[voice => video]
03 January 2012 at 06:56 pm
[The post starts off as voice-only, and, unfortunately, the poster wasn't exactly prepared to talk immediately. He crunches lightly on something, and fiddles with some paper before realizing the transmission was ready for him. He clears his throat with only a little theatricality.]

Hello? Is this working? I think it is...jeez, I'm not used to talking like this. But anyway, just wanted to say if any of my friends are here, it's a-okay to come see me! The map says I'm in sectoooooor...three? Yeah, Sector 3!

[John then groans after a lame attempt at crossing his legs. There's a small period of crunching and munching before he speaks next, and sounds pretty annoyed. In addition, there's a quick rattling of chains when he picks them up to emphasize his next point.]

Man, this ball and chain isn't really helping. You know, criminal or not, this seems pretty rude! Juuuuust saying.

[The chain drops from his hand with a noisy clatter.]

But it's awfully nice of the welcoming committee to give us these baskets and stuff! It's kind of cold and I don't have a jacket, so this scarf is getting a good home around my neck and stuff!

[He presses the network button on his communicator, and ta-da! John's face! The source of the munching noise is now revealed to be John chowing down on the pretzels from his welcome basket. He blinks at it for a moment, pausing his chewing to remember what the pamphlet said about the button. During this moment of stillness, it's now more obvious that he's sitting on the floor, leaning against the glass wall of the sector.]

So everyone can see me now? Alright, that's...cool I guess. I would still prefer to think-type, but prisoners can't be choosers. Not that I am saying I belong here! Because I don't!

[John sighs and looks over into his basket, digging in it before coming up with a cookie in his hand. He makes a face at it, like he really doesn't want to be touching it, let alone eat it, but it's food and he's pretty starved. And...cookies weren't as bad as cake, but only barely, and god so help him if this cookie was born from the wicked batter witch.]

...these cookies don't have peanuts in them, do they? Or the chocolate? I'm kind of super allergic.
02 January 2012 at 10:29 pm
[The video feed flickers on to a tired troll, he is obviously wondering if this thing is working by the look on his face. It takes a moment before he lets out a grumble and then freak-out mode takes over completely. Eyebrows furrowed as he began his rant.]

Well, I was just getting used to the idea of getting clubbed to death in a doomed fucking time-line but I guess that would be too much fucking charity on the universe's part, wouldn't it be? Obviously so because NO, fucking no, instead I get to deal with this. Har, har, fucking har, Mcnubbyshitpants, you never get off the fucking metaphorical hook that easy. No, I have to fucking dance around like a rabid banana creature with some mental deficiency flinging my fecal matter in everyone's general direction to repay my debt of being a general failure of an existence. I thought a doomed time-line was supposed to entail you know, fuck, I don't fucking know, maybe BEING DOOMED? Or am I not lispy enough for that shit?

I doubt I can fucking deal with this ball and fucking chain for much longer before having some sort of fucking rage stroke from my bloodtubes all collectively and simultaneously bursting from the pure unadulterated rage pumping through them. It's my body realizing that I am a complete and utter failure and cannot even be doomed correctly, no, instead this utter hoofbeast shit has to happen so it's taking matters into it's own claws.

That is so fucking fitting. Of course Karkat Vantas, you cannot just fucking be doomed properly, that's not how things work, you have to FUCK THAT UP too. Defuckinglightful!

[There's a pause and a loud groan, followed swiftly by a frustrated noise that resembles what one could assume a cow giving birth sounds like. The sound alone gives new meaning to having a cow while at the same time giving claws down a chalkboard a run for its money. The ugly noise was matched with an ugly facial expression, overbite making it's debut while his eyes squinted into a glare.]

Tangoing past that crap with the gracefulness one might assume someone has when there are fucking ants in their pants... I demand someone fucking tells me what the fuck is going on this moment, not that I want to talk to any other asshole inhabiting this shit-hole I'm SURE.
First uHH... [Action][Video]
07 June 2011 at 12:12 am
[Way to go Tavros you finally managed to figure out how to work that communicator, how about you use it now and find out what's happening?]

I uhh, am a little confused, as to what's going on, but I think the confident thing to do, would b-be to ask? I am in this new place, are there, uhh, other people here? Convicts? Or uhh, p-people like me that are unsure as to what they did wrong? Because I do not really do bad things, so, I am not sure why I am here, but I guess I had to do something wrong t-to be here, so, uhh, that might be why I am here...I like all these cute animals though, they are nice...

[The rambling is probably a little hard to get through, but Tavros seems to shut up, waiting for some sort of response as he digs through the basket some more. Hey, maybe that feline close by would like a pretzel?]

[He tries to coax a cat over to him.]

[It's not really working... Probably a good thing to, Tavros is a little allergic to cats...]
06 June 2011 at 08:08 pm
[ Waking up with no recollection of having gone to sleep wasn't strange for Jade. It happened so often that it didn't faze her as much. No, the first thing that came to her mind was "Where am I?". And well, she read the pamphlet after noticing it. She was so not a criminal! Who do these people think they are? Jeeeeeeez...

After playing around with the communicator the little book had described, she decides to actually use it. With a simple button press, the communicator turns on and the image of a young green-eyed girl appears on the screen. ]

Hello? Is anyone there?

[ Oh gosh please let there not be actual murderers here. Please please please please. ]
05 June 2011 at 04:05 pm
You know, it might not have been tentacle monstrosities from the fucking netherside of shitmoutain, but like fuck I'm going to sleep again in this place either. [Karkat rubs his exhausted eyes. Even being asleep for as long as he had been hadn't taken the edge off of his tiredness.] You're going to have to fucking submerge me in sopor slime before I fall asleep again.

[He shoots the video a venomous glare.] And that, for any of you nosy-ass complaining assholes, isn't something I'm gonna let happen.

[The communicator clicks off at this point, switching to a private feed.]

Locked to PM )
[ Video | Open ]
03 June 2011 at 06:06 pm
[ Even though it's really late, the Shelter wasn't as quiet as it usually was. Subaru is in her pajamas, laying on her stomach over a stack of pillows on the couch in her room. The only light in the tiny block comes from several projected screens that float in the air, surrounding the bed. Only a handful show anything -- that "anything" being the telltale snow of dead air. ]

Has anyone ever tried calling home from here? I don't mean through Acumen. I mean with technology, telepathy, or whatever you've got?

[ She sighs, going quiet in the face of her own failed attempts. If she could only get so much as a reading from the outside world that would be enough for her, but for days, all she finds is static. ] Nothing...
[dream event | open]
28 May 2011 at 05:19 pm
cut for length and violence + mention of blood )
Dream Event | Open!
28 May 2011 at 07:43 pm
Cut for length! )
24 May 2011 at 12:13 pm
That lantern show last night...

[There's a long, considering pause here, as though he's looking for the words to describe the depth of his feelings...]

... You know, I had to watch a turdweasel run about a place where fireflies were trapped under a blanket of tumultuous cloud, winking their asses on and off like some kind of desperate, obscene insect bucket show. I had fucking flashbacks to there. That's what that reminded me of.

[Now there's the sound of his feet stamping along the ground.]

Speaking of bucket shows... Wow. Why the fuck does a computer care who pukes what into whatever receptables a fucking drone comes waddling up to their door with? It's not like it couldn't just incenerate the genetic fluid if it didn't want breeding.

Of course, maybe it's just been a stalwart bustfuck about it so that prisoners can spend more time bitching about bodily autonomy than actually... oh, I don't know, looking for a way out. Kind of a good trick, actually. Simple, but motherfucking effective nonethefuckingless.
[action/event I open!] TEA PURRTY
15 April 2011 at 06:16 pm
[It's the tea purrty! As listed on the invitations she sent out, when five o'clock rolls around, Nepeta has set up a bunch of blankets in Sector Four with tea things strewn all over them. Every teapot comes in a pastel color with a black cat pattern on it, and they contain such things as Purrl Grey, Rawrjeeling, Cameowmile, Tannya, Raspurry tea, Blooberry tea, and a blend she's labeled "secret blend! :33". There's also a pot with a red stripe painted around the lid that holds red-colored tea, beclaws Nepeta purrmised.

Courtesy of the bots and Kanaya, there are crumpets and tarts and sandwiches and pie and all sorts of other tasty treats scattered between the teapots and teacups.

Just about anyone Nepeta's talked to has been invited, but she won't compurrlain if they purring guests! And if you stumble by on accident? She'll force a cup of tea on you and insist you try a tart. :33]

[[OOC: Event-ish type post, feel free to tag around~. And even though she sent invites, it's open to anyone that would be in Sector 5 near sunset. And the "secret blend" is a ridiculously STRONG lemon tea. "OMFG how can you drink this without sugar" strong lemony flavor. Have fun with that. X33]]
15 April 2011 at 03:08 pm
A little introspection does the mind good )

Shopping for clothes is really boring. Sometimes I think it would be better if we didn't have to wear any.
Location: Clothing Store / Mid afternoon
[Action | OPEN]
15 April 2011 at 12:50 am
[Anyone close by to the beach will find one (1) Eridan there, taking a break from the construction of his shiphive by standing around outside the residence. It was taking him a lot longer to build it than he thought it would due to he had been doing this all on his own, but at least he was getting somewhere every day. Otherwise, living with Vriska at the apartment he's been at wasn't so bad. Even though she did get on his nerves just about every second they were anywhere near each other, but that wasn't anything new to him. After yesterday, however, he wasn't as alone with the construction like he had been. With him was his new pet, a shiny Horsea named Caligula Ciaphas Descartes-Bonparte de Spinespitter ... Or just Caligula, for short.

The little Pokemon he had picked up may be much more colorful but he was a lot like his old lusus when they had both been younger, building the shiphive together with the help of the drones left on the planet that were there for the young trolls. Just, without the drones -- Not that Acumen's robots hadn't helped a bit.

Either way, here Eridan was while he watches his new pet float about the beach area. Get too close and Caligula will most likely shoot water right at you. Note that water is the least of the worries, the ink he might shoot if threatened is even worse.]
[Video/Action - Open | Club | All day long, baby~]
30 March 2011 at 03:35 am
[First, you hear some music. The screen's black at first, but as the track builds up a tacky visual collage launches -- disco balls, champagne bottles popping, dancing silhouettes, followed by a text that burst into the screen with animated stars and confetti:

pardon the large text & sparkles~ )

The camera then turns 180º to Gabriel against the backdrop of the Education Center. With a spin of the chair he was sitting on, and with a snap to the music's beat, he (and the chair) are now in the Club's dance floor.

With a hop, a heel-spin and slide to the middle of the dance floor, he greets the network with much gusto --]

Good day to you, Marina!!

I'm your new neighbor -- got here a few days ago -- aaaand what do you say to having a little get together at the Club? There'll be music...

[Slides over the bar and plucks a ready martini from a bot--] Drinks! ...

[-- sashays on over back to the dance floor in front of the stage.] Singing and dancing!

So come one, come all! We'll be here all day, all night!

29 March 2011 at 02:46 pm
Hey, can someone help me out?

[The feed pans back to show Ryoji, standing in one spot. Nothing seems amiss at first but there is a bit of a very odd sigil peeking out from the floor beneath his feet, where Lightning Eater has anxiously nudged back the carpeting.]

I can't move from this spot, and I'm not really sure why.

((OOC: Ryoji's been trapped by a Devil's Trap set up by the Supernatural boys/TFW! He currently doesn't know it's there, but anyone else is welcome to see it and point it out to him. The only options are for a) someone to mess with the seal or b) him to be ... sent back to hell. Obviously, I prefer the first one.))
28 March 2011 at 11:46 pm
So who was the genius that took the bag marked Do Not Touch outta the kitchen freezer? I know one of you took it 'cause you left the damn bag on the counter! ...Those were mine, damnit! [ Those Topsicles were going to be his breakfast! ]

When I get my hands on you, you're gonna be sorry.
28 March 2011 at 09:41 pm

That was stupid. And it's all your fault, Terezi. But I'll still give you tea.

[Yeah, it might be easier to just wait for the bluhs to pass and purretend last night didn't happen, but she doesn't regret asking for a catdaddy. And she wants to talk. So.]

I got my teapots! Now I can have a purroper tea purrty. With red tea and Tannya and snacks~.
accidental video feed
26 March 2011 at 04:50 pm
[The camera feed turns on and the view is shaky, turning every which way and accompanied by the sounds of two girls. At some point the feed shows a bowl of green slime that looks far from edible.

And yet there is a gray-skinned hand reaching into it.

A few slurred words follow after the slime-covered hand disappears along with a chorus of wispy laughter.]

"So I told him... hahahaha ... I told him he had to just go. Just go! trust me and just... heheheehe Gooooooo"

"Holy fuuuuuuuuck... that is so... soooooooo funny... I just-... I just woooooooow..." [The camera view turns on them and lo and behold are Terezi and Vriska, faces colored teal and blue and smiling. Vriska is leaning against Terezi and drawing little shapes on the floor with the slime. Then she momentarily stops.]

"... You hear something?"

[ooc; TZ is teal and Vriska is blue Taking place at sundown in the shelter common area. Teresi and Vriska decided to play truth or dare. This post takes place a little after they get into their 'game', one of the dares being 'eat sopor slime' (which canonically is not supposed to be eaten and can cause brain frying, to put it simply). Yup. Also, action is available but we can't guarantee we'll tag every reaction comment.]
25 March 2011 at 08:11 pm
[Locked to PM]


I need to talk to you about something.
[ Video ]
25 March 2011 at 08:52 am
[Well guys, here you have it. There is a cute fluffy bunny on the screen. Looks like it's been fed some clovers and a carrot. The chuckle that follows should be evidence enough of who this rabbit could belong to.]

I've been thinking about names for my new friend here and now it's definitely decided.

Without further adieu I would like to present to you all - -

Liv Tyler!


Hey, Vriska? How's your cat?
[action/voice] [open]
23 March 2011 at 03:42 pm
When does the sewing club meet? I know we have one, but I haven't managed to go yet!

[Xion's in Sector 4, playing fetch with Mars. She is a whole year old now, so she's pretty excited! Not even rolling blackouts can bother her.]