Aug. 23rd, 2019


Tobias - 8:45am

mary ann's donuts on the corner of my street.


Ivy - 8:01am

being able to go wherever I want on a whim. is that simple? if not, I miss being able to go to bed naked and not worrying about waking up somewhere else naked.


Kiley - 8:46am

walking the chicago river at night in the summer.


Oliver - 8:12am

I miss driving. Real driving. Long country roads, or trips across states. Looking around and everything being new and sometimes weird and interesting.


Jack - 9:02am

I miss people. I miss honking cars and exhaustandyou'regonnausethatagainsteveryonesono I miss crowded restaurants and walking out my front door and just being surrounded. Don't get be wrong, everyone here is great, but it's not the same. This place feels lifeless as hell sometimes.


Felix - 8:36am

Being able to walk naked from my bed to my keurig in five seconds every fucking morning without some asshole watching me. Unless I slept with that asshole the night before.


┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ - 9:19am

Sports and chicks Ignorance about my dad's d Playing football


Edwin: 9:22am

I miss a lot of little things. Like just happening upon art in the real world. Or watching dumb shit on Youtube. Or just going to places that have a variety of things for me to look at or buy or taste or enjoy. Or being in a crowded place for about as long as I can stand it. Or waking up and being able to leave my room without having to take a pop quiz.

Aug. 22nd, 2019


DragonHeart - 8:09 AM

Actual privacy. I s2g.


i<3Fletcher: 8:48am

Well, any animals, but that's probably actually a big thing for me, so like [...] I kind of miss driving my car and singing at the top of my lungs on the way to and from work.

Aug. 23rd, 2019


Nessie - 9:59 am

OMG I TOTALLY miss my super cute red nail polish and my instagram OMG I SUPER miss my FOLLOWERS and my MAKE-UP I have soooo much cute make up and my BAG! OH AND MY CLOTHS!! And Shues!! and my cleaner LOL

Aug. 22nd, 2019


MarcoV: 6:08am

Mcdonalds fries

Aug. 23rd, 2019


Jerome - 7:54 am

My fucking glasses.
fuck you

Aug. 22nd, 2019



Day 31.