Oct. 19th, 2019


PM to Felix

Iā€™m getting bored. I need to have some fun before I fuck something up. How the hell do you come up with the shit you do? I need you, Obi-Wan.

Oct. 8th, 2019


PM to Edwin - 9:59 am

you where SO a pussy OMG

hey how you feel after yesterday?? we totally not talked about that but it was so super SCARY i just want go home!!! :(
I was so scared you not help me because you looked at me like i was disgusting and Tobias also sayed i was scary and i canted say things and oh god why they do that????
Like the punishment for the cards was the costume, and you not haved a punishment card!!! maybe they readed our pm when you sayed it cant be worst then locked in popcorn machine and they wanted to be mean to us?? there only was this zippy message in network! and other people sayed they dont know what this is!!!

can you talk again??

Oct. 3rd, 2019



Day 34.