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Jun. 27th, 2021


#6984RCO5 - 7:38AM

...guys? We have a new room in the barn!

There's sewing machines and fabric and paint and other stuff. I didn't hear a thing all night so how did that get there. That's so weird.

May. 29th, 2021


Lucy<3: 10:15 am

Alright guys. I can't believe I'm saying this, but like I'm actually really excited about bugs. If nothing else, it makes the outside feel a little more normal, right?

But uh

I was thinking that the best way to make sure we can get all of these cool things is to break up into groups, and only focus on "your type" or bug.

So we have:

Team Ladybugs

Team Butterfly
  • Lucy Nash

    Team Firefly

    Team Shield Bug

    Team Crickets

    Lets do it. Teamwork makes the dream work.
  • May. 23rd, 2021


    Chase - 12:10pm

    [Inserted picture of tent at the lodge]

    Lucy and I made it to the lodge. this is new. not sure what it is. going to do a walk around the perimeter. any ideas?

    May. 8th, 2021


    Lucy<3: 08:46 am

    Okay, Friends!

    I know we got a little ambitious during our meeting. I'm getting ready for my day, and I just want to know what everyone thinks we should do first.

    1- I know that Scotty and I volunteered to do the testing of the tents and the boxes. Have we ordered the things for that? Do we want to do that tonight? Because if the boxes and the tents work, and we think that the Solid-Snake-Effect works, then we can build sheds instead of platforms... otherwise it's back to plan one.

    2- That being said, do we want to wait to go check out the other lodge or do we want to go ahead and do that this morning? I have never built before, but I have to imagine that we might need different things if we build shed structures vs a platform structure.

    3- I forgot to mention it at the meeting, but has anyone else noticed the monster books around? I have sort of skimmed a few of them to see if I can match the monster pictures to the ones we have seen, but no luck yet. If you happen to see a new one, can you just leave them in a pile someone where. Maybe the living room space? It's probably just another thing to mess with us, but what if they are actually giving us some help?

    Just you know... let me know, yeah? I like to sort of plan my day.

    Apr. 23rd, 2021


    i<3Fletcher: 8:55am

    Well, only two people got back to me about having a meeting this morning, so since no one really planned for that, I'd like to instead have a meeting at 3pm this afternoon, in the living room of the lodge. Please plan your day so you can be there! Thank you! See you this afternoon!

    Apr. 20th, 2021


    Lucy<3: 6:18 pm

    Okay, now that I've had some decent sleep, I think my thoughts would be more coherent. And I know these ideas are like... lofty, but we can at least implement some of this, maybe.

    1- I stayed the night in a tree. Turns out, the beasty things, they don't really look up and I'm not sure if they can climb. I feel like there should be a way to utilize this. I want to say tree house or something, but I wouldn't even be sure of where or how. But anyway, its worth noting in a pinch, if you're stuck outside for the night.

    2- I think it would be a good idea to have some emergency protocols incase people get stuck outside. When we used to go camping with my dad, we would buy dry boxes for food and emergency supplies. I have a fifty dollar voucher from Easter that I brought with me, and I was thinking that we can get a couple and store them in places around the uninhabited areas in case people get stuck out there. We can include some basic dry food (it wouldn't be pleasant, but good in an emergency). Maybe a lantern, flashlight, you know, whatever we can gather that someone might want in an emergency.

    3- Also, I'm so glad all of you are safe.

    Apr. 2nd, 2021



    [PM to Edwin - 10:05am]

    I'm okay. Woke up in the barn a few minutes ago. Sorry to make you worry. I love you. Did you make it to the nature center? Are you okay? Is everybody else there okay? Are you even still there?

    [Network post - 10:06am]

    Kiley, Scotty, Marco and I are at the barn. Shaken up and sore, but okay right now. Can we sound off?

    Feb. 8th, 2021


    PM to Lucy and Marco - 10:14 am

    is there anything you guys want? wouldn't have won without you.

    Feb. 5th, 2021


    Edwin: 9:08am

    We're in the money, we're in the moneeeeey

    Hey everybody! So, I won one of the paintball prizes (Thank GOD) and I want to put it towards D&D stuff, since a lot of what I got for Christmas had to be left back at the mansion. I'm in the process of setting up a campaign with Chase's help (Thank CHASE) so I wanted to ask once again: Who wants to play? Or just, who has a passing interest?

    The plan is to do a sort of one-shot, just to see how people are feeling about playing and the rules and stuff, and then if people find they like it and they like their characters, the campaign can continue, but anyone who wasn't feeling it, or anyone who's making things miserable for other players, can have an out before continuing. A loose idea of the world that's being set up for this game is that our set of characters live in an underground society which owes itself to a specific deity (though I won't require anyone who wants to play any sort of cleric or anything to pray to them, it's just something important to their home) and they're coming up on the city's annual celebration honoring the deity, so characters will be taking part in [...] festivities and other occurrences. And this is all vague on purpose. And also that's just the plan for the one-shot.

    So! Knowing that, I want to know who's interested in taking part! You don't need to jump in here with a plan or a full character, I'm happy to help anyone who needs help setting up a character, and I need to know about your characters before we start anyway. This is just a message to see who might want to play, and to alert people that I'm actually planning on getting this started soon. Finally.

    My hope is that I can redeem my voucher to get everyone their own set of dice and mini, and maybe some paints so we have a bonus activity to do. And then other stuff that I'll be putting towards the game will be included in my purchase.

    Does this sound fun to anyone? Who wants to play? Who has questions? Does anyone already have their heart set on playing specific races or classes? What are you thinking?

    Jan. 17th, 2021


    PM to Marco - 8:02am

    are you teamed up with anyone?

    Jan. 7th, 2021


    Lucy<3: 7:23 am

    I am really, really sorry for anyone I shoot. I'm sorry.

    Maybe I wont shoot anyone. I don't want to shoot anyone.

    Dec. 6th, 2020


    Jack - 8:31am

    These doors can stop ANY-FRIGGIN-TIME NOW. I nearly shat myself on the way to the bathroom.

    Is it just me or is there a more concentrated than usual amount of random crap? Knock on wood but I almost miss having to do the tests and obstacle courses. At least we know when we finish it that particular pain in the butt is OVER. Unless we're missing an off switch somewhere. Should be we trying to break into the locked rooms? It seems like all of this stuff ends up in there. Maybe this is just the world's worst "nudge nudge".

    Nov. 23rd, 2020


    ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ - 10:02am




    Nov. 22nd, 2020


    Chase - 9:42am

    found a note on the front porch under the couch. don't remember anything being under there before. mentions "the other house" which I think means us? something about half of a riddle.

    [Image of note uploaded]

    think the scratched out part was probably the riddle they had. can't make out any of it.

    Nov. 16th, 2020



    I’m back. It’s me. Really.

    Marco can verify. But um. I wasn’t aware that I had even been gone. Marco says its been about a week? I don’t remember anything. So, thats sort of weird.

    But I’m glad I’m back.

    Hey. Do you think we can keep up with those cooking lessons?
    And can we just… talk… It’s really unnerving that they can just take us in and put us back and there are whole chunks of time missing. Did you feel weird or anything when you came back? Sorry, I didn't mean to ramble it just happens sometimes.

    [Chase & Kiley]
    Marco mentioned that he gave you my notes, I was just wondering if I could see them. I’ll make a copy that way we can share them. Actually, Marco and I had a thought about putting them up on the network so everyone could see them. Thoughts?

    May. 14th, 2020


    #6984RCO5 - 8:18AM

    please let me go i promise i'll never tell anyone anything



    let me out before he gets here to punish me



    May. 7th, 2020


    Edwin: 12:15pm [Private to Chase & Lucy]

    So, last night Oliver, Marco and I ended up talking D&D again, so I'm trying to work on a game again. I've never DMed, which is why I keep putting this off, because I don't want a bunch of people who have never played to be turned off from the game because I did it bad. Have either of you DMed before? Any tips? Also, do you guys want to be involved, and if you do, how comfortable would you be with helping in the planning phase? I feel both very interested in doing this, and also terrified of doing this. I figured I'd poke at you guys before I start seeing who else is interested again.

    May. 4th, 2020


    Lila - 10:09am

    oh the stories I could use

    one of the dancers I worked with had this move where she could hook her leg around the pole and lift her body parallel to the floor. one night she actually fell on her face and broke her nose. blood was everywhere. one of our regulars leaned over and licked some of the blood from the stage.

    so yeah. that was weird. and disgusting.


    Lucy<3: 9:46 am

    [Attempt 1] Well, I've been a vendor at a bunch of cons before and well... there are some cosplays I regret seeing.

    [Attempt 2] Okay, you want me to be more specific, alright.

    I've worked at Heroes for Hire since I was sixteen, I became a key holding manager right after I turned 18. I was often in charge of our 'away team' which was basically a crew I would take with me to run our booth at local conventions... and well, it was 2014.

    This is only important, because for those of you who don't know, this was BronyCon's biggest year and when that happens... well, copy cat cons form. BronyCon happened in Baltimore, and closer to home in Texas HarmonyCon started. Along the same lines, it was dedicated to all lovers of My Little Pony: Friendship is magic. We had just gotten a bunch of their comics and collectables, and so away we went.

    This brought on a weird sect of Con followers and Cosplayers--- from realistic MLP horse style cosplays, to equestria girls and... well, Brony's in their finest furry fetish gear. I say this not to shame anyone of, of course, but...

    It was weird. To see some little girls child show turned complete fetish galore. It was actually one of the last cons I did before coming here.

    Mar. 20th, 2020


    Lucy<3: 10:21 am

    I’ve been doing a lot of looking into the codes on the subject numbers. This is… this is what we’re looking at so far.

    1st Digit -- 4 / 5 / 6
    This seems to have something to do with an age bracket, But I’m not sure how exactly this is decided. The numbers seem to be going up instead of down which is a little strange.

  • 4- Known Ages 36-40
  • 5- Known Ages 24-31
  • 6- Known Ages 18-20

  • 2nd & 3rd Digit
    This seems to be an identification number for when we were kidnapped. The people who were here the earliest have the lowest numbers, while people here later-- like myself-- have higher numbers. It’s unforseen what would happen if they reach triple digits.

    4th Digit
    As we all seem to know, this is the number of family members that could replace you. I have three, surely representing my three brothers. It doesn’t seem to include parents? And… well, I guess in some cases it must include children because Scotty is here.

    5th Digit
    I have yet to figure out what exactly this means yet, but I do know that we are split up into three sections here. I’m going to relay those here in hopes that maybe the groups can think amongst themselves about what could possibly bind them.

  • A - Audrey, Edwin, Kate, Oliver, Pam, Scotty
  • R - Chase, Jack, Kiley, Lennon, Tobias
  • U - Dylan, Felix, Lucy, Marco

  • 6th & 7th Digit
    So, as I think I mentioned before, it seems like we are split up between two categories ‘CO’ and ‘UN’. Ivy, Pam and I used 50 of our fish so that we could ask TPTB a question about these. We decided to ask about what this set of numbers meant, and they replied “These two letters are denoting whether or not the subject is aware (on any level) of their own affinity”. My thought is that ‘CO’ stands for cognative as in people are vaguely aware, and ‘UN’ as in unaware, but honestly that’s just my guess. I have no idea what my latent ability could be, but that could be why I am ‘UN’.

    8th Digit
    This is a number between 1 and 5. To me, it looks like it could be some sort of rating system, but who knows what it could be.
  • 1 - Scotty & Tobias
  • 2 - Lucy & Edwin
  • 3 - no one… but formally a girl named Juliet.
  • 4 - Dylan, Jack, Kiley & Lennon
  • 5 - Audrey, Chase, Felix, Kate, Marco, Oliver & Pam.

  • That’s… um… all I know. I was hoping to get some thoughts?

    [PM to Jack]

    So, I’m not going to lie. Most of my cooking skills come in some sort of instant variety. But I know a lot of the cooking falls on you. If you’re willing to show me a few things… like how to butcher the chicken, or some other basics, I was thinking that I could help you more in the kitchen?

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