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[16th May, 2012
time: 9 26

Hey guys! I am SO SORRY I dissapeared for so long!!!! I am officially back on Friday, but I wanted to take the temperature of the game before I do. How is everyone feeling? Shall we get this thing back into full swing? I know I miss it!
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[8th May, 2012
time: 14 33

Who: Dolores Umbridge & Alecto Carrow, possibly Remus Lupin later?
What: Figuring out how to kidnap Remus Lupin.
Where: Hogwart's, empty Charm's classroom.
When: May 08, 1977, afternoon; 4:00 PM.
Status: Incomplete.
Rating: PG-13.

Meet me in the empty Charm's classroom on the Third Floor, come alone. )
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[23rd Apr, 2012
time: 17 04

Who: Sirius Black & Remus Lupin
What: Some much needed comfort
When: late afternoon
Where: the Lake
Rating: PG13
Status: Incomplete

You shouldn't be alone right now )
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[23rd Apr, 2012
time: 16 28

Hello all!

Just letting you all know that we have a new NPC, Fenrir Greyback! He'll be popping up from time to time with fun asides and snarky comments Since he's not a regular character he won't be particularly active, but if you want to play with him just let me (Sasha) know I'll tote him out!

Go head and run the Friend Button to add him to the fun!
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[16th Apr, 2012
time: 14 13

Who: Rabastan, Amycus, and Dominic
What: An awkward situation
When: Monday afternoon
Where: Grounds
Rating: PG13 for boy kissing :)
Status: Incomplete

they may be taking their 'plan' a little too far... )
16 post[s] | post | edit | tags | memory

[16th Apr, 2012
time: 16 49

Who: Dolores Umbridge and Molly Prewett.
What: A little cook fest in the kitchens.
Where: Hogwart's kitchen.
When: April 16. Afternoon.
Status: Incomplete.
Rating: PG-13 at most.

momma in the kitchen cookin' )
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[6th Apr, 2012
time: 17 10

Who: Gilderoy Lockart & Nyx Burke.
What: Talking.
Where: Hogwart's grounds.
When: April 6th.
Status: Incomplete.
Rating: N/A

Read more... )
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[3rd Apr, 2012
time: 12 35

Who: Dominic & Adelaide
What: Comfort & Talking
When: Tuesday Evening
Where: Astronomy Tower
Rating: PG for the moment
Status: Incomplete

Whispering Wind )
21 post[s] | post | edit | tags | memory

[1st Apr, 2012
time: 23 43

Who: James & Anonymous [zomg Lily]
What: James meets the anonymous Slytherin-hater from this owl
Where: Quidditch Pitch
When: 1st April, night-time.
Status: Incomplete
Rating: Lemme get back to you on that. ;]

Let's commiserate and hate on Slytherin like the bawsses that we are )
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[1st Apr, 2012
time: 19 51

Anonymous Owl to James Potter )
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[1st Apr, 2012
time: 20 23

Who: Amycus and Adelaide
What: Trying to find out how to break their engagement
When: Sunday evening
Where: The stairs and then who knows
Rating: PG-13 at least
Status: Incomplete

There's no way in hell I'm marrying you )
10 post[s] | post | edit | tags | memory

[1st Apr, 2012
time: 18 15

Who: Narcissa & Lucius
What: A dance, and then a proposal
Where: Malfoy Ballroom, after that, one of the gardens.
When: Malfoy Ball, 18th March
Status: Complete log
Rating: PG

Everybody here is out of sight
They don't bark and they don't bite
They keep things loose they keep it tight
Everybody's dancing in the moonlight )
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[1st Apr, 2012
time: 16 31

Who: Regulus & Narcissa
What: During their second flying lesson, Reg & Cissa find an injured animal....
When: 1 April, Friday afternoon
Where: Along the edge of the Forbidden Forest
Rating: G or PG
Status: Incomplete

Up, to the highest heights. )
8 post[s] | post | edit | tags | memory

[28th Mar, 2012
time: 22 34

Who: Sirius & Lily
What: Commiserating
When: Right after the Quidditch match
Where: Gryffindor sixth year boys dorm
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete

You know I can't sleep, I can't stop my brain You know it's three weeks, I'm going insane  )
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[28th Mar, 2012
time: 20 57

Who: Molly & Lily
What: Girl talk and a little bit of gossip
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: Gryffindor girls day
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete

A Whispering Wind )
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[27th Mar, 2012
time: 23 40

Who: Severus & Riona
What: A Talk
When: Backdated to the 20th
Where: Their study spot by the lake
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete

May Be )
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[27th Mar, 2012
time: 22 37

Who: The Marauders + the affected populace [aka all students]
What: James's birthday prank!
Where: All over Hogwarts!
When: Sunset, 27th March
Status: Incomplete
Rating: PG-ish

Hold on, I'll check. Uh, is I. P. Freely here? Hey everybody, I.P. Freely! )
4 post[s] | post | edit | tags | memory

[26th Mar, 2012
time: 23 42

Who: Sirius Black and Remus Lupin
What: Sirius tempted Remus with an offer he couldn't refuse. The boys finally take things to the next level.
Where: Their dorm room
When: Right after this conversation
Status: Incomplete.
Rating: M. Nekkid Remus and some oral action behind the curtains.

I ache to taste your breath on my skin )
33 post[s] | post | edit | tags | memory

[21st Mar, 2012
time: 21 01

Who: Lily and Rita
What: Questioning about the Kidnapping
Where: Just outside the Great Hall
When: Backdated to a couple days after the trial
Status: Incomplete
Rating: PG

Where'd you come from?. Mississippi. And your parents? Very wealthy. Where are they now? Six feet under. But she was granted one more start.The convent of The Sacred Heart )
1 post[s] | post | edit | tags | memory

[20th Mar, 2012
time: 17 22

Who: Amycus and Peter
What: Studying
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: The library
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete

Let's see if you believe my lies a little longer )
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