25 October 2010 at 10:33 pm
Don't worry, everyone. I'm sure the brave men and women of our Defense Force will keep everyone protected in this uncertain time.

Make sure to bother them with all your insignificant frets.
[voice / open]
25 October 2010 at 09:10 pm
For those of you who aren't aware, don't understand, or are worried about what's happening right now -- we're experiencing another incident like the monster attacks. But this is the first time it's ever happened during the day.

Whoever is responsible has a twisted sense of humor [honestly, the day before Halloween?] and we shouldn't reward them by panicking.

I'd like to encourage everyone who can to please gather in the shelter. There don't seem to be monsters about right now, but I don't think that will last for long, and this time seems to be different than the other times, so take every precaution.

If you need help, please don't hesitate to ask for it -- I'm sure the defense force is standing by. But we should all get to safety as soon as possible.
24 October 2010 at 07:06 pm
[You know BB's out of habit when he's feeling tired at night. Talk about unusual. He's too used to having some form of adrenalin in his system keeping him awake.

But it's so much. Quieter. The monsters awhile ago were a wake-up, and more like home, but still. It's weird being up at night without something or someone trying to take over the joint.

The teen roams around the dome instead, in wolf form, trying to keep himself up. The dark green of the wolf pelt blends in a little, so he may startle someone, but at least pretty much no one can hide from his nose]
[ video ]
12 October 2010 at 01:33 am

[Hello Marina, have one extremely offended pint-sized dragon.]

Prison?! You gotta be kidding me! I ain't no criminal! I didn't even commit any of those crimes you got listed! Well I did kinda break the Great Stone Dragon but that ain't the point! And I ain't assaulted nobody. 'n fact, I oughta be gettin' a medal. Bitin' butts is unhygenic and nasty.

[Scowls.] Mulan better not be doin' anything stupid without me. That girl's gonna get herself sliced in half if she ain't careful.

And what's this thing on my head? A spoon?

((OOC: SO LATE. OTL We'll say that he was curled up in a ball with a massive headache yesterday, so this is his first day fully awake and out and about.))
The 84th Day
11 October 2010 at 11:10 pm
Good morning, inmates. It is the 84th day of the third generation.

There is an issue that I would hear all of your opinions on, one regarding some inmate reactions to the blackout that occurred the night before last. It is imperative that you all understand that such events will naturally happen, so long as inmates have the free reign that they do. The only fail-safe method to ensure that nothing goes wrong is to reduce or remove that freedom.

So then, inmates of Marina Asylum, should the trust and freedom given to you be limited in exchange for a more smoothly operated system and facility? Or are some of you content to endure through some inconveniences, and retain the leniency you have now?

Inmates Fai D. Flourite and Toothless, your requests can be found at the entrance to Sector 0. Inmate Kefka Palazzo, your request will delivered by a remote unit.
[Voice] Backdated to about middayish
08 October 2010 at 10:11 pm
[Now that everything from last night is over and BB's had some time to think, he knows that being idle here isn't going to do him any good. Sure, the arcade is a blast, but after hearing about that defence force, he knows he should at least ask. After all, if any of the others arrive here, they'll probably chew him out if he doesn't!]

Soooo, guys. I heard about that Defence Force thing last night.

Anybody around that a guy can ask about it? I mean, it sounds like what I'd be doing back home anyway, and you could obviously use an awesome guy like me around. [BB doesn't boast ever, what are you saying] With all those monsters, someone who can see in the dark would be good, right?
[ voice / action ]
02 October 2010 at 01:09 am
Does anyone need help?

Defense Force people, we should probably try and coordinate trying to help as many people as we can! I've got some extra flashlights.
24 September 2010 at 12:45 pm
[For everything going on today, what BB is doing almost isn't unusual.

The green-coloured teen is hanging in the park, trying out his various transformations. Little ones like the cat and dog seem fine, but big ones like the T-rex and his current elephant shape are tiring to hold for long. He's being stubborn and holding them for as long as he can though.

Feel free to come across the walking green zoo. If only he could actually change colour]
08 September 2010 at 10:26 am
...so much for going home.

This crime list is so bogus. I'm a good guy! Good guys don't go to prison! We're supposed to put the bad guys in prison! Aww maaaaan...

This is so not fair...

((Whiney BB is whiney. Also tags will be sporadic until I get home))