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Posts Tagged: 'rin+yukimura'

Nov. 26th, 2013




Is everyone healthy? Please [....] please tell me you're healthy.


You have to make certain Aspel stays in bed. Please, I know she doesn't want me staying, but I don't think she is going to listen to the mage. She is not doing well


Aspel is [......................] very sick. If she tries to go to work, kick her out.




rly sick
pls tell fam to stay away
esp tlisa she'd want to stay
dont want to worry them

so many sick people

afraid i caght smthing rly bad
dont want to d

[ DRAKE. ]
thks for
good to postpone exam

thks for everything
always been a good frend

[ RIC. ]
pls do me a fav
keep an eye on leonel
he was sck too but got better
but mybe not

i dont know what will happen
if smthing does
wanted you to know i respect you so mch
you are my inspirtion to be a better archer and fighter
always looked up to you
and wantd to make you proud

thank you




[ later today, after getting checked up ]

i'm really sick this time

in case i don't make it i just want to let all of you know how much i really do love you all

Nov. 22nd, 2013



[High Stakes Group]

Next game's scheduled at 11pm, Tuesday, Sagittarius 4th, Docks warehouse 707.


[...............] How long before you can take another commission?

Is your sister


Though I'd have time to take you out this weekend, gorgeous, but I'm feeling like shit things're a little hectic. Next week?





[ FRIENDS, after drake's post. ]

My exam was postponed, but I don't know if I feel good about it.

[ PYR. ]
Hey, how are you feeling?

[ ZACH. ]
Happy birthday, you. How has your birthday been so far?

Don't know how long I can stay, since I had a fever this morning.

Nov. 17th, 2013



backdated to earlier this week. handwave handwave.

One month on, one month off, and now we're back in the game. I've our next target: the Valendian Museum of Natural History. Having bribed a few caterers, I know that they'll be closing early on Sagittarius 3rd due to a private engagement wrapping up. So we'll strike then, Faram and schedules permitting. Be sure to clear yours, if you're in. I'll need all of you to go after the Coeurl.

I'll be scoping it out some more this week if anyone wishes to join (I hear they've a rather lovely exhibit on butterflies!). On the night, bring what you can to safely disable guards, alarms, and traps alike. Blueprints will be couriered over: your homework, ladies and gentlewomen.

Your bed is uncomfortable and your apartment needs better decoration than empty bottles of alcohol.

[...] Don't worry. I'll invite them to the Faram's Mass show myself.


holiday music!
opinions? too early?

[Mages Council + Bards Council.]

hail kindly fellows!
after digging around the archives— & please do thank the archivist,
we have (what they tell me),
are the late great p. fitzwilliam's personal manuscripts:
songs of the sages
a red mage's journey through valendia
assorted things and sundry.

friendly exchange betwixt us m'hap?


papers for you to sign!
volunteers for me, good sir?


meeting soon,
and by that i mean you + me + sackheim,
wine and paperwork.

Nov. 13th, 2013



backdated to yesterday.


How do I [...] My thoughts are with you, Kiernan. I'm sorry I couldn't come, but my brothers and I are thinking of you.

[ LAN, RIN & ARI. ]
I really did mean to say thanks for Friday, but I got distracted. I had a good time, even if I snorted water up my nose a couple times. I feel bad that I could relax while Kiernan's

[ LAN. ]
How's the kitty cat?

[ AMOS. ]
Father, might I be able to take you up on that monastery trip sometime?

[ FOXE. ]
Would it be alright if I sent my brothers to you for Dragon Rider inquiries? I [...] don't want them to bother Kiernan when he's back, or Lavitz, who probably went with him.

[ PEONY. ]
Can I [.....] ask a favor?

Twenty-three years in this house, and I still can't avoid catching colds from sick family members. There must be some magical trick that doesn't involve not touching anything or avoiding brothers like they're dying from a plague.

And as of this morning, my mother has officially put up the Faram's Mass decorations weeks too early. You will see my house from a mile away, now.

Nov. 4th, 2013




So typing one-handed is awful.

I'm sure I'll break - ha - this promise to myself eventually, but no more walking home in a state of inebriation. This is the dumbest injury of my life thus far. If I forget, remind me.

Today's only redeeming quality is the fact that I have a rather nice job for Faram's Mass. I saw a few familiar names on the cast list for the gala, actually.


This pain medication is horrible and I can't concentrate to read anything like an actual book. Please amuse me, I am begging you.


You were right. I should have just stayed the night.


Needless to say, now that we are finally working together on a stage again, I will be missing the first few days of rehearsal. I'm still coming to Godot later this week though, assuming I'm not this woozy after a couple days.

Nov. 2nd, 2013



[ public ]


Poll: Your favorite holiday or celebration of the year, go.

That or, how was everyone's Eve of the Holy Saints?

Because Scorpio's over in a few weeks, and this keeps coming up but I haven't done anything about it because I don't know the first thing about organizing such an event -- spa day? I'd need someone else to organize it, so I leave it to you, Rin and/or Ari.

[ MERRI & DIVINA, seperately. ]
I know you said I owe you nothing for everything you've done, but [...] would you be willing to let me treat you to coffee or a drink or food?

I leave myself in your capable hands, sir. How's Lille, by the way?

My survival portion for the Rangers exam is in Sagittarius, as you know, so I was wondering if any of you had any advice or tips for not dying getting through it? Maybe things you did that helped you pass the exam? Zacheus is mentoring me, for the record. Thanks in advance.

[ LIONEL, DRAKE & RIC, seperately. ]
Hey, you. We should catch up sometime, when you're not busy.

Oct. 23rd, 2013




Plans for Eve of the Holy Saints? The list of available entertainments seems endless, so I’m looking for recommendations~ ♥


I think we are cursed

[…] I trust you found breakfast this morning? I hope you got enough rest. I was going to see if


I’ve a rather […………] sizable favor to ask. Are you very busy this weekend?


Save the night of Scorpio 10th for me, darling~ ♥


I ate a salad for lunch and thought of you, so I hope you’re happy. And then I thought, it must be months since we’ve been dancing. We should rectify that immediately, don’t you think?


It seems I have returned to this city just in time to see grown men and women stumble up and down the streets massaging their temples. I can only assume Bierfest was rather popular this year as well.

[ MG ]

I hope you have all been well. I am unsure whether you have been informed already, but I shall be resuming my duties as Councilor, effective as of my return to Emillion. As before, should you have concerns about any Guild-related issues, do not hesitate to bring them up to me or Councilor Min and Councilor Priddy. I keep an open-door policy.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. I look forward to meeting those of you I still don't have the pleasure of knowing, and seeing the rest of you again.

[ Peony & Merrion ]

I am glad to hear you're still holding the fort around here. If you have some free time this week, I would welcome a meeting with both of you so you may bring me up to speed on what I've missed. I've seen reports, but some of this seems [....] quite hard to believe, I must say.

[ Councils ]

I will be resuming my duties as Councilor of the Mages' Guild. I look forward to working with you all again, as we work to make this city a better place to live in.

[ Bram ]

If you've some time later this week, perhaps we could meet for a meal. I've no qualms with eating in your office, if you find yourself swamped with work—as I suspect I'm about to be.

[ Vera ]

How are you My friend, I look forward to seeing you again, now that I've returned. Sooner rather than later, I would hope; it has been two years.

Oct. 18th, 2013



[ FRIENDS, right after drake's post. ]

So IdiditIdidit

I passed the exams?????. Waiting on the survival exam to be scheduled.

Oct. 9th, 2013



[ public ]


Is there such thing as a kitten being too young for love?

Regarding the exams, I think I did pretty well? I won't know anything until I hear back from the council.

Thanks so much again for last week.

So Rin mentioned a spa day, and the idea's becoming more and more appealing, but I want to wait for my exam results. But if they're good results, we should definitely do something.




Public service announcement: the jardin des étoiles in the nobles' district really does not encourage outside visitors.
Does anybody know the best way to get blood out of leather?

Oct. 6th, 2013



[Public] ~early afternoon

So, network, share your hangover remedies. I'd say my interest is rhetorical, but I'd be lying.


If I called upon your basic hume decency and asked you to bring me food and a painkilling potion, would you?


I vaguely recall you leaving -- did I imagine it, or did you say you were going to mass? Weren't you too

And on an entirely unrelated topic, just how busy will your first week back at work be? Think you can squeeze in a lunch break~? I'm sure once this headache passes, I'll want nothing more than to make up for falling asleep on you again.

[Aud, Bella, Rin]

You would not believe who I convinced to do body shots last night~ ♥

Oct. 2nd, 2013



005: PUBLIC.

as my thirtieth birthday rapidly approaches, i am becoming increasingly worried that my mother is going to resort to drastic measures to marry me off. remember me fondly when i'm shipped off to kerwon to marry a sixty-eight year old woman named beryldine.

as for that favor, i'm
i'd like to collect on that

hello, gorgeous. i need your help with something.

Oct. 1st, 2013



Favorite dish of the season?

Sep. 30th, 2013



[public, as MiBa.]

And with fall now officially upon us as of the harvest festival, I feel compelled to share the news that I'll be in a short run of En attendant Godot, starting Saturday Scorpio 3. Absurdism in autumn: our favourite!

Successfully offloaded the last of the wares through our guild fences – I won't bore you with the details – but long story short, we've now got the full take from the airship job. Stop by my place in the commoners district and you'll receive your share. I hardly trust the Emillion postal service to carry vast amounts of gil.

Are any of your Disciples female?

I'm assuming you've heard no murmuring through the Judges about an airship robbery in the Outlands some three weeks back?

So how many of my crew have you slept with? I ask for the sake of statistics, of course!

Sep. 26th, 2013



If only we were all fortunate enough to have family rise from the dead.