[Mar. 8th, 2010|11:56 am] |
|WHO:| Charlie Weasley | Penelope Clearwater |WHEN:| Monday, 8 March, 1900 |WHERE:| A rather eccentric restaurant in London near Diagon Alley |WHAT:| Penny and Charlie agreed to have dinner and catch up. |RATING:| G/PG |STATUS:| Incomplete | Closed
( jean genie, let yourself go! ) |
[Mar. 7th, 2010|01:20 am] |
|WHO:| Charlie Weasley | Marcus Flint |WHEN:| Sunday, 7 March, afternoon |WHERE:| Hogsmeade |WHAT:| Charlie patrols Hogsmeade to ensure students' safety, but also decided to spend a bit of time popping off into various shops, spending most of his time looking at Quidditch supplies. |RATING:| G/PG |STATUS:| Complete
( soy capitan, soy capitan, soy capitan... ) |
[Mar. 4th, 2010|07:04 pm] |
|WHO:| Charlie Weasley | Fred & George Weasley |WHEN:| Thursday evening, 04 March |WHERE:| WWW [to start] |WHAT:| Charlie pops into WWW, perhaps to spy on his brothers a bit and see how they're doing since they have not had much of a chance to see each other in a while. |RATING:| G/PG |STATUS:| Incomplete | Closed
( combed my hair in a pompadour like the rest of the romeos wore ) |
Guess who's coming to dinner? |
[Feb. 22nd, 2010|12:06 am] |
Characters: Bill, Fleur, Tonks, and Charlie Setting: Shell Cottage, Sunday evening Summary: Dinner, drinks, chat, and fun. Rating: PG. Maybe a little cursing.
(Apologies for not getting this scene up sooner, guys! It's been a CRAZY week).
[Feb. 16th, 2010|11:38 pm] |
|WHO:| Charlie Weasley | Lavender Brown |WHEN:| Tuesday, 16 February, afternoon |WHERE:| On the grounds of Hogwarts, outside, tending to the animals after dismissing his class. |WHAT:| After teaching a class, for which he usually laid-back (albeit excited about the subject matter), Charlie ends up staying to have a bit of a chat. |RATING:| G/PG |STATUS:| In progress | OPEN
( a man walks down the street... ) |
[Feb. 5th, 2010|12:28 pm] |
Who: Hestia Jones & Charlie Weasley What: Being soulmates Chatting, catching up When: Friday afternoon Where: Hogwarts Rating/Warning: PGish, sure
( Let's go, I'm taking you hostage. ) |
[Feb. 4th, 2010|11:03 pm] |
|WHO:| Charlie Weasley | Tonks |WHEN:| 04 February 1998, just around sunset |WHERE:| The Black Lake |WHAT:| Tonks and Charlie talk about life, love, break-ups, and anything else on their minds. |RATING:| PG |STATUS:| Complete
( when you come crash into me... ) |
[Feb. 4th, 2010|06:07 pm] |
WHO: Charlie Weasley | Ginny Weasley WHEN: Thursday, 04 February 1998 WHERE: Charlie's office WHAT: Ginny and Charlie have a bit of a chat. RATING: PG STATUS: Complete
( somewhere... beyond the sea ) |
[Oct. 22nd, 2009|11:51 am] |
Who: Charlie Weasley and Headmistress Minerva McGonagall. What: The meeting that was supposed to take place a few nights ago. Where: The Headmistress' office! When: Oh, let's go with two or three nights ago. Rating: PG I'm sure. Status: In progress.
( Insert something funny here ) |
[Aug. 20th, 2009|07:38 am] |
[ | Tags | | | !1997: 08, !incomplete, alecto carrow, bill weasley, charlie weasley, fleur delacour, fred weasley, george weasley, harry potter, hermione granger, lucius malfoy, rabastan lestrange, ron weasley | ] |
WHO:Bill, Fleur, Weasleys, Delacours, Order Members, Viktor Krum, Auntie Muriel (SOMEONE NPC HER PLEASE), ect, ect. WHAT: Wedding reception and attack WHEN: Saturday August 22. WHERE: The burrow NOTES: Mostly here. As for who all was invited. I've kept this to the canon book list, but if you really want a kid there it could probably be tweaked somehow probably through the twins? I don't know.
( Wedding Reception ) |
[Aug. 20th, 2009|12:25 am] |
WHO: The Weasley Boys, Open to anyone who may have possibly been invited to Bill's bachelor party WHAT: Bill's bachelor party! WHERE: Waxy's Little Sister (Irish pub in London) WHEN: Wednesday, late afternoon RATING PG-13... Possibly more? OPEN/CLOSE Open!
[Aug. 12th, 2009|05:58 pm] |
Who: Fred Weasley and Charlie Weasley (George Weasley welcome!) What: Stag Party Planning Where: WWW When: Wednesday, After Charlie's visit to Hogwarts Warnings: TBA ( There were exceptions to every rule. ) |