August 2021



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Sep. 28th, 2020


Kiley - 8:20am

thicker walls. some people are loud lovers.

more fun stuff to do, preferably outside. archery ranges. mini golf. a bouncy house. something.

Sep. 26th, 2020


i<3Fletcher: 7:44am

I just think that more food would be nice. Like more diverse food options. Like, I get that we have chicken and fish now but we could use like all the food groups, you know? You've put a lot of pressure on Jack to keep us all fed and if you say we're here for a reason then I think we should be treated like we are and be given more food options like we'd have at home.
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Aug. 30th, 2020


i<3Fletcher: 7:29am

You know what urban legend totally freaked me out growing up? The one where the girl puts her hand down under her bed for comfort from her dog after she hears a noise and the dog licks it and in the morning she finds her dog dead and a note that says "People can lick too". My mom got so mad that my dad got me an urban legend book after I read that one!!

And I've never seen one, but I totally believe in ghosts. We rented a place by the beach one weekend when I was a kid and my sister told me that she heard my parents talking about how the cabin was haunted, and I never saw a ghost but I totally heard things? It was like the same year that I got the urban legend book, so there's a chance Sam was just messing with me? But like, I still think ghosts are a real thing.
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Aug. 29th, 2020


Oliver - 7:36am

Favorite urban legend is the bird prank at Harvard. Pretty sure it's never been verified.

I'm pretty sure everybody's seen something that's at least unexplainable to them. You want something specific, I'll go with the flat earther crap.

Aug. 21st, 2020


Oliver - 8:12am

Jack and I are gonna see what we can do about the wheel and hopefully get power up before too long. Apologies in advance if we go waking up anybody in the mill.

Aug. 6th, 2020


i<3Fletcher: 9:53pm

Is the power out in all the buildings, or just the lodge?

Jul. 26th, 2020


Chase - 9:31am

going to work on a supply list of things we saw at the 7-eleven if people want stuff or if there are things we can use as ingredients for stuff. should be able to do a better one once we can get back there. not today though. rain is going to make it hard to cross the bridge.

almost everything was really old and not edible but the boxes we opened in the store room had at least a few fresher things of each kind. had some decent not-edible stuff like sunglasses, some t-shirts with the store logo on it, lighters, that sort of thing. there are also gas cans. gas pumps work.

will try to make another trip over when the weather clears up if anybody wants to come to bring stuff back too.

Jul. 9th, 2020


i<3Fletcher: 6:41pm

We found a truck!

[Image of Pam taking a selfie in front of a blue, worn, antique truck]

It's missing tires and probably other things, I am by no means a car expert, but isn't it nice to see a car again? Oh my gosh, I nearly hugged it.

We also got our lanterns, and we found a bunch of tools! I hope everyone else had a successful day! <3
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Felix - 6:12pm

Looks like we're not making it back tonight. Would somebody be willing to bunnysit Shark for the night so she's not alone?

Jun. 14th, 2020


i<3Fletcher: 9:14am [Private to Jack]

Are you doing alright today, sweetie? I didn't see you hop into the organization, and I feel bad leaving you here! Will you be okay? Please be careful if you drink today like you did yesterday, since there will be a lot less people around in case something happens. Did you want to come? Are you hungover? Do you need anything?
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Jun. 12th, 2020


i<3Fletcher: 7:18am

So Harper already brought this up, but just so we don't bombard and scare the new girl on her post, I think we should talk about how we want to go about this lantern retrieving thing! It would be a really smart idea to go get these things, and earn a path! GUYS! Won't it be nice to have a path? And have some space that we can, like, set up a fire pit and sit by that at night now that the weather's getting warmer?

So! Who wants to go where? I'm going to put who's volunteering for where below!

H18 (7): Owen and Scotty!
U20 (6): Felix, Lennon, and Marco!
U32 (4): Ivy, Harper, and me!
T12 (11): Chase and Tobias!

General nondescript ravine area: Oliver & Edwin

Jun. 11th, 2020


#6984RCO5 - 7:15AM

Would anyone want some company looking for lanterns? I haven't been here that long and I'm scared nervous of going by myself.

May. 28th, 2020


Felix - 8:12am

Audrey's gone. Her stuff too.

May. 25th, 2020


PMs - 11:32am



we're making pet toys again and I was wondering if there are things that would be okay for bunnies that we might have in the house or outside? doesn't seem fair that only the cats get toys.


the house dictionary doesn't have any words for "butt" in it. that's weird right?

May. 4th, 2020


i<3Fletcher: 9:18am

Honest to god, no lie, I was working one day, and we had a client come in with their pet duck, telling us there was something wrong with it, because it couldn't swim. It was just like a really bad swimmer. I had to stand there and explain to this person that their duck was actually a CHICKEN, and I honestly don't know how they thought that their chicken was a duck. To this day, I still think about how strange it was that this full grown adult BOUGHT a CHICKEN thinking that they were spending their money on a DUCK.

Apr. 30th, 2020


Oliver - 10:11am

[Attempt 1] That I can think of right now, camel spiders.

[Attempt 2] Camel spiders. They're some of the freakiest looking bugs I've ever seen. During daylight hours in the desert they'll actively chase people to hide in their shadow. They also like to show up in your bunk at night. Pretty harmless critters, but you'd be surprised how many hardass grunts turn into squishy babies when one turns up.

Apr. 18th, 2020


i<3Fletcher: 11:18am

And we've got Jack now! He seems fine. We're heading back to the lodge now! Is anyone there yet? If anyone feels up to it, it would be like really cool if someone started making lunch for everyone.
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Apr. 9th, 2020


Chase - 8:27am

Kiley isn't in our room and her phone is here and there are markers all over themap that aren't movingg like what happened wiht Vanessa amd Jerome what do we do

Apr. 3rd, 2020


i<3Fletcher: 1:14pm [Private to Tobias]

Hi sweetie! I just wanted to apologize to you that we didn't get to tell you in person about this whole weird Simms thing. Like Oliver said, we don't really know what's real about it, but after the fact I kind of realized that maybe someone should have told you before the whole group message went out. I hope you're okay! If there's anything you need, you just let me know, okay sweetie? <3

Apr. 2nd, 2020


Filtered Chase, Kiley, Marco, Pam, Lennon, Tobias, Edwin, Felix, Jack, Levi, Audrey, Kate - 12:15pm

Lila's back in the house now. She's unhurt and getting settled.

She came with some tough news, and I'm not sure how it's going to affect things around here. The only thing I ask is that we keep clear heads, and if there are any concerns, you come to me.

Simms may be alive. Lila says that for a few weeks while she was away from us, she was ordered to play nurse while he was recovering from his wounds. We have no way of confirming this, particularly considering we know some of the things they're capable of doing and making us believe. It could very well be that this was some kind of setup by Them to make sure she brought the news back to see how we'd react. We don't know.

I know a lot of you have questions, and it's going to be frustrating for everyone that there aren't a lot of answers right now. Try to give Lila some space so she can get settled. There's a lot going on in the immediate that she needs to get caught up on and prepared for.

An important reminder: We have Scotty here. Whatever our experiences with Simms were, his weren't the same, and be mindful that we're talking about his father. This is good news for him, even if we don't know anything for sure. Be mindful of that, and the fact that this is a kid that's just happy his dad might be alive.

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