: Lucius and Draco Malfoy
What: Awkward Family Interaction
Where: Malfoy Manor (southwestern corner of the gardens)
When: Today
Warnings: TBA

Draco suspected absently that he didn't taste right to them. )
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