[action | mingle][setting fire to the second bar]
22 March 2012 at 09:33 pm
In which Kitty blows up the bar )

(OOC: Characters in sector five will hear multiple explosions of varying volume. The sound may carry to neighboring sectors or be heard by anyone with super hearing of course. They are located partially underground which is muffling the sound to some extent. The immediate vicinity is clear at the time of the ignition. Flames will reach and exceed the surface, but Zelgadis will be on the scene shortly after the first audible explosion to begin containing the blaze. He will have it in hand on his own, but anyone rushing to the scene is welcome to help. Feel free to mingle. Kitty will have an open thread below. People are welcome to assume they were among those asked/told/threatened to leave the bar initially!]
Wish prank mingle
13 March 2012 at 02:41 am
Deep Puck thoughts that mostly amount to 'be more fun, guys' )

The actual spell )

[OOC: Feel free to thread amongst yourself, anywhere in the dome! Here's the OOC post for details.]
05 March 2012 at 09:38 pm
Good morning. [A distinguished looking gentleman has learned how to turn on his communicator, and he is looking quite comfortable, considering the fact that he’s just learned he has been locked up for life in a prison he’s never heard of.]

I do hate to be a bother to my new warden, guards, and fellow inmates, but as you might fathom, I have some questions. Might you indulge a poor old man with a few answers? [Have his best, winning smile, Marina!]