Sep. 9th, 2020


#6984RCO5: 8:30AM

Urban legend??

Is that like a ghost story? We weren't allowed to read about stuff like that. Or the Twilight thing

Sep. 4th, 2020


DragonHeart - 9:08AM

I had this online friend from Colorado, and he always used to tell me a bunch of creepy legends about Riverdale Road. Stuff like a phantom jogger who was killed when a dude ran over him and now he haunts the site of the accident, ghostly slaves hanging from trees, all that kind of shit. Not sure if I believed him or not.

I dunno if I've seen anything unexplainable but I sure as hell experienced something. How the hell do you grab a guy from a crowded nightclub without anyone seeing? I'll never understand that one.


Edwin: 12:15pm [Private to Oliver]

You remember when we had a giant kitchen and we could just go to the freezer and pull out a bag of fish sticks and just throw them in the oven and easy meal? I miss that.

Anyway, I'm gonna make some fish sticks. Sound good?

You know what else I miss? Getting drunk and loudly talking about your butt. Sure, I can talk about your butt while I'm sober, but there's something fun about unfiltered butt admiration.

Aug. 31st, 2020


Edwin: 7:44am

Yeah fine, I'm up.

My favorite urban legend is Mothman I guess. One day we'll get out of here and I'll celebrate by going to the Point Pleasant Mothman Festival and it'll be great. I'll eat fair food and spend too much money of cryptid crafts.

I've probably seen stuff I can't explain but I'm going back to sleep now.

Aug. 30th, 2020


MarcoV: 9:15am

All the weird shit I saw has an easy explanation, other than real human shit that doesn't make sense, I guess? Aggressive architecture's pretty fucked up.

As far as urban legends, I guess Santa counts as a fairy tale, so... You hear the one about the woman who thinks she's holding her brains in, but her biscuit tube popped and she was just holding dough? That's a good one. Happy ending.


┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ - 8:01am

Bigfoot's the best urban legend. Everyone knows that.

Never seen a bigfoot or any shit like that though. Shit we used to set shit up to freak out other people when we could. Yo we'd go to a park and set up blair witch shit. Stupid fun shit.


i<3Fletcher: 7:29am

You know what urban legend totally freaked me out growing up? The one where the girl puts her hand down under her bed for comfort from her dog after she hears a noise and the dog licks it and in the morning she finds her dog dead and a note that says "People can lick too". My mom got so mad that my dad got me an urban legend book after I read that one!!

And I've never seen one, but I totally believe in ghosts. We rented a place by the beach one weekend when I was a kid and my sister told me that she heard my parents talking about how the cabin was haunted, and I never saw a ghost but I totally heard things? It was like the same year that I got the urban legend book, so there's a chance Sam was just messing with me? But like, I still think ghosts are a real thing.
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Aug. 29th, 2020


Lila - 08.19am

I've always enjoyed that urban legend with the babysitter and the killer calling her from inside the house.

I've never seen anything unexplainable before. everything technically has an explanation, right?


Chase - 8:14am

loch ness

not really. at least not in the way you're asking. people doing horrible stuff is unexplainable sometimes but it's not supernatural or anything.


Oliver - 7:36am

Favorite urban legend is the bird prank at Harvard. Pretty sure it's never been verified.

I'm pretty sure everybody's seen something that's at least unexplainable to them. You want something specific, I'll go with the flat earther crap.


Felix - 8:32am

I know absolutely jack shit about urban legends, but when I was little one of the houses we lived in had a ghost lady that would stand at the end of my bed. She never moved or anything, she'd just stare at the wall that separated my room from where my mom and her boyfriend slept.

Aug. 27th, 2020



Day 52.