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Posts Tagged: 'conan+helmm-deirgard'

Mar. 23rd, 2014


[ public ]

I've never celebrated the end of Pisces before but since everyone's making resolutions I guess my goal for this year is to, uh, find the ultimate napping spot? Suggestions welcome.

[ Sky ]
So since we got some otoshidama money I was trying to find out if anyone in the Bazaar sells baby dragons but I haven't found any sellers yet. I'm still looking, though. Maybe Arwel knows something?

[ Juliette ]
How are you doing? [.....] And uh should Sky and I bring anything to your sister's party? And has your sister told you anything about

[ Conan ]
Your birthday party was awesome! The cake was really good, your mom's great at baking!

Mar. 16th, 2014



the snowman my siblings and i made in the backyard is looking REALLY GLOOMY because hes melting now


[FILTER TO: Ridley, Juliette, Pyr, Sky, Ryul, Seloria, Gillian, Lex, Bram, Zach.]
hey!! its my birthday wednesday and we're having a smallish party at home. and theres gonna be cake and food and it will be fun. the party is at 6pm.

YOU SHOULD COME! i promised my mom no funny business though. also curfew is 11pm. sorry. its a school night or whatever ma said.

Mar. 14th, 2014



[ FRIENDS, pretend this was posted last night. ]

I am thinking of spending my lunch break in the Bazaar for the festival. Does anyone want to join me before I return to work?

If I were to spend lunch at the festival tomorrow, would you like me to bring you back something?

I've never been to a wedding. What is it like? Please tell your sister congratulations for me.

Mar. 13th, 2014



[ public, too excited to filter. ]

I got in!!! I'M A RANGER

edit shortly after.
If anyone wants to come drink with me tomorrow, the Duckling at 7?



[ FG & EKP ]

Heard from Banes' sister today. Memorial service Sunday, 1900. Mass at the Cathedral.

Mar. 12th, 2014



found a dog stealing meat in the bazaar. is that a punishable offense, ekp

where the fuck are my rats

Mar. 11th, 2014



Spring in the fucking air already?


Congratulations to your sister.


Seen that invitation, aye?




You've got mail! )

Mar. 10th, 2014





With everything that's been going on, I forgot to ask you: the puppies are at an age to give away; what were your thoughts of giving them up for adoption? I'd [....] always assumed it to be the case. They can't stay too much longer at the estate, but they are Boris's as much as they are Zelda's.

[.....] Hey.

A note: if you take your white dog out for a walk in the melting snow, she'll come back brown.

Feb. 27th, 2014



[A few hours after the Earthquake]

You know, I always wanted a hole in my back yard. You can't deny it adds a little something to the view.

Feb. 28th, 2014


Earth here tastes dry. Kerwon was damp, easier to slide inside your mouth. Don't swallow this earth, easier to have a spoonful of cinnamon.

Don't fall in because you won't get out.

Feb. 26th, 2014



[Ari, Rictor, Seloria, Vivi, Siri, Jareth, Li, Lex & Drake – Separately]
Are you well?

[………………………] A supposed earthquake seems quite queer, no? [………………………] Did you feel it?

If possible, please do let me know how you fare at this time.

Feb. 25th, 2014



i need to learn 2 things. how to get my mom to be un-mad at me and how to fix a table. im trying to stick it back together but thats not working. hahahaha oops. but its not my fault this time. i swear.

calling all of emillion for help. thanks in advance.

Feb. 24th, 2014



Considering we successfully kept our city from a Fire elemental invasion, we should all go out and get drunk. First round is on me, for those cheap bastards out there (Hey, Ryul).


Hey Flower-bard-dude Mathieu, you okay bro? No one set you on fire, right?

Feb. 15th, 2014



[public, posted friday afternoon.]

i've left some bowls of mint pastilles & chocolate (beware, the allergic; they contain hazelnuts) in the ground floor of the mages tower, for any interested parties in need of some sweets on this already sweet-endowed day. for any fighters & bards: apologies, you've evidently chosen the wrong guild.

and i realise, too late, that it's been quite a while since i even used this communicator properly. wilham wolfe here -- i've relatively recently returned to emillion, for those who know me. knew m  i believe i've done most of the rounds but i'm sure there's more of you i haven't run into yet.

[mage task force]
congratulations, all! it was a pleasure working alongside you, and i look forward to more in future.

are there any particular strengths or weaknesses you have within geomancy itself?

your mother's business must be making an absolute killing this week.

i'm free for that talk anytime. ideally, with caffeine.

happy birthday, araceli. dinner tonight with the disciples, as last year? our amenities are a bit better this time around, granted.

Feb. 12th, 2014




So having parted with a fair amount of gold in the form of government-backed Emillion currency, I am pleased to report that my new harp is the shit.

I know it may be a faux pas to brag about impulse buys, but whatever. It's awesome. I'm going to write a new song to celebrate. Haven't decided if it's going to be about the love of a fair lass on the streets of Rabanastre or funny things that rhyme with chocobo poo, but we'll see what happens.

Feb. 3rd, 2014



Well then, now that we're moving toward the holiday of candy hearts and pink banners around the shops, it must be asked. Are there any interesting parties coming along soon as well, do you suppose?


Strangely enough, I've taken to cleaning out the rubbish in my apartment! Any suggestions on how to be rid of all this extra [...] clutter?

[Elvira - UNSENT.]

Is this When you asked

Jan. 28th, 2014




Would anyone care to indulge a tired old spinster in a game, perhaps?

Perhaps, we could
I fear

How do you fare?

Would it be possible to obtain a backroom to drink in peace for a bit?

My apologies, but I fear I may be indisposed of for a few days.

Did you know of Seloria's involvement with Redwald?

I am uncertain I approve of Redwald. Certainly, there is something that can be

I saw a copy of the book of stories that I used to read you while we grew but a few weeks before. It was in a store window while walking with my friend Magno

I had considered baking cookies in the near future. Would you care to assist? I fear without a proper second the dough may be made off with before I am even capable of finishing by some over eager squire.

When would best suit for the next breakfast for us all to meet?

[FG Council.]
Would either of you care to attend a breakfast with the squires?

Your punishment shall conclude this week.

Divina's rest?

Jan. 27th, 2014




Is anyone else looking forward to the tournament at the end of the week!

Who's signed up for it?

Jan. 26th, 2014




I suppose attempting to test my skills against the bomb was not among the smartest decisions I've made of late, but I am pleased to note we all survived.