[action | open/ be my friennnnd? ]
09 October 2010 at 04:04 am
[LORD] Tyki Mikk
[ Little late in the evening, but he did want to stop by and check out the new pond. The Koi are safe for now, he's not particularly hungry or looking to dampen the bandages on his arm digging around. So instead he sits at the edge, observing the pretty fishes. And maybe picking out his lunch for tomorrow. ]
[Action | Open] Haro Picnic~! Backdated to afternoon
09 October 2010 at 10:48 am
Lacus Clyne
Caution Haro

[Haros, haros everywhere! Lacus has set up a wide area in the park, plaid picnic blankets dotting the grass and a line of tables at the West end, set with every picnic food you could imagine plus several autumn-themed special additions: breaded squash, roast turkey with cranberry sauce, pumpkin and apple pies.]

[If you happen by, you might find yourself chatted up by a flapping, bouncing colored haro or even one that's walking around, looking for anyone who's up for a game of tag.]

((OOC: SO SORRY I'm late, I blame work. Event style, you know the drill. Anyone is invited to drop by, but especially haro owners! &hearts ))
[ action / class / early evening ]
09 October 2010 at 10:59 am
Lelouch vi Britannia
[Philosophy class today! It's the first class, so Lelouch is handing out a syllabus, the reading (a short essay by Descartes for class, and an essay by Locke to take home), and a study sheet that should help the students focus on the subject matter they're going to be talking about for a while.

[Your introduction to this introduction to philosophy will be epistemology: the study of knowledge itself. What is knowledge? How does knowledge relate to truth, or belief?

[The Descartes essay that everyone will be reading during class together talks about how knowledge is flawed. Since we perceive the world through our senses, and our senses are not infallible -- they can be tricked or misled -- the things you know can't be trusted. The only thing you can know, for certain, is that you exist. In some form.

[So good luck with all that.]

((ooc: No categories; just indicate "After", "Before", "During", in your subject header. This is going to be eventy, so students are encouraged to interact with each other, but Lelouch will also be tagging around. Class is from 4-5:30.))
[Action/Video | Open - Backdated to early afternoon]
09 October 2010 at 05:04 pm
Miko "Jennifer" Shibuya

Hello! I just wanted to remind everyone that there's a cooking class today and we'll be making pumpkin pie in honor of the cooling weather.

I'm also taking volunteers to help coteach the class! Our lovely Jalyt had to return home a few days ago--I really hope she's doing okay. She always had so much enthusiasm and love !--so I'm a little overwhelmed. But no fear! I'm certain I'll be able to handle everything just fine with a slight change in the schedule pending approval. I was thinking class every 3rd, 6th and 9th day of the ten day at 9 am unless that conflicts with someone's schedule.

((ooc: Event style. Feel free to ask other students for help with the baking and Jennifer will pop in and out as needed ♥ To reply to the video, just mark it in a subject heading. The first two threads are dedicated to during and after class.))
09 October 2010 at 06:44 pm
Josak Gurriere
Good evening, everyone.~ [Josak's voice sounds as upbeat and laid back as usual.] The day is nearing for the grand opening of the Fashion Boutique.

But a boutique can't open without clothes. And clothes cannot be advertised without models.

So who's up for volunteering?

{OOC: Here's the IC sign up post and please check out the OOC sign-up post now on Joak's journal.}
[voice | action | open]
09 October 2010 at 10:29 pm
Kitty Pryde (Shadowcat)
[It's a little late. Though not as late as the time of this post might indicate. And Kitty is feeling restless.]

Anyone feel like a spar?

[Encrypted to Allen]
You know there is another noah here, right?

[She missed his network comments what with seeing him in person, but she assumes he knows one way or another. She's really more curious about getting information.]