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Subject:The Perks of Being Fireproof
Time:11:44 pm
Who: Kenzie and Mannix
Where: Kenzie & Lance’s Place
When: Evening

Kenzie slept for most of the day after dozing off on Lance’s lap. She couldn’t remember her dreams, which was a blessing because she was sure they wouldn’t have been pleasant. After Lance made her some dinner, Kenzie wandered out onto her front porch to have a cigarette. She sat down on the front steps and lit up, her eyes watching the fire before releasing her thumb from her lighter and watching it disappear. She wasn’t feeling as groggy or weak as she had that morning, just… tired. Empty, maybe. In a way.

She took a hit off her cigarette, the nicotine tasting like heaven after going without for so long. Her eyes caught movement on the sidewalk, and for a split second, she wondered if it was Skylar, coming to see her. And it was a very small and unwelcome feeling of disappointment when she realized it was Mannix. Kenzie said nothing, but scooted over on the steps just in case he wanted to sit.

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Subject:Lock It Away
Time:11:49 am
Who: Kenzie and Lance
Where: Home
When: Late morning

Kenzie had been released from the hospital that morning, and was escorted back home with Lance. She had been fed and given water, her minor injuries treated. She was feeling better, at least physically. Mentally she felt… numb, maybe. Being so close to death twice, and then being set on fire... well, it fucked up a person’s psyche, for sure. More so when the fire did nothing but burn her clothes. Because Kenzie hadn’t felt a thing. Hadn’t burned to death. There was no sign of burns on her body, no agonizing pain. She hadn’t told the doctors that part. Despite the knowledge of werewolves and vampires, Kenzie wasn’t sure they would have believed her. She hadn’t told Lance either, because she hadn’t wanted anyone to overhear them in her hospital room.

If I tell you something... swear you won't tell anyone. )
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Time:12:01 am
Who: Eily, Clementine, Kenzie, and Anne Marie
Where: Anne Marie's House
When: Morning 4/19/2017

Eily, Clementine, and Kenzie are rescued and taken to the hospital. Anne Marie runs into the forest.
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Subject:Prize Number 3
Time:11:32 am
Who: Kenzie, Ainsley & Anne Marie
When: Night
Where: The forest

For the rest of the day, Kenzie drifted in and out of consciousness. She was tired, but secured in a way that made it difficult to sleep comfortably. She hadn’t eaten or had anything to drink in hours. Not to mention the fact that she had been suffering through nicotine withdrawal, which was hell on a whole other level. Throughout the day, Kenzie had heard footsteps upstairs, sometimes small murmurings of discussion directly above her, though she could never make out what was being said. Bobby didn’t return, and she imagined it was because his mother was home. Occasionally Kenzie would tug at her bindings, trying to get free without successful. She wanted to scream and fling horrible obscenities at her captors, but Kenzie was aware that her mouth could very easily trigger her demise, so instead she bit her tongue until she tasted blood, trying to muffle her shrieks of frustration and anger. Lance was looking for her, though. She knew that much. He had to be.

Finally, after what seemed days, though rationally Kenzie knew it couldn’t have been that long, she slumped back and closed her eyes, trying to breathe through her internal panic. She was too tired to do much else but hope that Lance would somehow track her down before Bobby decided to snap her neck and be done with it.

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Time:03:11 am
Who: Kenzie and Bobby
When: late morning
Where: The basement

When Kenzie woke up, it took her a few seconds to remember where she was, and what had happened. Bobby the vampire, with that crazy fucking whore he called Mother. He had wanted to ‘keep her’, and then his mother had started choking Kenzie and now… looking around, Kenzie figured she was in their basement. Or a basement. And her hands were tight and secure. Despite the soreness of her throat, Kenzie didn’t panic. No. She could get out of this for sure. There was no way she was letting psycho bitch and her bloodsucking twat of a son kill her down here. Kenzie breathed in deeply, craving nicotine. Craving violence. There were so many things she wanted to do to those two that the morbid images in her mind were a comfort to her. Maybe she would get a chance. Maybe Lance was looking for her by now, if he was realizing she hadn’t come home. Although that wasn’t terribly unusual… but still, he knew she would have checked in someway.

don’t you start telling lies )
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Subject:Easier Than Expected
Time:01:25 am
Who: Kenzie, Ainsley, and Bobby
Where: From the street to Ainsley and Bobby’s
When: Early, early morning (about 1AM)
Warnings: NSFWish stuff between Bobby and Kenzie

Bobby had spent some time pacing Mockingbird Lane, purposely keeping the brothel in sight. It had been days now since he had first seen the brown haired girl that quickly caught his eye and he had, without much difficulty, managed to follow her home, to work, and just about everywhere in between. Of course, his time watching her was limited to after the sun set, and that was something that was beginning to aggravate him - it was time to solve the problem of not being able to see her when he wanted to once and for all. He moved closer to the brothel, closer than he ever had before, walking on the opposite side of the street as he peered hard in its direction. He shoved his hands into his pockets as he kept moving, crossing the street a yard or so away so that he could loop back again. His timing had turned out to be impeccable, his gaze picking up that the door had opened and closed.. and from what he could tell, that the brunette was on the move not too far ahead.

Unaware of anyone waiting, let alone following her, Kenzie left the brothel, shivering slightly at the chill still in the air. She really needed to get a heavier coat. She'd had one on the outside of the dome, where the elements had never been controlled, but it was still with her uncle, and there was no way to get it now. If she was stuck in this dome shaped Hell, the least they could do was keep it a warm seventy two degrees or something. It didn't help that she was wearing her black skirt and tights. She owned exactly one pair of pants, and her jeans had way too many rips in it to make much of a difference in warmth anyway.

Fucking crazy sick fuck with mommy issues. )
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Subject:I'm Sorry
Time:08:22 am
Who: Kenzie and Lance
When: Morning
Where: Home

It was a little after ten by the time Kenzie actually woke up. She had stayed in one of the empty rooms, lulled to sleep by the rain the night before after spending a bit of time with Mannix. Still feeling groggy when she woke, Kenzie got her shoes on and left the brothel to head home, craving a cigarette and fighting a throbbing headache. It was still ridiculously cold out and rain continued to sprinkle, chilling her to the bone before she got even a block away.

Finally she made it home, shivering and hoping Zania wasn’t still there, lounging around like she belonged. Kenzie wasn’t in the mood to deal with that. Closing the front door behind her, Kenzie toed out of her shoes and headed for her bedroom to grab a cigarette and change into dry clothes.

Too worried about getting laid. )
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Subject:Sharing a Smoke
Time:11:12 pm
Who: Kenzie and Mannix
When: Evening
Where: The brothel

Kenzie had wandered once she left Lance, but not for very long. It was cold outside, and windy and raining and she hadn’t taken her jacket from the house. For about fifteen seconds she walked in the direction of the greenhouse, but she didn’t feel comfortable being around Skylar when she felt down and miserable. So Kenzie had changed course and finally arrived at the brothel. Walking inside, she shivered and shut the door behind her as rain dripped from her clothes and hair to the floor.

Walking into the house, she saw the fire ahead, with some of the other girls huddled around, warming themselves in front of the flames and laughing about… whatever it was they laughed about. Kenzie didn’t talk to them often. She rubbed her arms and wondered if Mannix was around. Or someone familiar. She thought about finding a room to sleep in for a while, at least.

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Subject:A Rock and a Hard Place
Time:07:19 pm
Who: Lance, Kenzie, and Zania
Where: Lance & Kenzie's Place
When: Late Afternoon

It was cold. And wet. And though Zania knew she should be inside, she had wandered next door to see what Lance was up to. She'd started up a fire in her own fireplace, since Nic had been kind enough to come by and make sure she had firewood, but she didn't know if Lance had gotten any for himself and Kenzie before the rain started. With a small pile wrapped in plastic, she hurried next door and knocked on the door. In addition to firewood, she'd brought food, and food was rarely turned down.

and being stuck between them )
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Subject:You Left Me
Time:09:10 am
Who: Kenzie and Lance
When: extremely early
Where: Home

After Kenzie left Mickey and the barn party, she wandered toward O’Reilly’s pub where she had a much more entertaining time drinking and occasionally flirting with a few of the patrons. Flirting tended to get her free drinks, and despite the fact that she had money to spend, free was always better. Flirting also brought men closer to her, and she had been able to pocket a pretty cool lighter and a few dollars that one hadn’t bothered to keep in his wallet.

Kenzie stayed until closing and then stumbled out into the night, noting it felt much chillier than it had when she first arrived. While she shivered a bit, the alcohol coursing through her kept her warm enough on her slow walk home. Her state of inebriation had shifted at some point during the evening and Kenzie had long since passed the phase of flirtations and giggles. She felt shaky and temperamental, increasingly irritated that it sounded as if her heart were beating in her ears. Well, one ear, anyway. The other was useless. That didn’t keep it from beginning to ache, and Kenzie pressed her palm against it, squeezing her eyes shut against memories that wanted to resurface. She could almost feel the big, strong hand punching against the side of her head until blood trickled from her ear and down her neck. More than anything, Kenzie hated the nights when she couldn’t turn her mind off. Getting high or wasted usually accomplished it for her, but if anything, the alcohol tonight seemed to only make it worse.

I don't wanna be alone )
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Subject:It's a Barn Raiser!
Time:12:45 am
Where: A Barn
When: 6PM Onward

Mickey hadn't planned on attending the social event, but as it would always have it, he got a frantic phone call that the lights weren't working right and they needed a hand. He'd hurried that way, helping with the extra lights in the barn that had been cleared of most of the equipment so there would be space to dance. Tables had been rolled in and set up so people would have places to mingle and the grill was going at full capacity. By the time Mickey had solved the electrical problem, the barn had lights up as well, and the band was starting. It wasn't a bad atmosphere to get stuck in at all, and despite his reservations, he'd been handed a beer and was taking in the party with everyone else.
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Subject:You're Distracting
Time:12:46 pm
Who: Kenzie and Skylar
When: Evening
Where: Skylar's truck

After Jyoti had left, Skylar had given up on work and gone for getting stoned instead. Which meant he'd spent the day wrapped up in his leather jacket and scarf sitting in the bed of the truck he'd brought into the dome but rarely used. It was where he'd lived for some years there and not it was just soothing. "Shit's a bit fucked up," he told the sky. "When's it not Ace?" Skylar sighed and drug his fingers through his hair, shaking his head. "Doesn't matter. I don't want it to be fucked up. I want things to be cool. They need to just work out."

Now you're making rules. )
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Subject:Circle of Drama
Time:08:48 am
Who: Lance and Kenzie
Where: home
When: after dark
Warnings: Language

After spending most of her day at the brothel, Kenzie returned home, sleepy but debating whether or not she wanted to go to the greenhouse to buy more weed. But that meant dealing with Skylar, and maybe she was still a little irked with him over the whole Clementine thing. Kenzie was weighing her options as she stepped into the house.

"Lance?" She didn't know if he would be home, and if he was, if he was alone this time.

do you like a guy? )
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Subject:Something Different
Time:10:07 am
Who: Kenzie and Gin
When: Late morning
Where: Eatzy's

It was going to rain soon. Kenzie could tell by the clouds that it wasn't going to be one of those annoyingly sunny days, and that was fine with her. Maybe the weather fit her mood. She was feeling itchy and irritated and it was probably only a matter of time before she finally blew up. Lance wasn't around to calm her down, after all, because he had his own problems, and girls, apparently. Or girl. Who knew. Who cared.

She sat in a booth inside Eatzy's with a glass of water in front of her and Kenzie was staring intently at the menu, brows drawn together in concentration while she tried to decipher the meal descriptions. She recognized some of the words, but the others seemed foreign to her, even if she tried to sound them out in her head, her lips moving silently. It was just another thing to be frustrated about, she supposed. Why couldn't they have pictures? She supposed she could just ask for eggs and meat of some kind, but she wanted something better, and different. Kenzie was getting sick and tired of the same old stuff.
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Time:10:13 pm
Who: Kenzie and Clementine
When: Late afternoon
Where: Clementine’s house

It was a bit of a last minute, vague decision to end up at Clementine’s house. The day was decent, and she had nothing else to do until later. There was the fact that maybe she was mildly perturbed at Clementine for the whole Skylar thing, but Kenzie was often perturbed when something was taken away from her without her knowledge. Now she sat sideways on the top step of the porch, smoking a cigarette and contemplating things. Kenzie hadn’t decided yet whether or not she wanted to knock, but it wasn’t like she was feeling rushed. For all she knew, Skylar was inside, which would have probably been kind of funny. But for now, Kenzie was comfortable and letting her mind wander, so she only spared a glance at Clementine’s door. If the other woman was home, maybe she would come outside soon anyway and Kenzie wouldn’t have to move.

Which was accurate, because Clementine had been on her way out the door. She had a couple errands to run and she figured she might as well get them done before nightfall, but she was pulled up short when she opened her door and saw Kenzie there. And instantly she felt strange. Normally she was happy to see Kenzie, but after the talk with Skylar and the decisions that had been made, Clementine now felt a little awkward. Mostly because she still couldn't get the image of them making out to leave her mind. "…Hey. I'm sorry, I didn't hear you knock."

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Subject:Crossing Paths
Time:08:52 pm
Who: Kenzie and Zania
When: Late afternoon
Where: Lance & Kenzie's Place

Kenzie was feeling okay as she walked home to Lance’s house. She was tired and hadn’t had a very good morning all together. There was nothing specific wrong, just a lot of little things that had begun to work their way underneath her skin. Lance’s depression, and still being stuck in the dome. Skylar decided he would rather kiss only Clementine. And Clementine. It wasn’t a big deal, not really. Kenzie didn’t have any deep feelings for the guy at all, but she hated being rejected, even if she didn’t always show it. When a boy pushed her away, all she could hear was her dad’s voice in her head, calling her names in between punches to her face. Stupid. Worthless. It was nothing that was anyone’s fault but her own, and Kenzie couldn’t always avoid the triggers.

She was thirsty though, and hoped Lance maybe had more of that moonshine. Or something. Maybe he had weed, because she was all out. Without knocking, Kenzie pushed open the door and stepped inside, closing it behind her before toeing off her shoes to get comfortable.

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Subject:Maybe a Little Complicated
Time:11:13 pm
Who: Kenzie and Skylar
When: Evening
Where: The greenhouse

Kenzie stayed with Lance for most of the day, dozing off beside him, then hovering and trying to make him eat. It was nightfall when she began to get restless, having been coped up all day with her cousin. So she showered, piled her hair on top of her head, reapplied her make up, and set out for an adventure. Or at least a walk, since it seemed like adventure inside the dome was dodging death. It occurred to her after walking around a bit that it had been a couple days... she thought... since Kenzie saw Skylar at the park. With a destination in mind, Kenzie bought an empty cup from the guy at Eatzy's, then walked to the bar to get a drink. She poured the alcohol into her drink cup from the diner, complete with a top and a straw, and then began the trek to the greenhouse, sipping at her drink the entire way.

When she got there, she wandered inside, her straw between her lips as she began to look around for any sign that he might be there.
so this is over? )
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Subject:Wasted Space
Time:09:06 am
Who: Kenzie and Lance
Where: their house
When: afternoon

Lance had gotten home just before dawn and went straight to bed. Then he hadn't gotten up again. Most of the day had passed and he was still there, buried under blankets, lacking the ability to do more than lay there and wallow. He felt miserable. He was useless. He didn't have a job. He didn't have a real life. And he'd depressed some girl by having sex with her. He was a complete and utter fuck up. He wasn't even worth the effort to try and kill himself.

Rolling over he pulled the blanket over his head, one arm hanging off the bed, tingling from all the blood rushing to it. But it was too heavy to lift. Everything was too heavy.

Kenzie had slept in for a lot of the morning, feeling like she was hungover from her night with Mannix. It wasn't a bad feeling, necessarily, and she was a lot more relaxed than she had been in weeks. Without bothering to do much with her hair, Kenzie slipped on her clothes and left the brothel to walk back to the home she still technically shared with her cousin. She yawned a few times and rubbed her hands over her face,before wiping the smeared mascara from her palm to the thighs of her jeans.

When she walked into the house, she called for Lance. She had no idea whether or not he was home, but she figured she would find him eventually. She always did. Kenzie started back toward his bedroom. "Lance."

everything hurt )
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Time:09:35 am
Who: Mannix and Kenzie
Where: The Brothel
When: Evening
Warning: NSFW

Not being able to venture out during the day was a pain, but at least today had been a change of scenery. Mannix left Lily's as soon as the sun was no longer a danger, heading back home to make sure everything was in working order. They'd finally gotten things up and running and even had a few regular customers, which Mannix expected would increase over time. Walking up the front walk, he looked up at the house and smiled. It seemed wild that he would have a home after all this time, but he was starting to enjoy it.

Kenzie spotted Mannix when she walked out the front door, a cigarette in her hand. She took a few steps to sit down, still eying him as she lit her cigarette. "You're smiling," Kenzie said, not at all questioning the gesture, but simply stating fact, as it maybe it was a weird oddity she wasn't used to.

You still like things a little rough? )
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Subject:Never Normal
Time:04:54 pm
Who: Kenzie and Lance
Where: Their house
When: Late
Warnings: Language

Lance was definitely stumbling as he made his way up to the house, drunk on the moonshine in his hand that he’d been sipping on since he’d left Zania and her club. Part of him was wondering if he should have felt bad about what happened. The part where she’d said pretty explicitly that she didn’t do that sort of thing, then he’d gone and done it with her. He was also a little worried she’d want to be his girlfriend. He didn’t do girlfriends. Trainwrecks didn’t do girlfriends. Stumbling up the first few stairs he grabbed the railing just in time to spin himself and land on his butt on the top step, laying back on the porch itself, all the while managing not to spill a drop out of the open jar. Sign of a talented drunk.

His nose caught a sweeter smell in the air, head lolling to one side to see his cousin there. “Tell me that’s what I think it is.”

“Better to be stalked than… than being the stalker? Something. )
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