[Oct. 16th, 2010|01:13 am] |
WHO: Fleur & Bill Weasley (and possibly an up-past-her-bedtime Victoire), Viktor Krum, Rolf Scamander, & Penelope Clearwater. WHAT: Small impromptu Hogwarts staff dinner party. WHERE: Shell Cottage. WHEN: Friday 15 October, 7 PM-ish. STATUS: Incomplete! - There are several sub-threads set up, so feel free to pick one or several to play in! We figured this would be the easiest way to handle a larger scene.
( I think this might be the best we have done in a while. ) |
[Sep. 5th, 2010|11:39 pm] |
Who: Bill and Fleur Weasley Where: Fleur's office at Hogwarts What: Lunch date When: Monday afternoon Rating: PG
[Jul. 22nd, 2010|11:20 pm] |
Who: Bill & Fleur Weasley, guest appearances by Victoire and Charlie! When: Friday 23 July. Evening. Where: Shell Cottage. What: Watching their niece, getting a preview of what it might be like to have more than one small child running around. Rating: Tame and full of toddlers.
Going Calling..I mean its just a visit |
[Jun. 29th, 2010|06:18 am] |
Who: Percy, Fleur, Bill and Lavender What: Percy invites Bill to meet Lavender to talk about werewolfy effects Where: Shell cottage, then Lavender's place When: Tuesday morning Warnings/Rating: TBA/Low
Visits |
[May. 24th, 2010|10:42 pm] |
Who: Bill and Fred Weasley What: Visiting! When: Early evening Where: Shell Cottage Rating: PG
Bad Moon Rising |
[May. 21st, 2010|10:33 pm] |
Who: Bill and Fleur Weasley Where: Saint Mungo's, then Shell Cottage When: Saturday into Sunday What: Full moon and hospital release Rating: PG, likely.
[May. 12th, 2010|06:16 pm] |
Who: Bill Weasley, Percy Weasley, other family/friends may tag in later Where: Saint Mungo's When: Early afternoon What: Visiting Rating: PG
[May. 6th, 2010|04:04 pm] |
Who: Bill and Fleur Weasley, any Weasley family/Order/the Tonks-Lupins invited to drop in When: After work, early evening, immediately following this thread Where: St. Mungo's What: Post-attack Rating: PG13 for some language, blood and gore
An Attack near Shell Cottage |
[May. 2nd, 2010|10:27 pm] |
Who: Bill and Fleur Weasley, NPC Fenrir Greyback, Bellatrix Lestrange, any other DE who want in. When: After work, early evening Where: Near Shell Cottage What: An attack, a mauling, and much chaos Rating: PG13 for some language, blood and gore
[Mar. 17th, 2010|10:07 pm] |
Who: Bill Weasley and Hermione Granger (Ron and Harry might join eventually?) When: Late afternoon Where: Shell Cottage What: Bill stumbles upon Hermione making some plans and advises on Gringotts security. Rating/Status: No warnings. In progress.
Remus visits Shell Cottage |
[Mar. 4th, 2010|01:50 pm] |
Who: Bill, Remus (eventually Harry, maybe Ron/Hermione/Luna/Fleur) What: Catching up Where: Shell Cottage When: Evening, after dinner Rating/Warning: Likely PG
Bill sat on a rock at the cliff's edge outside his home, cigarette in hand, watching as the smoke trailed out towards the sea. It was, perhaps, his worst habit but he kept it as one guilty indulgence. The last of the butt was nearly gone and he snuffed it out on the ground and reached for the pouch in his back pocket, carefully pouring out some of the herbal tobacco and rolling another fag before putting it in his lips and lighting it.
It was chilly outside in the crisp March air, but he'd needed a little escape from the house and a place to sort out his thoughts. Plus, Lupin was due to arrive soon and Bill wanted to catch him before he had a chance to speak with Harry, both to fill him in on the week and to ask a few questions. Bill liked Remus a lot but with Dumbledore gone and Remus now the Order's somewhat-replacement when it came to leadership, Bill'd noticed the increased strain on Lupin. With a kid on the way and Fenrir's pack always a threat, Bill couldn't find good reason to feel angry at Remus for being absent lately, but at the same time, this was exactly when they needed Lupin around. Bill was glad he'd managed to contact him and arrange a visit.
Pulling his scarf and coat tighter, he took a long drag from his cigarette and sat back on the rock, waiting. |
[Mar. 1st, 2010|11:18 pm] |
Who: Bill Weasley and Hestia Jones What: Dropping off of some chicken stew, a quick chat When: Tonight Where: Hestia's flat Rating/Warnings: None
[Feb. 28th, 2010|09:47 pm] |
Who: Fleur Weasley & the Trio. Luna and Bill to join in! :) What: Cooking dinner, and getting more settled in. Where: Shell Cottage When: Sunday night, 28 February Rating/Warning: EXTREME AND DANGEROUS COOKING.
Guess who's coming to dinner? |
[Feb. 22nd, 2010|12:06 am] |
Characters: Bill, Fleur, Tonks, and Charlie Setting: Shell Cottage, Sunday evening Summary: Dinner, drinks, chat, and fun. Rating: PG. Maybe a little cursing.
(Apologies for not getting this scene up sooner, guys! It's been a CRAZY week).
[Feb. 7th, 2010|06:33 pm] |
|WHO:| Eric Munch | Bill Weasley |WHEN:| Sunday, 07 February, afternoon |WHERE:| A cafe in Diagon Alley |WHAT:| After an argument with his father, Eric heads to Diagon Alley simply to appease his wish that his son 'lead more of a social life', whatever that means. |RATING:| PG |STATUS:| Complete
( i'll tell you what i want, what i really, really want ) |
Married for six months now! |
[Feb. 1st, 2010|08:34 pm] |
Who: Bill and Fleur Weasley When: Monday, evening Where: Shell Cottage What: 6-month wedding anniversary Rating: TBD...likely a bit of snogging Open/Closed: Closed
[Sep. 21st, 2009|01:36 am] |
Who: Fred, George, Bill, Fleur When: After Fleur says she's cooking. Where: Shell Cottage What: Fred and George have no food because it was Fred's turn to do the shopping, and Fleur said she was cooking. They go to be fed visit their loving brother and sister in law. Rating: T.B.A. Given it's the twins, likely PG-13. Open/Closed: Open to any who could be at Shell Cottage!
George finished the last of the restocking that Verity hadn't gotten to, shuffled a few stray Puffs back into their cages - blood things were always getting out - and then went to go find Fred.
Their resident counter-warmer was off at her own flat, and Verity off for the night already. So it was just the twins knocking about still in the shop. Which wasn't unusual. Dubious as their attention span was in some areas, they worked hard to keep the shop running and successful. They were puttering around working on things late into the night pretty frequently.
Of course they were also sitting around with Ang or Katie drinking pretty frequently too. But that was the perk of being your own boss. No one yelled if you passed out in the storeroom.
He waited until Fred finished up whatever it was he'd been doing, then the two of them popped off to Shell Cottage. After a brief discussion about who had to knock and explain why they were there to Fleur, George ended up knocking on the door, grinning a wide grin that was meant to be disarming as the door opened. "Hullo! We've come for dinner!"
George had intended to be more subtle than that. Oh well. "And to visit. We thought you might be lonely." |
[Aug. 20th, 2009|07:38 am] |
[ | Tags | | | !1997: 08, !incomplete, alecto carrow, bill weasley, charlie weasley, fleur delacour, fred weasley, george weasley, harry potter, hermione granger, lucius malfoy, rabastan lestrange, ron weasley | ] |
WHO:Bill, Fleur, Weasleys, Delacours, Order Members, Viktor Krum, Auntie Muriel (SOMEONE NPC HER PLEASE), ect, ect. WHAT: Wedding reception and attack WHEN: Saturday August 22. WHERE: The burrow NOTES: Mostly here. As for who all was invited. I've kept this to the canon book list, but if you really want a kid there it could probably be tweaked somehow probably through the twins? I don't know.
( Wedding Reception ) |
[Aug. 20th, 2009|12:25 am] |
WHO: The Weasley Boys, Open to anyone who may have possibly been invited to Bill's bachelor party WHAT: Bill's bachelor party! WHERE: Waxy's Little Sister (Irish pub in London) WHEN: Wednesday, late afternoon RATING PG-13... Possibly more? OPEN/CLOSE Open!