[ voice ]
22 February 2011 at 01:36 pm
Hey this is Eddie, I wanted to ask two of my favorite ladies. Miss Sakura and if she is still around Princess Euphemia, if at your earliest convenience if I could see you both. Two valentines presents are due to the both of you, Sakura I wanted you to know I loved the candies.

And Euphemia I am a man of my word and I owe you a date from the auction. So, if your free and actually still in this place to be able to hear me please just let me know when.

[a moment a silence passes before a snap of fingers can be heard and the voice comes back almost more cheerful.]

Oh! Li I'm sorry I never got back to you I kind of had a lot of stuff on my mind. I'm totally up to seeing you whenever as well! Again sorry man.

Anyway I better cut this off now. Later everyone.
[ Voice ]
07 February 2011 at 10:20 pm
That was trippy

[ A moment of silence passed before the sound of his throat being cleared could be heard.] How did I get back here? I swear I was just at the gardens...

Oh well, I guess I had to much to drink last night...Wait did I drink?

[ Another quite moment] Oh god I'm broadcasting...and rambling.
[Voice post]
17 March 2010 at 05:49 pm
Sweet, everything's here! I can't beleive i spaced like that these last few days. I think I owe a princess a date, I should be asking the lady when she'd like to go soon!

[A bit of laugher now before the voice comes back in clear.]

Oh yeah! Li! You busy today? I got the CD like I promised, you gotta come hear it.
Mood: awake
[anonymous note]
24 February 2010 at 10:56 am
[In the shelter, in the hallway between the dining hall and the common room, you may notice a notecard on a board. Paper and different-colored pens are available.

In a neat, slanted print, the notecard reads:]

What does it mean to be in love?

[There is no one around.]

((Since these are notes, almost all communication will be anonymous unless otherwise noted, e.g. if you sign your comment or say something obvious, but please do it logged-in. Feel free to leave your thoughts, respond to other people's thoughts, etc.))
[Video // Action // Open]
23 February 2010 at 12:57 am
[The Doctor is vastly excited and standing right outside the Shelter. He's just been released from his restraints, properly, finally, and he feels full of energy. He can't help it, he has to tell somebody. Everybody! Turning on his video, he grins.]

I'm finally out of the restraints! Ohh, this is brilliant, it really is. [He bounces in position a bit.] I can finally take a look around, and I've really been wanting to properly do that, can't see much in restraints, not when you're in a straight line, and dragging yourself along and just walking from one place to the next ferried everywhere by bots. My ankle was getting very chafed. And tired. Ankles aren't meant for that sort of heavy...dragging. Anyway, there are a lot of things to see here, it's really all very complex. So I'm going to go see them!

[He's anxious, and itching to go, and then he remembers that he's the one making the video in the first place and he can turn it off and stop any time he wants. So he does, and then he runs off, for the sheer joy of running and being able to run. He's going to explore.]

[ooc: Feel free to godmod meeting the Doctor ANYWHERE (and at any time, let this serve for his all-day post, k?) because he is going to be ALL OVER. But primarily around the Library and in Sector 4. Sorry for failboat posting this before daypost this morning.]
[The 51st Day]
22 February 2010 at 10:32 pm
Good morning, criminals! Today is the fifty-first day of the third generation and I am pleased to see how many of you participated in the auction yesterday -- it seems like it was a rousing success. Please be aware that, of course, the money will be repossessed today; it was created purely in the interests of entertainment and has no inherent value.

Have fun on your dates, and don't forget to behave yourselves. In every conceivable way!

[ Sentience's encryption // unhackable // filter: DEFENSE TEAM ]

Please be aware that there may be upcoming activity on behalf of the Engineers. I can no longer locate their lifesigns. I have deemed the level of threat low, but you may want to be on the watch for suspicious activity. Especially in regards to inmate Deire.

((Expect replies to be scarce. ♥ ))
22 February 2010 at 09:41 am
[Not long after Ashton falls asleep, Reira finds that she's not going to be able to sleep tonight, not even after the insanity of the auction. So she dresses hastily, simple jeans and a loose blouse with a sweater-jacket overtop, and sets out to gaze at the stars once more. She finds herself at the park, sitting on the cool grass and staring up at the stars, wondering what's got her so worried.

Well, she knows, to a degree. Telling Ashton about Shin went better than expected, but that's left her feeling a bit guilty. Has she betrayed Shin by finding someone so quickly? Is she really ready to be moving on like this when her feelings for Shin are so acute? What will she do if, by some miracle, he appears here? Who will she choose?

She lies back, trying to let the beauty of the night sky soothe her, but her mind is still too active. She wishes she could talk to him one last time, other than those fruitless letters. She needs advice.

Why can't she just be happy?]
Mood: discontent
[Voice//Action | Open]
20 February 2010 at 12:17 am
[It's a calm, still night in Marina. Anyone outside enjoying the evening, on their dates perhaps, might spare a thought for the blanket of featureless night that covers the high dome.]

[Look up at the right time tonight, and you'll notice a rather jarring change. One moment the obscure shroud of darkness, and the next the dome is suddenly emitting a gentle light. Starlight. Suddenly the entire dome is covered in a sparkling array of stars. Different sizes, some even slightly different colors. Someone from Earth might recognize familiar constellations.]

Good evening, Marina. I hope everyone has enjoyed the celebration today. Winry and I had a gift to add to the festivities -- the night sky, especially tonight, should have stars looking down on us. She did a wonderful job making the projector, so we all owe her our thanks.

Ah, it was nothing, really. I'm just glad to be of help. Ahahaha!

This is what the sky looks like on Earth, my world of origin. We will be able to make more templates, if anyone can point us to a stellar map of their home world.

There'll also be the likeness of a moon, though it's in the new moon phase right now. It should go through all the phases every thirty days, since that seems to be a common feature.

The projector will also shift slightly every day as goes along with the seasonal flow here, but we can always set it to any particular point in time if there are star- or constellation-based holidays that fall outside the seasonal flow.

I hope you enjoy the starry sky!

((OOC: Obvious font color is obvious, but if not: Blue = Winry, Pink = Lacus. Tags may be answered by Winry or Lacus, just specify if you want one or the other. Lacus and Winry are in the park. Threadjacks are encouraged (unless marked closed or private)! As Winry said, there is no moon in the sky for now, but there will be. The moon will go through its phases as it would on Earth unless the template is changed, rising and setting each night. Enjoy~))
[action] Event: Valentine's Auction
19 February 2010 at 03:05 pm
[A podium and stage, decorated with pink and red, has been set up outside the shelter. Here's where the action happens...!]

[Everyone who wants to RP out their auction should make a comment here, describing what they're wearing and how they're feeling/acting in the comment. Don't say anything. You may optionally add context relative to the timing of the bidding, like mention that he's impatient for character X to go up, or is weirded out because character Y just bought someone else and she was supposed to buy him, or is anxious because she's the first one up there, etc.

[Then Minako responds with patter commentary, attempting to sell your character based on what she knows/has been told. She will put [Bidding] in the subject line. Respond to Minako's comments to bid. Just like in a real auction, the bid that is the highest or the fastest will be the one accepted!

[Please go up in increments of no more than 300 sentis at a time, and remember that 1500 sentis is a reasonable price for a date. Indicate in bold in brackets if you have OOC plans, like, "[He was confident he would win]" or "[She was starting to worry she didn't have enough cash]" or "[The thought of losing didn't even cross his mind]". It is common courtesy not to interfere with established plans; if you want to do something else, talk to the mun whose intentions interfere with yours.

[But try not to choreograph things too extensively. You have the right to decide what you want to happen to your character, but it's fun to let these things be spontaneous, and you don't have the right to tell other people their characters aren't allowed to do something IC just because it interferes with your extensively scripted plans.

[Minako will declare the winner of each auction, largely at her discretion, and then the bidding will be over.

[People may also start their own threads off the original comment with the biddee with subject lines like [Before the Bidding] or [After the Bidding] to interact with the person up for auction. Try not to do post-bidding threads until after the bidding is concluded -- for obvious reasons!]
[video l voice l potential action]
19 February 2010 at 04:28 pm
[Jack's just arrived here, but he's already heard a lot about something going on called Valentine's Day. He's not sure what it is and he's extremly curious. After playing with the buttons he manages to press one that turns on the voice and video like he had before.]

Hello? Can anyone here me?

[He clears his throat before talking again.]

I haven't been here for a day quite yet and already I've heard a lot of talk about something called Valentines Day. What is that? Is it some kind of holiday? Does it have a door?
[Action || Open]
18 February 2010 at 02:23 pm
[ Despite the normal longing for home Eddie would normally have on tour he wasn't that upset about being here, that should bother him but it didn't for some reason. He knew that was not normal but again he didn't claim to be normal. Walking along the musician was thinking about a lot of things. He kind of wanted to ask Sentience if he could get his acoustic from back home. Still he choose not to bother Sentience while everyone seemed in good spirits over the upcoming event.

Walking around on the forth sector the young rock star was still exploring for the most part since he found himself with very little to do. Looking around once he had walked past a few of the attractions on the sector but when he saw the butterflies before him he stopped a moment blinking before stepping forward on into the Butterfly Pavilion. He had not witnessed such a thing since a trip to the zoo when he was small. Butterflies and New York City just, no man.

It was a beautiful sight breath taking. Pushing his hair from his face the young man looked around at the pretty winged creatures.]
I think I just found my new writing place...

[he spoke the words aloud more to himself.]
Mood: calm
[voice | video | action | open]
18 February 2010 at 05:49 am
There’s the sound of someone playing around with the communicator, pressing buttons, completely unaware that he’s turning the video feed on and off, as well as the audio.]

What is this thing? What is this place?

[He’s reminded of when he first found Christmas town, only this confuses him even more. He didn’t go through a door, and this didn’t seem to be a place for holidays.]

Is there anyone else here? Can somebody please tell me what’s going on?

[Finally, he takes the time to stop playing with the device on his head and read the message it displays.]

This is amazing! It’s like a little world down here, underneath the ocean!

[He’s too fascinated with the fact that something like this actually exists to even realize he was in a jail, as a criminal.]
[VOLUNTEER IC; fear the tl;dr - voice/video]
17 February 2010 at 06:33 pm
[a rustle, a snap then-] HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!~ [the sparkles may not be your imagination and Minako beams into the camera]

Hey everyone!~ As all you cuties might very well know, and if you don't well now you do, today is the date auction! Sentience has given me and C.C. the authority to run this fantastical event and - of course - what's a fantastical event without some fantastical people to be there?

IN OTHER WORDS - [whips out a rather formidable LIST and waves it just long enough for you to glimpse at some of the names already written.] It's sign up time! Everyone who would like to be biddee please respond to this message, and your name will be added to the list.

Remember, for those who sign up there are some requirements. 1! You must come in costume or dress or something just very pretty. 2! Biddees are allowed to become bidders if they so choose to. 3! THE DATE MUST BE DONE.

[and here she gives a rather devious smile]
Those on the list that are...less than enthused will get a friendly nudge from our very own captain of the defense force, Gino Weinberg~ And of course, anyone who would like to...volunteer others are welcome to do so! The event will be announced by Sentience later today!

Hope to see everyone there!~

[Action/Open - slightly backdated to before the procedure]
11 February 2010 at 02:12 pm
[Valentine's day...

She should be ecstatic, but all she can do is restlessly pace the grounds and wonder about Ashton. Any minute now, that woman will be doing the procedure, and despite all her promises that it's safe - well, Reira can't help but worry, honestly. Not after everything she poured out to him last night, and the kisses they shared.

They should be out celebrating, she thinks sadly. Why do those dragons matter so much to him?

She stops at the beach, when Shin, who's been walked out at her side, starts to whimper and claw at her leg. She takes off her sweater-coat and lays it on the sand, then sits with Shin in her lap, who very quickly falls asleep. Her restless eyes wander the false horizon, looking for anything that might comfort her.]
[Video | Action | Open]
04 February 2010 at 04:24 pm
[ An image appears of that of a young man in his early twenties maybe. He had long strawberry blond hair and blue eyes, he also looked mildly confused as well. Looking into the communicator he seemed to be even more confused, it was like something was not right here.]

Hey can anyone hear me? [ His voice was a mostly calm one but still a bit of shock showed in that voice as he ran a hand though his hair.] "Look I need some help, I have no idea whats going on here but something is not right at all."

[ Eddie then looked over to the door wondering if it was locked, standing up he moved towards it.] ...This is so messed up.