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May. 29th, 2021


Lucy<3: 10:15 am

Alright guys. I can't believe I'm saying this, but like I'm actually really excited about bugs. If nothing else, it makes the outside feel a little more normal, right?

But uh

I was thinking that the best way to make sure we can get all of these cool things is to break up into groups, and only focus on "your type" or bug.

So we have:

Team Ladybugs

Team Butterfly
  • Lucy Nash

    Team Firefly

    Team Shield Bug

    Team Crickets

    Lets do it. Teamwork makes the dream work.
  • May. 27th, 2021


    i<3Fletcher: 7:04pm [Private to Chase]

    Here's my list of stuff I want from my agreed upon cut of the prize winnings from paintball!

    List! )
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    Apr. 23rd, 2021


    i<3Fletcher: 8:55am

    Well, only two people got back to me about having a meeting this morning, so since no one really planned for that, I'd like to instead have a meeting at 3pm this afternoon, in the living room of the lodge. Please plan your day so you can be there! Thank you! See you this afternoon!

    Apr. 20th, 2021


    i<3Fletcher: 8:04pm

    Hello everybody! I once again think that we should try to have a house meeting tomorrow, so we can talk about how to best prepare for this in the future! I see that a few people already have ideas, and we should discuss them all, so I'd like to propose that we meet up as a group, maybe tomorrow morning so we can get it out of the way and people can go about their day, or we can start putting together whatever we think we'll need to get ourselves better prepared? Situation permitting, of course. Do you guys want to do a morning meeting? Or an evening meeting? I vote for morning!


    Lucy<3: 6:18 pm

    Okay, now that I've had some decent sleep, I think my thoughts would be more coherent. And I know these ideas are like... lofty, but we can at least implement some of this, maybe.

    1- I stayed the night in a tree. Turns out, the beasty things, they don't really look up and I'm not sure if they can climb. I feel like there should be a way to utilize this. I want to say tree house or something, but I wouldn't even be sure of where or how. But anyway, its worth noting in a pinch, if you're stuck outside for the night.

    2- I think it would be a good idea to have some emergency protocols incase people get stuck outside. When we used to go camping with my dad, we would buy dry boxes for food and emergency supplies. I have a fifty dollar voucher from Easter that I brought with me, and I was thinking that we can get a couple and store them in places around the uninhabited areas in case people get stuck out there. We can include some basic dry food (it wouldn't be pleasant, but good in an emergency). Maybe a lantern, flashlight, you know, whatever we can gather that someone might want in an emergency.

    3- Also, I'm so glad all of you are safe.

    Apr. 18th, 2021


    PMs - 2:14pm

    [PM to Lennon]

    You back yet?

    I got a $50 voucher out of the machine. Gonna grab some movies and shit. Anything you want?

    [PM to Kiley]

    Heard you were the next contestant for...whatever gameshow reference I can make about the barn. I'll come back to it later after I get some fucking shut eye. You alright?

    [PM to Pam]

    Just checking in to let you know we made it, ma.

    Apr. 2nd, 2021



    [PM to Edwin - 10:05am]

    I'm okay. Woke up in the barn a few minutes ago. Sorry to make you worry. I love you. Did you make it to the nature center? Are you okay? Is everybody else there okay? Are you even still there?

    [Network post - 10:06am]

    Kiley, Scotty, Marco and I are at the barn. Shaken up and sore, but okay right now. Can we sound off?

    Mar. 21st, 2021



    Everybody! If you're reading this then at this point you should know that the house is not safe! I'm with Felix and Edwin, and we've decided to head towards the nature center because it seems like a spot that might be hard for those things to get to? So if you're reading this, if you can, come meet us over there! I'll update when we actually get there, and we'll let you know if it's even possible to get in there tonight, but it's what our plan is for now and I think it's a pretty good one.

    If you can't get over there, please check in anyway! I know that the GPS isn't working, but maybe we can use the network to keep track of where the monsters are. I may not reply right away because I'm trying to conserve phone battery but also keep everyone connected. So please check in! Let me know if you've found anyone else!

    Above all, be safe out there! <3

    Feb. 10th, 2021


    Jack - 8:34am

    Guys, don't judge me too hard with some of the food items I'm getting with this voucher. A lot of it isn't going to be top quality or what I'd normally use, but he need some new flavor profiles up in here that we're going to be able to use long-term, which means using some dried, imitation stuff too.

    I'm going to get some real bacon and sausage though so we can do up at least one or two real breakfasts or something. We deserve that much.

    Anybody have any special requests on stuff they'd like to have around? I'll do my best.


    Before I lean too hard into the list, how do people feel about better options for chicken wings (got honey bbq, buffalo, teriyaki, and lemon pepper all making OFFICIAL entries instead of that half-assed crap we were doing before), asian style fried fish and chicken, chicken miso ramen, and fried rice? We're still obviously working with limitations so we won't have all of the fixings. I'm gonna try to sneak in some things to make some mayo-based chicken pasta salad now that it's getting warmer out.

    Also actual bread and chocolate chip cookies.

    Big thing is, the fridge and freezer are gonna be fuuuuull. We're going to need to be extra careful about making sure stuff gets back in where it belongs, because none of this is going to be replenishable. Once it's gone it's gone, so we've all gotta work together!


    i<3Fletcher: 10:26am

    Hi everybody! So as part of my reward for being most likely to be a game show host, I got the chance to double one of the winner's prize money though a game of chance, and I got to do that for Chase, and so he gifted me some of his prize to me to get some stuff for the house!

    So there are a few things that I know I'm going to get, and then I thought I'd open the rest up to suggestions! And then I'll figure out what sounds good out of those suggestions.

    So here are the things I for sure want to get:
    Coffee (everyone's going to be grumpy when we run out of the first batch!)
    Tea (probably just a standard cheap black tea)
    Catnip (for the cats, but can also be used for tea?)
    A dartboard and darts (This could also just be one of those magnetic sets to save money)
    Volleyball and net

    And then VHS copies of:
    The Wizard of Oz
    Singin' in the Rain
    Mary Poppins

    I only have $250 to work with, but VHS tapes are probably pretty cheap? So what movies do you think we should get and what are they about? Tell me things! Or like if there are any little things we can get for entertainment other than board games, maybe throw those ideas at me too!

    [Private to Jack]
    Does my coffee and tea overlap with your list? Because if it does let me get it so you can get something fun for yourself. Or tell me something fun you want for yourself that I can put on my list. Thank you sweetieeeee! <3

    Feb. 4th, 2021


    PMs - 9:03am

    [Filtered to Lennon and Tobias]

    is there any art stuff you guys really want? movies you want to see?

    [PM to Kiley]

    thinking about getting a cheap tv and a really old console for the room, if that's okay. it's one that plays dvds too so if there are any movies you want.

    kind of want to get something for the house too, but I don't know what.

    definitely getting something for the cats.

    [PM to Pam]

    hi. is there any good stuff to get for the cats that they don't already have? gonna get some toys and treats, but I only ever had Minion. don't know if there are things that are better for multiple cats.

    Jan. 7th, 2021


    i<3Fletcher: 7:06am

    Should we sound off? Is everybody safe? No one's stuck in any of the weird places they were last time, right? I'm like, pretty far from the house, but I'm not in danger or anything. You guys too?

    Dec. 21st, 2020


    i<3Fletcher: 11:06am [Private]

    Private )
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    Dec. 18th, 2020


    Chase - 9:19am

    vote for me for everything. if it's good stuff, I'll share with everybody. if it's bad and it could be a thing where people get trapped in random places or something. better for it to be the house looking for one person than half the house looking for the other half.

    Nov. 22nd, 2020


    Chase - 9:42am

    found a note on the front porch under the couch. don't remember anything being under there before. mentions "the other house" which I think means us? something about half of a riddle.

    [Image of note uploaded]

    think the scratched out part was probably the riddle they had. can't make out any of it.

    Nov. 16th, 2020



    I’m back. It’s me. Really.

    Marco can verify. But um. I wasn’t aware that I had even been gone. Marco says its been about a week? I don’t remember anything. So, thats sort of weird.

    But I’m glad I’m back.

    Hey. Do you think we can keep up with those cooking lessons?
    And can we just… talk… It’s really unnerving that they can just take us in and put us back and there are whole chunks of time missing. Did you feel weird or anything when you came back? Sorry, I didn't mean to ramble it just happens sometimes.

    [Chase & Kiley]
    Marco mentioned that he gave you my notes, I was just wondering if I could see them. I’ll make a copy that way we can share them. Actually, Marco and I had a thought about putting them up on the network so everyone could see them. Thoughts?

    Oct. 12th, 2020


    PMs - 10:02am

    [Filtered to Owen and Pam]

    Edwin and I are thinking we might try to sneak in one more night over here. You two have any objections? Any issues at the house at all?

    [PM to Marco]

    Hey, but. Having a good morning? You poke at that survey yet? Edwin is trying to turn his into a group project like a big ol cheater.

    We might decide to stay one more night, if you're okay with cactus-sitting again. We're both okay, we're just enjoying the sun and the quiet for a bit. I got a couple pictures of the ravine while the sun was first coming in and the water was still a little misty. Wanna see?

    Oct. 9th, 2020


    i<3Fletcher: 11:06am [Private]

    Survey )
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    Sep. 28th, 2020


    #6984RCO5 : 7:45AM

    I would like it if there were dogs to hug. Cats would be fine too. Most people would like having animals around, right?

    It's lonely when you really don't know anyone that well


    Ivy - 8:03am

    I agree with Pam. More food options. Maybe better coffee would be nice too.
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