May. 6th, 2021


PM to Lila - 7:56pm

You wouldn't happen to know a good recipe for fake blood, would you?

Apr. 20th, 2021


PM to Felix

where'd you end up last night?

Jan. 7th, 2021


PM to Lila - 7:11am

I swear to fucking god if Scotty doesn't find him first I've going to be VERY disappointed.


Can you tell where our poor little Andy Dufresne is at all? I'm gonna warm up Zippy, I think. You know, to help.

Jan. 1st, 2021


Lila - 11:18am [Private]

answers )
Tags: ,

Dec. 18th, 2020


PM to Lila - 9:26am

You didn't vote for prom queen yet, did you?

Oct. 20th, 2020


PM to Lila - 9:14pm

If you're willing to play a little defense if needed, I'm gonna zip over to poke the button on the lift to strand Captain Dad and his boy wonder at the nature center. Need anything while I'm out, dear?

Oct. 13th, 2020


Lila - 2:21pm [PRIVATE]

survey )
Tags: ,

Sep. 28th, 2020


Lila - 8:45am

A pool or hot tub. Some kind of recreation that isn't board games and VHS.

Sep. 10th, 2020


MarcoV: 8:06am

[...] So, [......] just checking, because I did take my meds, so I just wanna be sure, [...] but did anyone else just hear the Day-O song and have bananas come out of under their bed?


This is an actual question.

Aug. 29th, 2020


Lila - 08.19am

I've always enjoyed that urban legend with the babysitter and the killer calling her from inside the house.

I've never seen anything unexplainable before. everything technically has an explanation, right?

Jun. 13th, 2020


PM to Lila - 8:41am

You up?

Got two lanterns. It doesn't seem like the markers show where they are specifically so I'm gonna stash them somewhere. I should be tucked safe and sound back in my bed in about an hour, but if you see anyone heading towards Marker 7 can you give me a heads up? I'm keeping my eye out, but having an extra pair sure as fuck can't hurt.

May. 16th, 2020


Filtered to ExB - 10:14am

So without the batcave, figuring out an entrance to this place that's going to be convenient for all of us might be a little tricky, but I'd like to keep it in the house somewhere. I'm against it being in one of our rooms for optics sake. We share this place with Ivy and eventually she could catch on. Plus if one of us has company that means it's cut off. Maybe the bathroom? I'd think it's in Their best interest to make sure it's hidden enough that people wouldn't notice it. We could have it outside, but we run the risk of someone seeing us head out to it.

As far as where we pop out, I don't have a specific spot in mind other than it would be great to have it somewhere to the west, maybe mostly centralized, and definitely on the other side of the fucking river. It could be good to have it on the other side of the canyon too, considering that shit's gonna be hard to cross if we need to. It might be nice to get a heads up on what's over there before the rest of the house. The downside is that if it's all the way over there it's going to limit the general functionality considering most shit happens closer to home.

Any opinions?

May. 4th, 2020


Lila - 10:09am

oh the stories I could use

one of the dancers I worked with had this move where she could hook her leg around the pole and lift her body parallel to the floor. one night she actually fell on her face and broke her nose. blood was everywhere. one of our regulars leaned over and licked some of the blood from the stage.

so yeah. that was weird. and disgusting.

Apr. 15th, 2020


Lila - 10:56am

we found Kiley down a canyon.

Apr. 9th, 2020


Chase - 8:27am

Kiley isn't in our room and her phone is here and there are markers all over themap that aren't movingg like what happened wiht Vanessa amd Jerome what do we do

Apr. 2nd, 2020


PM to Felix - 12:24pm

I'm currently lounging in my cool new room in the barn. not much here but some clothes and makeup - unfortunately, none of the colors match my skin tone and the clothes are hideous.

they bought it, by the way. or at least, the seed has been planted that it could be true. pam got shrill and Oliver looked like he might pass out. pam brought me here before I could really see the full effect of it all.

before we talked about Simms, Oliver apologized to me for how things were back in zenith and wanted to "do better" by me - though I'm pretty sure I won't hear a knock on my door for the rest of the day. I'm like a naughty child who got sent to her room. they could have at least spanked me first.

Mar. 24th, 2020


PMs - 10:27am

[PM to Lila]

They're coming to get you, Baaarbaraaaaa.

Nag-a-lot, nutjob and Kiley, about five minutes out.

[PM to Lennon]

You busy?

Mar. 19th, 2020


Lila - Private [filtered to ExB] - Morning

So we’re waking up in barns now? Fun.