August 2021



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Jan. 4th, 2021


PM to Kiley - 1:13pm

hi, love you. doing nerd stuff with Tobias and Lennon is helping. you should see what Lennon is doing to his windows, it's awesome. doing anything fun?

I know we haven't talked about it in a while, but were you thinking at all about what to do with the free store thing?

Jan. 1st, 2021


Tobias - 10:01am [Private]

answers )


Kiley - 11:30am [Private]

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Ivy - 9:04am [Private]

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Lila - 11:18am [Private]

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Dec. 29th, 2020


Jack - 9:15am [Private]

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Dec. 23rd, 2020


Felix - 11:31am [Private]

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Dec. 22nd, 2020


MarcoV: 12:22pm [Private]

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Owen - 8:29am [Private]

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Dec. 21st, 2020


DragonHeart - 11:58AM

private to Chase, Kiley, Tobias, Felix and Marco )


i<3Fletcher: 11:06am [Private]

Private )
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Chase - 11:21am [Private]

Answers )

Dec. 20th, 2020


DragonHeart - 10:57AM [private]

after an hour and a half of procrastinating and painting while trying to decide how to do this latest round of fucking bullshit-- and not get paint on the phone )

Dec. 19th, 2020


PM to TPTB - 10:31am

Good morning, gorgeous. <3

So, considering poor Lila and I are missing a literal gaggle of cohorts at this point, I don't suppose you'd let our votes count a tiny bit more to make up for it?


┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ - 10:14am [Private]

Yearbook )

Dec. 18th, 2020



I barely know any of these people! I really don't think this is

... )


PM to Lila - 9:26am

You didn't vote for prom queen yet, did you?


Chase - 9:19am

vote for me for everything. if it's good stuff, I'll share with everybody. if it's bad and it could be a thing where people get trapped in random places or something. better for it to be the house looking for one person than half the house looking for the other half.

Dec. 17th, 2020


Edwin: 8:14am [Private]

Answers )


Chase - 9:01am

I think this is a trap. says that the people who get the most votes in each slot will get something, but it doesn't say it's a reward. feels like it might be setting people up for making bad things happen to other people.

has anybody done it yet? if we all just vote for ourselves for everything then nobody wins.

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