[Mar. 21st, 2010|04:50 pm] |
[ | Tags | | | !1998: 03, !incomplete, audrey wadcock, ernie macmillan, lucy elkins, michael corner, millicent bulstrode, minerva mcgonagall, nikolas vaisey, sam capper, seamus finnigan | ] |
Who: McGonagall and Animagus Training Students What: Lesson Where: Headmistress' Office, After Dinner - After Curfew When: Friday night Rating/Warning: Plotty
( She said none of it. ) |
Animagus Training Session #1 |
[Jan. 31st, 2010|12:22 am] |
Who: The Headmistress and Sam Capper, Seamus Finnigan, Michael Corner, Lucy Elkins, Millicent Bulstrode, Nikolas Vaisey, Ernie Macmillan, and Audrey Wadcock What: Animagus Training #1 Where: Headmistress' Office When: One hour before curfew. Rating/Warning: Low, Plotty. This can be a complete narrative, but if your character has questions, feel free to have them ask IC. Or if students want to talk to one another, etc., after the meeting, you can thread here.
( I'm sure, looking around this room, you are quite surprised at the other faces you see here. ) |
[Jan. 24th, 2010|11:06 pm] |
Who: Nymphadora Tonks and Minerva McGonagall What: Tonks breaks the news to McGonagall Where: Headmistress's office When: After curfew Sunday evening Rating: Low
( Read more... ) |
[Jan. 24th, 2010|12:45 pm] |
[ | Tags | | | !1998: 01, !incomplete, audrey wadcock, ernie macmillan, lucy elkins, michael corner, millicent bulstrode, minerva mcgonagall, nikolas vaisey, sam capper, seamus finnigan | ] |
Who: The Headmistress and Sam Capper, Seamus Finnigan, Michael Corner, Lucy Elkins, Millicent Bulstrode, Nikolas Vaisey, Ernie Macmillan, and Audrey Wadcock What: An illegal invitation Where: Headmistress' Office When: After dinner tonight. Each student comes in roughly half an hour after the previous student (each student in a new comment thread). Rating/Warning: Low, Plotty
( She waited for eight students whom she was about to turn into criminals. ) |
[Dec. 27th, 2009|10:34 pm] |
Who: Lucius Malfoy and Minerva McGonagall What: An official visit Where: Hogwarts When: Today Warnings: TBA
( Read more... ) |
[Nov. 22nd, 2009|08:01 pm] |
Who: Adrian Pucey and Headmistress McGonagall. When: Evening. Where: McGonagall's Office. What: The meeting requested here. Rating: Totally PG, I'd imagine. Open/Closed: Closed.
( witty cut text ) |
Quibbler: November 22, 1997 |
[Nov. 22nd, 2009|01:36 pm] |
Headmistress' Statement
To those it will concern,
The first thoughts of the Hogwarts administration must be, and are always, for the safety of her students. For hundreds of years, Hogwarts has stood not only as the pinnacle of education in the wizarding world, but also as a bastion of hope and a representative of what can be when all magical students, from all families and walks of life, are treated and educated equally.
In order to remain as she has always been, certain steps must now be taken to protect that way of life which Hogwarts represents. The long time refusal of the Ministry of Magic to accept the fact of Voldemort's return was the beginning of a dramatic sequence of events which have brought the Ministry of Magic to this repugnant, reprehensible point. The recent unchecked attack on the Ministry itself, the uninvestigated murders of Ministry employees, the propagation of unfair decrees against Muggleborns, and the recent release and acquittal of Death Eaters can no longer be borne in her overseers if Hogwarts is to remain acting in the best interest of the students herein.
For that reason, Hogwarts now rejects the control and oversight of the Ministry of Magic until such a time when the Ministry of Magic again represents what is noble and just in the wizarding world.
Dutifully, Headmistress Minerva McGonagall |
Waiting to meet with the Professor |
[Nov. 22nd, 2009|09:31 am] |
Who: Viktor and Headmistress McGonagall What: Viktor wants to make an arrangement with Hogwarts, about Quidditch Where: The Three Broomsticks, Hogsmeade When: Sunday afternoon Warnings: TBA
[Oct. 22nd, 2009|11:51 am] |
Who: Charlie Weasley and Headmistress Minerva McGonagall. What: The meeting that was supposed to take place a few nights ago. Where: The Headmistress' office! When: Oh, let's go with two or three nights ago. Rating: PG I'm sure. Status: In progress.
( Insert something funny here ) |