05 April 2011 at 12:53 am
[Alma is wandering around Sector 2 with an intent look on his face and a heavy black bag on his shoulder. He keeps looking, but he hasn't found it yet. Kaito said he couldn't miss it, so why hasn't he found it. He has less than ten minutes left!

Finally he decides the only thing he can do is ask for help. So he turns on his communicator looking very harried and rushed.]

Uh...does anyone know where the yellow-bricked road is in Sector 2? I can't find it and I don't have a lot of time!

{OOC: Kaito is an ass and Alma is gullible, yes.}
04 April 2011 at 08:30 pm
I think there's something in the fucking water in this place. My head is pounding like a cheap prostitute-- and before you fucking smart asses assume it's a hangover, it isn't.

[pause for a few seconds, then continues]

Mm. Here's a riddle. When you kick a shitty ass door and it still won't fall off the cock sucking hinges, where is the machete?
[Action | Closed]
25 April 2010 at 12:28 am
[After getting directions from Lelouch, Zelda makes her way to the apartment where Akito lives. She knocks softly on the door and then waits to be let in.]

(OOC: Backdated to earlier in the day)
Location: Wanijima residence / Sector 2
23 April 2010 at 01:39 am
[ there's a good moment of silence before he speaks, and his voice is a sleepy one indeed. it's somewhat muffled too, as if he were speaking into something, a pillow, a sleeve, whatever he would be resting his head on. ]

Kaito-nii's back. Beginnin' to miss him.

Sorry sir. Really--- tired.
[Voice | Action | Mixed-bag of open/closed]
22 April 2010 at 10:45 pm
[Voice | Closed - shortly after talking to Ryu, just before lunch.]

Mami? Are you free today? Ryu was hoping you'd keep him company! And it'd be a huge help for me if you could as well~ [♥]

[Action | Closed to Wanijima people]

[knocking!] Kaito! Agito! I'm here with lunch~

[Voice | Open - after the lunch hour.]

[barely controlled anger] If I ever get my--! [sounds of frustration and stomping and ... deep breath] Can someone with medical experience please get back to me right away? Especially anyone familiar with dragons!
20 April 2010 at 08:24 am
Fucking shit, who dished out the bulldozer hangover? I'm delicate like a motherfucking flower--one of those venus flytraps, maybe--and this is what I get. Good fucking job.

... Heh. Drinking on duty while piloting a helicopter, classy shit. Haaa. Aspirin's for little girls.
[Action | Open]
16 March 2010 at 05:46 pm
[The chatter on the network seemed more animated than usual, so Conrad was silently trying to keep tabs on what he could. Near as he could tell, it was something to do with Anissina and that meant the most prudent course of action was to stay on the fringes as much as possible.]

[He smiles to himself as he walks the aisles of the convenience store, picking up more cat food. Anissina causing chaos -- it was almost something that could happen back home.]
[Action, closed / Voice, open]
16 March 2010 at 11:43 am
[After locking himself in his room yesterday due to having become angry to the point of being able to actually lash out at someone, Akito proceeded to sing himself hoarse. As a result, his voice is slightly softer and scratchy-sounding, as one would expect. He's lying on his back sprawlled over the two pushed together beds, staring up at the star-covered ceiling. Mind is wandering]

Neh...now I remember why tuning for awhile hurts. I need a drink...

Oh...Yuuri? I'm sorry, about yesterday...I didn't want to get so mad, but...well, Agito told you. Sorry, neh.

Mmm...kind of want to do something today. [No clue what though]

((Action open to Kaito and/or Akira))
13 March 2010 at 11:13 am
[Private to Kaito]

Kaito, I think I've been neglecting you.~ We have plans for a little lesson, don't we?

{OOC:If you've seen my pattern, you know where this is going~}
Location: Butterfly Pavilion/nighttime
09 March 2010 at 11:59 am
Um........[Silent for a bit. Rin would like to get to talk to people more, but tries not to be bothersome or awkward, even if most people don't know fully about her.]

I would.........Like to get a pet. Something unique, but will get along fine with a cat. Any ideas? [A playmate for Miku wouldn't hurt]
[action, closed]
02 March 2010 at 07:55 pm
[Lurking against one of the kitchen cabinets in their apartment, waiting for brother dearest to get in there and start his daily ritual. Upset older brother was very upset.]

((ooc: uhm. violence? :x just sayin'.))
24 February 2010 at 09:54 pm
[The video appears, revealing what appears to be a young man - or woman (it's rather hard to tell, actually), with long back hair, adorned in jewels and an outfit clearly designed to emulate flames. Golden eyes peer into the screen with a mixture of confusion, amusement, and quiet sereness. As for where he is? It seems he's sitting down in what looks like some sort of park area beneath the shade of a tree.]

You’ll have to forgive me if this is an inappropriate means of communication, but I’m unsure how to work these devices. 

All the same, it seems I have arrived here at the disadvantage. My name is Ashura-ou. To be honest I have no idea where I am, nor even how I arrived here. While I am aware that it may be impossible to explain my arrival, I hope that the question of where I am is easier to answer. This... Sentience has informed me of the name of this place: Marina Asylum; though I am not entirely sure what an 'asylum' is or why it insists on addressing me as 'criminal'.

At any rate I have tried exploring this place on my own for the time being, but have found that without the aid of someone who has been here longer I am little more than confused. There are many technologies and magics here I have never seen before. I would appreciate it if I could receive answers as soon as possible. I do not wish to be an imposition, but there’s little I can do about that if I am ignorant of your ways.

[It should be noted that his voice is melodic, giving no indication of his sex either.]
[Voice | Action | Open unless otherwise noted]
23 February 2010 at 09:36 pm
[Jennifer's been wandering around half of Sector 1 and 2 all morning trying to remember where exactly she ran into Kaito that day at the park, but for the life of her she couldn't recall where it was! She blamed the daylight. Far too bright.]

[All she wanted to do was give him his gift! Silly, stubborn man…]

[Sigh, admitting defeat was never easy to do.]

[Voice - filtered from Wanijima family] Um, I hate to ask, but… Does anyone know where Akito and Kaito live?

Oh! And Josak, I have a favor to ask. Give me a ring sometime?
[Action | Semi-Closed]
20 February 2010 at 11:12 pm
[Having missed the auction, Conrad sets about searching the Shelter for Yuuri to see how things went. Hopefully he's not out on a date already!]

((OOC: Please ask before tagging. Recalibration in process!))
[action] Event: Valentine's Auction
19 February 2010 at 03:05 pm
[A podium and stage, decorated with pink and red, has been set up outside the shelter. Here's where the action happens...!]

[Everyone who wants to RP out their auction should make a comment here, describing what they're wearing and how they're feeling/acting in the comment. Don't say anything. You may optionally add context relative to the timing of the bidding, like mention that he's impatient for character X to go up, or is weirded out because character Y just bought someone else and she was supposed to buy him, or is anxious because she's the first one up there, etc.

[Then Minako responds with patter commentary, attempting to sell your character based on what she knows/has been told. She will put [Bidding] in the subject line. Respond to Minako's comments to bid. Just like in a real auction, the bid that is the highest or the fastest will be the one accepted!

[Please go up in increments of no more than 300 sentis at a time, and remember that 1500 sentis is a reasonable price for a date. Indicate in bold in brackets if you have OOC plans, like, "[He was confident he would win]" or "[She was starting to worry she didn't have enough cash]" or "[The thought of losing didn't even cross his mind]". It is common courtesy not to interfere with established plans; if you want to do something else, talk to the mun whose intentions interfere with yours.

[But try not to choreograph things too extensively. You have the right to decide what you want to happen to your character, but it's fun to let these things be spontaneous, and you don't have the right to tell other people their characters aren't allowed to do something IC just because it interferes with your extensively scripted plans.

[Minako will declare the winner of each auction, largely at her discretion, and then the bidding will be over.

[People may also start their own threads off the original comment with the biddee with subject lines like [Before the Bidding] or [After the Bidding] to interact with the person up for auction. Try not to do post-bidding threads until after the bidding is concluded -- for obvious reasons!]
[ 01 ] filtered away from the meisters
19 February 2010 at 07:54 am
[ The camera starts recording. Ribbons is sitting with his legs crossed on a bed in a room that is obviously one of the shelter's many quarters. He looks up from the ground to stare directly into the camera’s face. He smiles pleasantly.

The usual indicators that point out a filtered entry have been hidden. ]

Hello, denizens of Marina Asylum.

I am Ribbons Almark. I have just arrived here. From what I have read and heard when looking through this network, the situation as I gather is this: I have been brought here, against my will, to a prison maintained by robots and an AI computer called Sentience. The facility is deep underwater. Most people here are from different "worlds", and sometimes a single person will appear and reappear multiple times, each with no memories of ever being here. In addition to that, those I may recall as being dead could appear very well and alive. Any strange abilities my fellow inmates may have had have weakened to a more easily governed state.

And currently, there is no way for me to return to my home world. Not even if I mind my Ps and Qs.

Is all that correct? Or perhaps I've missed something.
[VOLUNTEER IC; fear the tl;dr - voice/video]
17 February 2010 at 06:33 pm
[a rustle, a snap then-] HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!~ [the sparkles may not be your imagination and Minako beams into the camera]

Hey everyone!~ As all you cuties might very well know, and if you don't well now you do, today is the date auction! Sentience has given me and C.C. the authority to run this fantastical event and - of course - what's a fantastical event without some fantastical people to be there?

IN OTHER WORDS - [whips out a rather formidable LIST and waves it just long enough for you to glimpse at some of the names already written.] It's sign up time! Everyone who would like to be biddee please respond to this message, and your name will be added to the list.

Remember, for those who sign up there are some requirements. 1! You must come in costume or dress or something just very pretty. 2! Biddees are allowed to become bidders if they so choose to. 3! THE DATE MUST BE DONE.

[and here she gives a rather devious smile]
Those on the list that are...less than enthused will get a friendly nudge from our very own captain of the defense force, Gino Weinberg~ And of course, anyone who would like to...volunteer others are welcome to do so! The event will be announced by Sentience later today!

Hope to see everyone there!~

14 February 2010 at 11:46 pm
[ooc. OKAY I KNOW I FAIL I'M SORRY fjasdklfasdjfklasdfjkl

and full out shouting into the mic. enjoy.]


Look, I know I'm awesome and you all want this great god and all but -- Shit!

[ sound of him kicking something and it cuts off ]
[voice] and sex ed post is GO.
09 February 2010 at 03:50 pm
[ there is quite a pause after Suzaku opens the channel; taking a breath, bracing himself, all of that. but it can't be avoided. yesterday's conversations made that very clear. and damn it all, it shouldn't be avoided. there's nothing bad about this. kids -- need to know. it's for their own good, it's healthy, it's necessary for their safety. but it still takes him a moment to work up the necessary... courage. ]

Good morning, everyone. [ because he is talking to all of you, and he doesn't want anyone to tune him out. ] It's -- come to my attention that there are... a lot of people here, too many people, who don't know something they need to.

Most of you are young, but there are probably some older people, too, who don't really know this. So I'm opening myself up to anyone -- anyone -- who has any questions...

[ one final inwards breath, and he says it, a bit more loudly than he means to: ]

About sex.
Voice | Action | Open
09 February 2010 at 12:35 pm
[She's sitting outside in a tree near her house in Sector four, brows knit as she flips through a book in concentration, searching for a particular page.]

Isn't it St. Xocolatl's Day? [A sigh] I've never even heard of half the holidays celebrated here. They always have really strange names. Val and Tine's? What's all of this about White Day, too...?