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Posts Tagged: 'thomas+miller'

May. 1st, 2014




In case the box office communications missed you, anyone who had tickets for Romulus and Juliana on opening weekend can exchange their seats for the evenings of Taurus 22 or 29 or the afternoon of Gemini 4. On behalf of the cast and crew, I'd like to extend a personal thanks for your patience. We look forward to performing for you soon, and will take the extra week to finish reconstruction of the venue and ensure that we present the best show possible. I hope we can take you away from your worries for a little while.


Tell me popping open another bottle of wine is a bad idea.

Apr. 25th, 2014



[locked to all guilds.]

We have all endured a great deal of difficulties, and worked very hard over the past week for that I thank each and every one of you.

At this time, I would like to take a moment to offer a bit of respite for those who may be in need of such, or the mind to partake in form of a simple game. It will not be much, for that I fully admit, and certainly we should work to give you all better reward but for now, I believe simple may be best.

The name of the game is: Would you rather?

The rules are simple, pose two questions to a person of your choice who chimes in upon this post. They then will respond with third preened out of the two options presented, in some way or another of their choice of course.

As an example, I will pose to the first person to respond: Would you rather sail upon the seas on a ship, or fly upon the skies in an airship?

Apr. 26th, 2014



I know lots of people have lost their homes and their shops and their livelihoods but there is something much more sinister about the orphanage being smashed to dust. Loads of these kids haven't ever had homes and only have known the orphanage, and now that's gone. I plan on donating personal funds and manpower to the cause of rebuilding the orphanage. In the meantime my mum has opened her inn's vacant rooms for orphans, either ones who were so before the [...] events or ones made orphans by it. If you see any children, or mothers with babes that need a place, just ask around for Magrat Miller.

And obviously there's ale there, too, if you need a different kind of balm for your hurts.



[ public ]

Whoever says clinic food isn't delicious simply isn't aware it's an acquired taste. Sometimes, the chicken tastes like chicken, when it doesn't taste like pigeon.

Apr. 23rd, 2014



Went to the orphanage to see if I could do anything but apparently the fucking orphanage was reduced to rubble too.

I need a place to stay.
Why did you keep it a secret? The Dark.

Mar. 13th, 2014



[ public, too excited to filter. ]

I got in!!! I'M A RANGER

edit shortly after.
If anyone wants to come drink with me tomorrow, the Duckling at 7?



I hear congratulations are in order, my dear. I feel like such a proud papa.

We must plan a bachelors' event for him. It'll be like the good old days. Which may or may not be any different from yesterday.

Mar. 11th, 2014



miles summons the merry men.

[Before the invitations arrive.]

Mayday. Your services are required. Lord Norwood is in need of a respectable, recognisable best man -- Lord Finch, would you be available? -- and some genteel best men. Some cousins from abroad or similar nonsense. Rhys, Thomas, get your disguises ready, it'll be a hoot.

Oh, and he's getting married. So there's that.

[COLIN, EVANDER, MATHIEU, RHYS, TOM] handwave that he mentioned this before, just so it's less ~out of the blue~
A followup to my aforementioned proposition. The preparations are now complete: the town of Wildebarrow, Aries 1st and 2nd, we'll ride up and perform the New Years' Day concert and then get the hell out of the podunk mountain town once our hands are full. Are we all in, gentlemen?

Additionally, if anyone knows a discreet carriage rental...? I grew spoiled with having an airship at my beck and call. Alas, those days are no more!

So I hear we're to put you through your paces, Min.

Rehearsal, rehearsal, rehearsal. I suppose this is the life now.




You've got mail! )

Feb. 14th, 2014




To my very thoughtful admirer - or should I perhaps call you my number one fan instead? - my thanks for a very thoughtful gift.

And as for the rest of you, does anyone know of any parties that require crashing by a bored bard who was allowed to leave rehearsal two blessed hours earlier than anticipated?

Jan. 19th, 2014





I'm taking any and all recommendations for the best plumbers, contractors, and window installation in Emillion. References, please.

How big is the place where you're st
Do you have an extra roo

I hate women.

So I have a bit of a tale for you, involving all the disasters that beset me upon leaving your apartment.

I don't care if you're still hungover from New Year's Eve -- we're going drinking this week, and you have no choice in the matter.

Jan. 16th, 2014




It's cold and gloomy and right on schedule, I've got wanderlust. I'm unlikely to get to the beach anytime soon, so instead: tell me about the most interesting place you've ever visited. Bonus if it's out of the way and I've never been there.


Though actually, I will be gone this weekend, if not for play. Don't have too much fun without me, and if someone wants my key, do let me know.

It also occurs to me that there is no point in going to bed at all as I'm meant to be at the Aerodrome at five, so I think I might just go dancing after dinner and stay out all night like the insatiable reveler I am. Any takers?

[Mage acquaintances] (apply liberally)

Does anyone want to give me some lessons in dramatic hand waving? Just to clarify - I don't actually want to learn any spells, just the gestures.


Did you find your soap - and your way back home?


So, a little bird - ha! - tells me you've got a big new friend?